Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse & Neglect (BECAN) Project Overview & Progress George Nikolaidis1 1 Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare, Institute of Child Health, Greece Project’s Identity Contract Number: HEALTH-F2-2009-223478 Type of Project: Collaborative Call: FP7-HEALTH-2007-B Co-funding: Research Directorate General EC & 9 Balkan Participating Organizations Duration: 36 months October 2009 - September 2012 Participating countries Albania Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Greece Romania Serbia Turkey BECAN Consortium BECAN Project: Structure & Activities WP1 Build National Networks of experts & child welfare services in the 9 participating countries WP2 Prepare the instruments to be used for data collection (translation & cultural validation) & Train the research groups to adequately & uniformly collect (WP3), extract (WP4) & code data WP3 Conduct an epidemiological study aiming at mapping CAN in a representative sample of 11 to 16-year-old children’s general population in Greece, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, FYROM, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Turkey & examining the association between CAN & socio-demographic characteristics of the sample WP4 Identify equivalent numbers of already reported and/or detected cases of CAN in 9 Balkan countries & examine types of CAN and socio-demographic characteristics of families WP5 Disseminate the project’s aims and deliverables with emphasis on results of the studies WP6 Provide the scientific & strategic basis for annual evaluation of CAN issues in the 9 Balkan countries as well as an open forum for continuing discussion on CAN issues WP7 Monitor the process & evaluate achievement of the project’s objectives, impact and outcome WP8 Monitor & evaluate ethical issues related to research at both, National and Balkan level Main aim of the BECAN Project Mapping of CAN incidence and prevalence for children 11-16 years old in 9 Balkan countries Valid & representative data creation of a robust basis for Evaluation of CAN preventive policies and interventions Harmonization of CAN screening and surveillance processes in the Balkan area Development of evidence-based recommendations for improvement of national policies concerning CAN administration More effective CAN prevention WP1 Networking Activities Aim: build national networks of experts and child welfare services in all of the participating countries Process: definition of eligibility criteria, identification of potential members, invitation of members, building National Networks for CAN prevention Current National Networks Activation of national networks Organizing network meetings Planning common activities towards CAN-intervention & prevention Disseminating information WP1 Set up of National e-Fora Aim: the best functioning of the national networks and project Process: setting up 9 national fora (+1 BECAN Managerial forum); drafting and disseminating a users’ guide including “Instructions for members of the CAN Network forum” Current status: National Forums Members Views (5/2011) Albania 26 >300 Bosnia & Herzegovina 07 >650 Bulgaria 12 >150 Croatia 58 >400 FYROM 22 >210 Greece 94 >2000 Romania 11 >170 Serbia 53 >670 Turkey 244 >1310 Capacity Building Activities WP2 a. Development of research tools Research tools related to WP3 (Epidemiological Survey) Obtaining permission from ISPCAN to translate, culturally adapt, modify & use the ICAST tools Translation, adaptation and cultural validation into 10 Balkan languages of ICAST-CH tool ICAST-P tool Epidemiological field survey protocol Informed consent and parent info sheet Child assent form Research tools related to WP4 (Case-based Surveillance) Development of the CBSS extraction methodology & tools CBSS protocol Operations' booklet Extraction form part I (Agency related information) Extraction form part II (CAN cases-related information) SPSS files & codification notes Translation and adaptation into 9 Balkan languages WP2 Cultural validation of ICAST tools Focus Groups Number of participants in the FG/country/children’s age cluster Total number of participants in the Focus Groups conducted with children & parents per country Children Country 11 years old 13 years old 16 years old Albania 13 12 13 11 Serbia 21 14 13 5 FYROM 16 17 16 B&H 7 26 7 7 Greece 8 7 2 3 Turkey 8 7 9 11 Romania - 36 18 9 11 Croatia 19 17 19 9 16 Bulgaria 14 11 14 6 18 106 147 111 28 93 Sub Total Total 392 Drop-outs 4 Parents 11 93 Capacity Building Activities b. Training Training related to WP3 (Epidemiological Survey) Train the trainers on ICAST delivery field survey to research methodologyto be able to train their national research groups Train the research groups Country No of Trained Field Researchers WP2 Training related to WP4 (Case-based Surveillance) Train the trainers on case-based surveillance to research methodology to be able to train their national research groups Train the research groups Country No of Trained Field Researchers Albania 9 Albania 4 Bulgaria 34 Bulgaria 10 Croatia 72 Croatia 32 Romania 21 Romania 27 Turkey(*) N/A Turkey(*) N/A FYROM 13 FYROM 7 Serbia 33 Serbia 18 B&H 21 B&H 7 Greece 17 Greece 7 Total 218 Total 112 BECAN Research Activities Epidemiological Survey WP3 WP4 Case-based surveillance study Target group: Children 11-16 years old School status: – Children attending school – Children who have dropped out Target group: Children 11-16 years old School status: – Children attending school – Children who have dropped out Methods: Distribution of the ICAST-CH and ICAST-P questionnaires to a sample of ~40,000 children and their parents to explore and measure CAN cases for a 12-month time period (previous year) Methods: Extraction of CAN data from available archives/databases derived from agencies belonging to the health-, welfare-, justice- and public order-sectors as well as related NGOs Scheduling of Research Activities Preparatory Phase-Completed WP3 WP4 Epidemiological survey Case-based Surveillance Train-the-field researchers’ national workshops: Train-the-field researchers’ national workshops: Aim: to adequately and uniformly implement the field survey in schools Trained trainers on the basis of adapted & translated material Duration: 16 hours Workshops’ evaluation Modification of material/process on the basis of evaluation results (where needed) Aim: to adequately and uniformly extract data and code them Facilitators: Trained trainers One 2-day workshop/country Content of training CBSS Protocol CBSS Extraction Forms & Operations’ booklet Process of extracting data available in existing archives/databases Mock extraction (3 cases) Scheduling of research activities Timetable/Tasks Epidemiological Survey Official Permission Collection of data for sampling Sampling Securing access to schools Development of the research team Scheduling and supervision methodology Preparation of materials Focus Groups Pilot Studies Core Field Surveys data collection Children and their parents School drop outs and their parents Coding and data cross-checking Statistical analysis Results’ reporting WP3 WP4 completed ongoing pending Case-based surveillance Identification of eligible organizations and agencies Tracing of respectful databases, archives, records Recording of characteristics of pre-existing databases Maintaining access to datasets Development of the research team Scheduling and supervision methodology Preparation of materials Scheduling of in situ visitation to organizations CAN related data collection Data extraction on the basis of a specific form Coding and data cross-checking Statistical analysis Results’ reporting WP3 Epidemiological Survey-Implementation Flowchart Applying and obtaining permission for ICAST usage to ISPCAN Translating ICAST in national languages Focus Groups for culturally validation of ICAST Final national ICAST-CH ICAST-P Developing Training Manuals for tools’ usage by Field Researches Conducting Sampling Applying and obtaining official permission(s) to implement research in schools Training Field Researchers Conducting Pilot Studies Conducting School Drop outs’ Focus Groups Conducting main body “core” field research Conducting School Drop outs’ Survey Developing Coding Files and set of data entry codification instructions Results’ data entry Results’ statistical analysis and interpretation CBSS-Implementation Flowchart WP4 WP3 initial sampling Country Albania Initial Planning 2009-2010 ClassStudents Schools room s Sam ple 104 178 3005 Country Greece Age 11 36 67 1109 Age 13 36 60 Age 16 32 Bulgaria Initial Planning 2009-2010 ClassStudents Schools room s Sam ple 406 993 19411 Age 11 223 273 5346 1109 Age 13 94 266 6576 51 787 Age 16 89 454 7489 74 219 3915 Rom ania 149 265 6350 Age 11 27 69 1233 Age 11 58 90 2100 Age 13 25 72 1294 Age 13 58 90 2100 Age 16 22 78 1388 Age 16 33 85 2150 B. & H. 165 180 4125 Serbia 100 320 10469 Age 11 55 59 1375 Age 11 35 96 2628 Age 13 55 58 1375 Age 13 38 118 2699 Age 16 55 63 1375 Age 16 27 106 5142 Croatia 109 213 5025 Turkey 5590 15687 11699 Age 11 40 77 1746 Age 11 2.808 5.908 4.036 Age 13 40 78 1779 Age 13 2.086 5.453 3.563 Age 16 29 58 1500 Age 16 696 4.326 4.100 FYROM 48 110 1850 TOTAL 6.745 18.165 60.824 Age 11 15 40 620 Age 11 3.297 6.679 20.193 Age 13 15 40 630 Age 13 2.447 6.235 21.125 Age 16 18 30 600 Age 16 1.001 5.251 24.531 Research progress insofar Country Greece WP3 WP4 Ongoing Ongoing ≈2/3 of the total sample ≈1/2 complete Albania Completed To be implemented Bulgaria Completed Ongoing Bosnia Completed To be implemented Croatia Completed Completed FYROM Ongoing Ongoing ≈85% of the total sample Romania Completed Completed Serbia Ongoing To be implemented Turkey To be implemented To be implemented Some examples of WP3’s progress insofar: Greece Sample size: 19.411 children and their parents Percentage of the representative sample: 5% of the children’s population Insofar coverage: 12.631 children and their parents Children’s response rate: ≈65% (higher in 11y.o., relatively lower in 16y.o. especially in vocational high schools; higher in rural and lower in urban regions) Parent’s response rate: ≈40% of the sample ≈70% of the participating children’s sample Some examples of WP3’s progress insofar: Albania Sample size: 4.561 children and their parents Percentage of the representative sample: 3% of the children’s population Children’s response rate: 3.467 ICAST-CH (76% RR; 73% urban RR, 78% rural RR) Parent’s response rate: 2.512 ICAST-P (55% sample RR, 76% children’s RR) Some examples of WP3’s progress insofar: Croatia Sample size: 5.006 children and their parents Percentage of the representative sample: 2% of the children’s population Children’s response rate: 3.688 ICAST-CH (73,67% overall RR; 69,24% 11y.o. and 13y.o.; 84,12% 16y.o.) Some examples of WP3’s progress insofar: FYROM Sample size: 1.850 children and their parents Percentage of the representative sample: 3% of the children’s population Children’s response rate: 47% 11y.o.; 45% 13y.o.; 97% 16y.o. Parent’s sample response rate: 31% 11y.o.; 30,5% 13y.o.; 66% 16y.o. WP4’s progress insofar: Greece Type of Organization Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child (Independent Authority) 2010 (0-18y.o.) CAN cases detected/reported in Attica 88 Supportive Services of the Ministry of Justice (Juvenile Supervisors’ Agencies, Ministry of Justice’s Shelters etc) 189 National Center for Social Solidarity (Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity) 317 Other central governmental Social Services and Structures (Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity) 258 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services of the Hellenic National Health System (Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity) 540 Health and Social Services (excluding mental health ones) of the Hellenic National Health System (Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity) – mainly social services of N.H.S.’s hospitals 363 Social Services of municipalities and prefectures (Ministry of Public Administration) 678 Supportive and Consulting Centers (mainly of municipal authorities under the auspices of Ministry of Public Administration) 122 Specialized structures of Ministry of Education (mainly services for children with special disabilities) 76 NGOs having residential child care facilities (Homes, Shelters etc) 712 NGOs without having residential child care facilities (Homes, Shelters etc) 616 TOTAL 3959 WP5 Dissemination Activities Aim: disseminate the existence of the project, its aims, methodology, results of the studies and all the deliverables to the authorities of the Balkan countries and other entities working on CAN in the Balkans and worldwide Process: a press office was set up at the beginning of the project; a dissemination plan was drafted; the website of the project was developed Results: national BECAN conference(s) (in certain countries up to today) several Press Releases both in English and in national languages development of newsletters, leaflets and information material (in certain countries) >5 oral presentations in international Conferences >15 in national major scientific events Conferences a significant number of web-based publications on scientific websites a significant number of web-based publications on informative general public websites 2 brief communications to the EU summarizing the project’s progress (3rd & 15th month) other communications briefly summarizing the objectives and progress of the project were sent to respectful EU’s agencies to be uploaded on EU-Internet applications (CORDIS etc.) BECAN Consortium decided to prepare for publication the process and outcome of WP2 as well as WP8 (modification of ICAST tools, development of CBSS extraction tools and innovative solutions for various ethical issues in conducting field research on CAN respectfully) WP5 Dissemination activities: presentations Nikolaidis, G. & Petroulaki, K. Real World Research on Child Abuse and Neglect: the case of Greece and the Balkans. 11th Biennial International EUSARF Conference, 22-25 Sep 2010, Groningen-The Netherlands Nikolaidis, G. Cross National Child Maltreatment Survey through self report studies. 18th International ISPCAN Conference, 26-29 Sep 2010, Honolulu-Hawaii Nikolaidis, G. Cross National Comparisons in youth population surveys about child maltreatment. 18th International ISPCAN Conference, 26-29 Sep 2010, Honolulu-Hawaii Petroulaki, K., Ntinapogias S., Tsirigoti, A., Hatzinikolaou, K., Nikolaidis, G. BECAN project. 8th National Congress on Public Health & Health Services “Social Epidemics”. 15-17 Mar 2010, Athens-Greece Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A., Stavrianaki, M., Georgoulas, S., Nikolaidis, G. Real world research on child abuse and neglect the case of Greece and the Balkans. 8th National Congress on Public Health & Health Services “Social Epidemics”. 15-17 Mar 2010, Athens-Greece Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A., Fatsea, E., Milioni, F., Nikolaidis, G. For the Development of a National Unified System of Report of CAN in Greece. 8th National Congress on Public Health & Health Services “Social Epidemics”. 15-17 Mar 2010, Athens-Greece Ntinapogias, S. Case-based Surveillance Study in the Attica Prefecture (BECAN WP4). National Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect. Institute of Child Health, Dept of Mental Health and Social Welfare. 9-10 May 2011, Athens-Greece Dimitrokali, A., Vasilakopoulou, A., Papageorgopoulos, G., Tsouvelas, G., Ntinapogias, S. Field survey: Facilitators and barriers during the implementation of case-based surveillance study. National Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect. Institute of Child Health, Dept of Mental Health and Social Welfare. 9-10 May 2011, Athens-Greece WP5 Dissemination activities: presentations Zorec, L., Rimac, I., Ogresta, E. Application of the focus group method in pilot studies: Experiences from the project BECAN. 3rd scientific-expert conference dedicated to the questions of violence: psychosocial aspects of violence in modern society–a challenge to the family, school and community. 27 Nov 2010, ZagrebCroatia Ajdukovic, M., Rajter, M., Sušac, N. Specifics of the research ethics of violence against children. 3rd scientific-expert conference dedicated to the questions of violence: psychosocial aspects of violence in modern society–a challenge to the family, school and community. 27 Nov 2010, Zagreb-Croatia Ajdukovic, M. Ethics of professional conduct in cases of violence. 3rd scientific-expert conference dedicated to the questions of violence: psychosocial aspects of violence in modern society–a challenge to the family, school and community. 27 Nov 2010, Zagreb-Croatia Croatian Team. BECAN Project. 3rd scientific-expert conference dedicated to the questions of violence: psychosocial aspects of violence in modern society–a challenge to the family, school and community. 27 Nov 2010, Zagreb-Croatia Raleva, M. Progress in Violence prevention initiatives in the Republic of Macedonia. Third Global Meeting of WHO Violence and Injury Prevention Focal Points, 20-21 Sept 2010, London-UK Raleva, M. BECAN Project. Global Conference on Safety, 21-24 Sep 2010, London-UK Raleva, M. Methodology of the BECAN research study. Meeting of National Coordinative Body on Combating Domestic Violence. 23 Nov 2010. UCP-FYR Macedonia Vlajkovic, A., Hanak, N., Tenjovic, L., Ispanovic-Radojkovic. V. Balkanska epidemioloska stija o zlostavljanju I zanemarivanju dece. 2nd Congress of Society of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 22-25 Apr 2010, ZlatiborSerbia Serbian Team. Balkanska epidemioloska studija o zlostavljanju I zanemarivanju dece. Annual Conference of the Serbian Victimology Society, Serbia WP5 Dissemination activities: presentations Hanak, N., Vlajkovic, A., Tenjovic, L., Ispanovic-Radojkovic. V. Istrazivanje zlostavljanja I zanemarinvanja dece: Iskustva u primeni ICAST upitnika. Conference of the Association of Psychologist of Serbia, 28 May 2010, Zlatibor-Serbia Serbian Team. Balkanska epidemioloska studija o zlostavljanju I zanemarivanju dece. (Poster). Council for Children’s Rights Conference Stancheva-Popkostantinova, V. From Adolescence to Adulthood: normality and pathology. 8-12 Sept 2010, Larnaca-Cyprus Stancheva-Popkostantinova, V. Evidence-based approaches for prevention of CAN. Contribution of project BECAN. Bulgarian Scientific Society on Child Neurology, Psychiatry and Developmental Psychology. 21-23 Oct 2010, Sofia-Bulgaria Stancheva-Popkostantinova, V. Current approaches for prevention of CAN. Contribution of project BECAN. National Conference of Lecturers in Social Work. 3-4 Dec 2010. Stara Zagora-Bulgaria Stancheva-Popkostantinova, V. Ministry of Education, Agency for Social Suport, State Agency for Child Protection, Educational Directorates in Blagoevgrad, Veliko Tyrnovo, Varna-Bulgaria Stancheva-Popkostantinova, V. Balkan research network in the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The contribution of project BECAN (FP7). International University Seminar for Balkan Studies and Specialization South-West University "Neofit Rilski“ Oral, R. SARSILMIŞ. BEBEK SENDROMU. İstismara Bağlı Kafa Travması. COCUK ISTISMARINI VE IHMALINI ONLEME KONGRESI. 26-28 Mayis 2010. Ankara-Turkey Sofuoglu, T. Significance of Case –Based Surveillance Study in WP4. 1st National Congress of Paediatric Emergency and Ambulatory Pediatrics. 3-5 Nov 2010, Kusadasi, Izmir-Turkey Sofuoglu, T., Olmezoglu, Z. BECAN project: Aim, Scope and Expectations. Child Abuse and Neglect Symposium- EgeUniversity. 13 Dec 2010, Izmir-Turkey Olmezoglu, Z. BECAN project. International AGEAN Ambulance Rally, 16-19 Sep 2010, Izmi-Turkey WP5 Dissemination activities: presentations in the context of the current event 12th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect Challenging Social Responsibilities for Child Abuse and Neglect. 18-21 September 2011, Tampere, Finland Round Table: Ethical and Methodological Issues on Child Abuse and Neglect Research Nikolaidis, G., Salvanou, A. Ethical challenges in conducting field research in Greece Browne, K. Ethical dilemmas in the prevalence studies of child abuse and neglect Roth, M., Antal, I., Tonk, G., Kacso, A. Consent request from parents for CAN surveys completion by children 10-14. A nonsense Rajter, M., Ajduković, M., Sušac, N. Ethical and Methodological Issues on Child abuse and Neglect Research in Croatia Round Table: Epidemiological Field Research and Administrative Data Case-Surveillance Studies on Child Abuse and Neglect Nikolaidis, G., Petroulaki, K., Ntinapogias, S., Tsirigoti, A., Zarokosta, F. Representative sample’s randomized epidemiological field research in Greece Cenko, E., Hazhiymeri, E., Hazizaj, A., Coku, B. The adaptation and piloting of the ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool Children’s Version in Albanian Rajter, M., Sušac, N., Rimac, I., Ogresta, J., Skokandić, L., Ajduković, M. Epidemiological field research in Croatia Antal, I., Tonk, G., Roth, M., David-Kacso, A., Voicu, K., Mezei, E., Szasz R. Field epidemiology in Romania: the BECAN project WP5 BECAN website BECAN Project Identity Coordinator Concept and objectives Consortium Funding Methodology & Workplan Potential Impact Ethical Issues Gender aspects Work Packages WP1: Coordination and Networking WP2: Instruments & Training on Methodology WP3: Epidemiological Studies WP4: Case-based Surveillance WP5: Dissemination WP6: Sustainability WP7: Evaluation WP8: Supervision of Ethical Issues Primary links Forum Contact us Search Sitemap Disclaimer Useful links Greece Bulgaria Romania Albania Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey Croatia Serbia Bosnia & Herzegovina Global WP6 Sustainability Objectives: Provide the scientific and strategic basis for annual evaluation of CAN issues in each Balkan partner country development of a strategic plan for the prevention of CAN at national and Balkan levels Provide an open forum for continuing discussion on CAN issues for interested parties and the public WP6 objectives will be achieved through synergies with other relevant WPs via horizontal actions such as networking CAN-related professionals, organizations and agencies in all participant countries widely disseminating the current situation on CAN in each participant country For example: National Reports on the current situation regarding CAN have been widely circulated maintenance of website and forums Sustainability: WP interconnection WP1 Provide information for the 9 National Networks & maintain the BECAN portal WP3-WP4 Provide results (WP3) protocol and database for the recording of CAN cases WP(4) (13th month) Provide information on the results for national statistical & child protection services WP5 Maintain the BECAN website Disseminate the Strategic Plan WP6 WP6 AIM Based on information provided by WP1, 3, 4 & 5, the Strategic Plan for the development of a permanent CAN Monitoring System in 9 Balkan countries Activities towards Sustainability to promote the strategic plan to be used for systematic annual national evaluation of CAN issues aiming at: follow up on the rates and characteristics of CAN in 9 Balkan countries creation of a basis for future assessments of the effectiveness and efficiency of any CAN-related preventive, legal or other intervention to invite relevant national Organizations (and Authorities) to continue the CAN surveillance at national level after the end of the BECAN project WP6 Potential content of an initial version of the Strategic Plan Part 1: The need & the aim of permanent National CAN Monitoring Systems – Why there is a need for permanent national CAN Monitoring Systems – Aim & Objectives Part 2: How to achieve the objectives – Technical specifications for following up CAN at a national level via » BECAN project’s available tools » Additional tools (proposed to be developed) Part 3: CAN-Registration Toolkit – ANNEX with a complete set of ready-to-use available tools (protocol, database, instructions) WP6 Activities towards feasibility Development of the Strategic Plan for the creation of a permanent CAN registration system Adaptation of the content of the initial version of the strategic plan for each country-specific characteristics and translation Dissemination/communication plan for the strategic plan (WP6 & WP5) Implementation of dissemination and lobbying for the strategic plan at national level Lobbying towards sustainability WP7 Evaluation Responsible Organization: Istituto degli Innocenti Objectives: Process monitoring, evaluation and corrective interventions Evaluation of achievement of the project’s main objectives Impact and outcome evaluation Results and progress insofar development of a comprehensive plan of constant monitoring and evaluation of the project; the strategy applied was multi-level, addressing the various aspects of the evaluation process: a combination of process and outcome evaluation approach utilizing indicators from both perspectives in order to cover the project’s implementation more globally, a combination of 5 major axis-criteria namely Efficiency, Effectiveness, Relevance, Sustainability/Consistency and Utility to be applied sequentially in regards to the project’s unfolding over time and a combination of input for evaluation, collaboration with the consortium, attending project meetings and communicating directly with other stakeholders to get as much genuine feedback as possible by the Evaluator WP7 Overall illustration of evaluation results DELIVERABLES Nature Disse minati on level* Delive ry date from Annex I R CO Month 19 Actual / Forec ast delive ry date Status Submitted or Not Contract ual Yes/No Submitted Yes First Interim Month WP(s) Lead Delivery Means of Verification 7.2.1 Milest Final 01 R CO Submitted Evaluation Report 19 one involved Benefici Date no. ary (*) PU = Public st 1 toInterim evaluation participants 1,2,3,4,5,6, 01 13thServices).Presented during the 3rd PP 5 = Restricted otherNo. programme (including WP WP7 the Commission Date or Starting report 7 monthStart managerial meetingEvent (month 13) RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services). and delivered to the principal CO = Confidential, WP only Title for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services). coordinator Achiev Yes ed Yes/No Del. no. 7.1 Deliverable name Versi on Lead beneficiary Goal-setting scheme Final 01 MILESTONES Actual/Forecast achievement date Project’s 13th Month Yes Month 1 Evaluation USE OF RESOURCES 6 Mid-term project review Activity Type to EC Participant number 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8 1 18th month 01 Mid-term review delivered to the European Committee OTHER 5 2 3 4 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 Actualized WP7s’ activities during the Person-Months 9 Participant number per participant Project’s 19th Month Yes 1st 3 6 7 8 9 10 18monhts’ Reporting Period 3 3 3 24 8 3 9 10 1,73 0 -22,27 -3 Actualized Person-Months per participant Differences between contractual provisos (36 months’) and actualized WM during the 1st Reporting Period (18monhts’) -3 WP8 Ethics Objectives Monitoring and evaluation of ethical issues, and corrective interventions Securing the rights of children and adults participating in the study Results: all partners formed their National Advisory Boards on Ethical issues (NAB) the Central Independent Ethical Advisory Board was formed to supervise the whole project in terms of ethics, with the participation of internationally recognized professionals and experts in the field of CAN research and prevention All NABs were provided with material and guidelines on ethical issues by the BECAN Coordinator and were informed in detail about the methodology as well as the ethical requirements of the project WP8 Informed consent: Example of main ethical issue Field epidemiological survey: • the situation appeared quite differentiated in terms of legal and/or regulatory provisos for conducting research involving children • other perplexities Type of parental consent per age group Country 11 y.o. 13 y.o. 16 y.o. Albania Passive Passive Passive Bulgaria Active Active Active Croatia Active Active No consent* Passive Passive No consent* Turkey Active Active Active FYROM Active Active Active/Passive** Serbia Passive Passive Passive Active Active No consent* Active/Passive** Active/Passive** Active/Passive** Romania B&H Greece (*) No parental consent provided for according to existing national legislation and/or applying national Code for Ethics of conducting research with children in schools. (**) Change in applying national legal framework and/or particular authoritative agency’s permission terms during the implementation of the survey. BECAN Website & Forum