Resource Mobilization US President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Perspective Anthonia Aina - HTC/Gender Coordinator US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Nigeria Sept 17, 2013 Dakar Senegal PEPFAR (working towards an AIDS-free generation) • A commitment of $15 billion for over five years (2003–2008) to 15 low & medium income countries with high HIV/AIDS prevalence to fight the HIV pandemic • PEPFAR was re-authorized to $48 billion through 2013, including $39 billion for HIV and the global Fund, $4 billion for TB, and $5 billion for malaria PEPFAR Nigeria Gender program supports and build the capacity of US Mission Agencies' Implementing Partners to develop effective plans that implement evidence-based strategies to address gender norms and inequities US Mission Nigeria USAID DOD CDCDHHS • • Violence Against Children Study PEP DQA 20% 50% 30% Increase male involvement in PMTCT • • COP Planning/Reporting Capacity Building PEPFAR Gender Framework PEPFAR Gender Activities Populations • Women and men, boys and girls, other gender identities • Specific key populations: OVC, MSM, SW, PLWH, etc. • Across the lifespan • Implement activities to change harmful gender norms & promote positive gender norms • Implement GBV prevention activities • Provide services for postGBV care • Promote gender-related policies and laws that increase legal protection • Increase gender equitable access to income and productive resources, including education • Provide gender equitable HIV prevention, care & 7/16/13 treatment Outputs Outcomes Impact Reduced GBV • Improved gender norms • Number of people reached with key gender activities (see gender indicators) • Sex and age disaggregated indicators by specific technical areas • Reduced gender-based disparities in rights, status & legal protections • More equal access to productive resources and education • Reduced inequities between men and women in HIV prevention, care & treatment (access, participation, adherence) • Reduced gender-related barriers to HIV prevention, care & treatment Principles • Country ownership & Multisectoral approach • Community engagement • Meaningful participation of women, girls, boys, men and marginalized groups • Health Systems Strengthening to ensure capacity for gender activities HIV Incidence HIV Prevalence HIV Mortality Non-clinical HIV impact mitigation Improved Gender Equality Resource mobilization •A process of identifying and obtaining resources to help achieve organizational goals and ensure sustainability •Types: Financial and non-financial supplies 1.Man – human, manpower, staff 2.Money – funds, capital, physical cash 3.Materials – equipments, machines, instruments, stationeries, Purpose of Resource Mobilization •To creative efforts in using own local assets to gain support for organizational goal • To create multiple sources of funding to increase organizational independence and flexibility to implement programs •Reduce reliance on external (or foreign) funding. Resource Mobilization - Sources Types: Internal and external resources •Multilateral and Bi-lateral organizations •Government budget •NGOs •CBOs, Community •FBOs •Corporate organizations •Internally generated funds •Individuals Philanthropists •Private sector Resource Mobilization Process Design project interventions Clear problem statement Strategies to obtain resources Identify resources needed & Sources of resources Resources Mobilization Strategies & Plan Strategies • Integration • Letters for support • Grant proposal • Collaboration • Synergy Formation • Partnership • Alliance Creation • Be Receptive, open • Discussion forum • Be prepared, organized • Hopeful Plan • Problem Definition • Organizational Analysis (SWOT) • Stakeholder Analysis • Project Design • Resource Analysis • Resource Acquisition Strategy • Develop a Sustainability Strategy Integration • PEPFAR country teams and Implementing Partners (IP) develop country operational plans (COPs) and design programs that integrate gender throughout the HIV continuum of response • Over 500 IPs and subs provide comprehensive HIV services in all 36 states and the FCT with over 8,000 sites in a country of 170m people • Gender is integrated into each step of the program cycle by IPs 1 - ASSESSMENT Collect and analyze data to identify gender-based constraints and opportunities relevant to program objectives 5 - EVALUATION Measure impact of program on health and gender equity outcomes; adjust accordingly to enhance successful strategies. 4- MONITORING Develop indicators that measure gender-specific outcomes; monitor implementation and effectiveness in addressing program objectives 2 - PLANNING Develop program objectives that strengthen synergy between gender issues and HIV goals; identify participants, clients, and key stakeholders 3 - DESIGN Identify key program strategies to address gender-based constraints and opportunities Why is integrating gender into HIV programs important? • Understanding the unique needs of men and women, boys and girls, and other gender identities • To identify target populations and dedicate resources where they are most needed. • To identify gender-related barriers, such as norms etc • Responding to the unique needs of men and boys, women and girls, and other gender identities • To improve program outcomes and enhance sustainability What Does It Mean To Integrate Gender into HIV prevention, Care & Treatment? Means responding to the unique needs (?) of men and women, boys and girls, and other gender identities so they are equally able to: • access and utilize HIV prevention, care and treatment services initiate and practice healthy behaviors • improve their health outcomes • live lives free from violence, stigma and discrimination Increase Gender Equitable Access to income and productive resources including education • Providing economic opportunities; • To ensure that girls are given equal opportunity to attend school (e.g. support for tuition fees, uniforms & supplies) and/or vocational training (in marketable skills); • Working with govt to develop policies that increase women access to economic resources, including credit • Programs to provide alternative income generation activities for transgender, MSM, IDUs and sex workers. Provide gender-equitable HIV prevention, care and treatment Strong PEPFAR-supported programs promote evidence based and innovative strategies; examples: • Programs that provide male-friendly HIV/AIDS and reproductive health services to encourage men‘s participation in health care • Design and implement targeted interventions to overcome barriers for MSM and transgender populations • Programs that integrate HIV/AIDS services into family planning and reproductive health clinics in order to facilitate women‘s access to services at a single location. Meaningful participation of women, girls and marginalized groups • To effectively address their health needs, women, girls, and other populations need to participate in the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of HIV prevention, care and treatment • In order to become agents of their own health and overall empowerment, programs must move beyond viewing them only as end-users and beneficiaries and acknowledge and support their roles as principal actors and decision-makers. Health system strengthening to ensure capacity building Multiple organizations can; • Promote pre-service training, in-service training, and mentoring on gender issues for relevant professions • Support development of civil society organizations through building advocacy, administrative and technical skills to deliver and monitor high quality health and social services. • Training of local law enforcement and members of the judiciary on laws that promote gender equality and protect the right of women and girls Country Ownership & Multisectoral Approach • Promote linkages to programs outside the health sector, including the legal system, education, and food security, etc. • Increase efforts to raise-awareness among families, communities and government decision-makers about the range of determinants influencing the health of men and women, girls and boys • Address and respond to harmful practices, including child marriage, forced marriage, FGM, violence against LGBT populations, and “honor” crimes. Community Engagement Community-based approach Recommendations: • Engage community leaders, role models, and gatekeepers, including religious/tribal leaders, • Work with local actors to identify cultural norms and practices that support HIV prevention, treatment and care, as well as gender equality. • Employ community members in the provision of information and services.