Buchanan rehabilitation Service

Consumer leadership
Kaaren Beverley R N, Diploma Counselling
Healthy Lifestyle Co-ordinator Buchanan Rehabilitation
Buchanan Rehabilitation Centre
 Specialist mental health, re-covery focussed inpatient service
which provides assessments, treatment, and intensive
rehabilitation combined with a high level of clinical support in a
structured and positive environment
 Sub regional, 40 bed service
 Clients aged 16 – 65
 Most young adults
 Average age 17-25
 Severe mental illness
 Psychosis
 Co-existing disorders
Why Smokefree Champion?
Re-covery model consumer led process
Fits with rehabilitation model of care and
skill building
Powerful voice and role model to
breakdown smoking culture
Opportunity to try new approach
Literature review to facilitate ongoing
Engaging smokefree champions
Awareness raising geared to age group
Education on tobacco related harm
Support to stay smokefree
Survey demonstrated desire to be smokefree;
(82% have attempted to stop) Peer pressure
key smoking factor
Discussion of issues e.g. seeking, trading
Seeking solutions for behavioural issues with
Supports for Smokefree Champions
with Policy and Legal Drivers
SFE Legislation workplace smokefree
ADHB smokefree policy (buildings and grounds)
BRC Tenancy agreement (Houses Smokefree)
National Association of Mental Health Service Consumer
Key Recommendations
1. Smokefree begins in outpatient / community settings
2. Consistency of practice
3. Therapeutic engagement and support is available in
inpatient units
Ongoing Processes
Smokefree consumer champion team
continually evolving (includes both smokers
and non smokers)
Consumer role defined by selves with regular
support and supervision
Access to smoking cessation clinic
Rewarding those who respect each other by
keeping smokefree site.
Rewarding those clients that quit
What Benefits to Clients?
Clients that are smokefree leaving acute unit
feel supported to remain smokefree
Peer Support for clients who are quitting
Promoting smokefree message on t shirts
Clear message from champion that smoking
harmful to health
Promoting off site smoking
Consumer team work
Modelling smokefree behaviour
Record of smoking behaviours directs tobacco
work to care team for supportive
Other clients keen to be smokefree
Leads to clients problem solving smoking
behavioural issues
Where to from here?
Consumer Smokefree Champion Team
Skill building and access to training
Strong voice to staff about smokefree service
Rewards and references for those involved in
smokefree champion team
Peer led smoking cessation model
Champions say
M says “that she has more money and feels
Being a smokefree champion keeps me
R says “Smokefree is a good opportunity to
keep healthy”
“A wise way is the way to go….
Smoking Cessation and Serious mental
illness; Snyder et al, Archives of Psychiatric
Nursing, Vol 22,No 5 (October),2008;pp297304
Do social support interventions (“buddy
systems") aid smoking cessation? A review;
Sylvia May and Robert West,Tob Control
2000 9:415-422 doi 1136/tc.9.4.415
Peer counselling in schizophrenia; Patients
consult patients, Kluge et al, Patient
Education and Counselling 70(2008)357-362