Powerpoint - Shared Action




Presentation by seminar speaker ≈ 45 min

Question and answer session ≈ 15 min

This Webinar will be recorded and made available through our websites along with copies of the slides

Please use the chat feature to ask questions.



A collaboration:

• Shared Action

AIDS Project Los Angeles

• C4H Project

Asian & Pacific Islander

American Health Forum

•The California STD/HIV

Prevention Training Center



Shared Action www.

sharedaction .org

C4H Project www.

capacity4health .org

The California

STD/HIV Prevention

Training www.

stdhivtraining .org

Logic Models


Selecting EBIs/PHS


Developing an

Evaluation Plan


Grant Writing




A Capacity Building Assistance Program at

AIDS Project Los Angeles in collaboration with UCLA’s Center for HIV Identification,

Prevention and Treatment Services

Funded by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC) to provide FREE trainings and one-on-one technical assistance for community-based organizations (CBOs) on:

(1) Organizational Infrastructure and Program Sustainability,

(2) Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs) and Public Health

Strategies, and

(3) Monitoring and Evaluation.



Rosemary C. Veniegas, Ph.D.,

Assistant Research Psychologist

Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



• To familiarize participants with grant preparation steps;

• To review examples drawn from recent available funding opportunities.

Types of Funding

• Businesses

• Private Foundations

• Public/Government

– Local Health Jurisdiction

– State

– Federal

RFA References

• CDC Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Prevention Projects for Community-Based

Organizations Funding Opportunity Number:


• SAMHSA Capacity Building Initiative for

Substance Abuse (SA) and HIV Prevention

Services for At-Risk Racial/Ethnic Minority

Young Adults Request for Applications (RFA)

No. SP-10-004

• These RFAs are now closed and are not accepting applications.

Grant Proposal Components

• Letter of Inquiry (Usually required for foundation proposal)

• Cover Form (Usually requested for government proposals)

• Cover Letter

• Table of Contents

• Executive Summary/Abstract

• Statement of Need/Background

• Project Description (Goals, Objectives, Target Group, Preliminary

Data, Data Analysis, Methods, Evaluation)

• Budget/Budget Justification

• Organizational Information

• Conclusion/Summary

• Appendices and Attachments

Proposal Development Team

• Board member

• Executive Director

• Finance Manager

• Project Manager/Director

• Administrative staff

• Collaborative partners

• Reps from target population

• Grant writer(s)

• Proposal Coordinator

Work Plan / Timeline (Sample)

Letter of Interest Components

• Determined by funder

• State why your agency is a good fit for the funder

• Acknowledge prior funding (if applicable)

• Request the specific amount

• Describe the need and methods

CDC Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Prevention

Projects for CBOs

• Letter of Intent (LOI)

• Prospective applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent (LOI) electronically at http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/funding/PS10-1003 that includes the following information:

– Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant’s executive director and a secondary contact

– Statement identifying which category the applicant is applying under

– Applicant information, including name, address, and DUNS number

– Description of the proposed target population

– Information about which interventions and services the applicant intends to implement through this program

– Statement of whether the applicant intends to apply for the

CBO Monitoring and Evaluation Project.

CDC Justification of Need

• Justification of need

– HIV/AIDS data and needs assessment, especially health department data

– Services provided, available

– Target population

– Risk factors

– Responsiveness to HIV prevention plan

SAMHSA Statement of Need

• Statement of Need

– Substance abuse and HIV in target population

– Underlying risk factors

– Other factors

Sample Statement of Need

Stimulant-Using Men Who Have Sex With Men

– According to the Public Health HIV/AIDS Program

Epidemiology Report, as of May 31, 2009, MSM in general account for 77% of all HIV/AIDS cases in

King County. Black MSM have a greater HIV seroprevalence rate and is more likely to have a late diagnosis of HIV than their White counterparts.

The RARE Project (2003) found that heterosexually identified Black MSM, though hard to reach, were in need of specific prevention services.

( see next slide, continued )

Sample Statement of Need


• MSM at highest risk for HIV are those who engage in unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with casual or anonymous sex partners of different or unknown serostatus. Co-factors that increase risk for these populations include substance use during sexual activity and high rates of other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as syphilis, gonorrhea,

Chlamydia, and herpes. Other risk behaviors include: individuals struggling with negotiating safer sex in serodiscordant relationships or who reduce safety in polyamorous or non-monogamous sexual relationships with trusted partners.

Sample Statement of Need

• What information is missing from the statement of need? (Hint: See CDC

Justification of Need components)

– Services Provided

– Responsiveness to HIV prevention plan

Program Description

• Goals/Objectives

• Methods/Approach

• Outcomes

• Project timeline

• Staffing

• Evaluation

• Project sustainability

CDC Program Description

• Program Description

– General and specific components

– Effective behavioral interventions (EBIs)

– Counseling testing and referral (CTR)

– Comprehensive Risk Counseling and

Services (CRCS)

SAMHSA Proposed Approach

• Proposed Approach

– Purpose, Goals, Objectives

– Evidence-based services or practices

– Rationale for choosing above

– Why service/practice is appropriate

– Adaptations

– How it will meet goals/objectives (include logic model)

– Potential barriers

– Sustainability plan

Sample Program Description

Agency A will implement d-up for social networks of African American men who have sex with men in identified geographic areas of

severe need including University City and

Millcreek-Parkside. In addition, we will conduct social network HIV counseling, testing and

referral (CTR) using rapid HIV tests for up to

1,000 men in an identified social network. We will collaborate with local businesses and

community leaders to promote CTR.


• Broad statements of desired overall outcomes

• Related to the organizational mission

• Example: Eliminate disparity among Medicaid enrollees and privately insured consumers’ use of prenatal care in Fertile County

Objectives: SMART

• Specific

• Measurable

• Achievable

• Relevant to the mission

• Timed

• Challenging

SMART Objectives




By the end of the contract term

80 %


WHOM of clients being tested for



WHAT will complete a satisfaction survey


At the HIV


Measurable objectives should be REALISTIC!!


• Past history of funding

• Funding across multiple years vs. single year funding

• Diversified funding

• Funding for multiple complementary programs

• Institutional stability

• Low staff turnover

• Proposed program is good fit with mission and capacity

Sample Sustainability

Agency X has been funded to conduct primary health care services for medically underserved areas since 2000. Our mission is to provide health and social services in communities with health disparities. We currently receive SAMHSA, health department and private foundation funding to operate HIV prevention services through 2014.

The agency has been in existence since 1990. Staff turnover in our HIV prevention programs is less than 10% compared to 50% among other similar agencies.

Target Population

• Describe the demographics of the population served

Risk Factors: Attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, culture

Co-morbidity: Behavioral, psychological, and or socioeconomic situations that indirectly put the target population at higher risk

Logic Model

• Systematically links all program aspects

• Ensures that activities help you meet objectives

• Lists Inputs, Activities, Outputs,

Outcomes, and Impact

• Example

• Exercise

CDC Logic Model

SAMHSA Logic Model

Program Staffing Elements

• Job title

• Level of effort

• Annual salary

• Responsibilities

• Experience

• Training needs

• Reporting relationships

• Organizational chart

Sample Staffing for CRCS

• Prior work experience in HIV services

• Trained on CRCS

• Prior experience working with people with mental health issues and making referrals appropriate providers

• Additional mental health background is a bonus

• No more than 20 clients for each fulltime (or equivalent) CRCS provider.

Staffing Checklist

• Is the staffing plan realistic, given the objectives and project plan?

• Are the FTEs and salary ranges reasonable to successfully implement the project? If not, will the organization be able to hire the needed staff?

• Are the responsibilities and qualifications

(community competence, methodological expertise) of all project positions clearly defined?

• Do they correspond to the activities outlined in the project narrative and evaluation plan?

Organizational Capacity

• Explain who you are, mission, services provided, history, accomplishments.

• Emphasize why your organization is the best candidate for a grant.

CDC Applicant Infrastructure

• Applicant Infrastructure, Experience and


– History and services

– HIV prevention services current and past

– Measures of programmatic effectiveness

– Staff experience working with target population

– Agency infrastructure to manage award

Organizational Capacity POL

• History of serving gay and bisexual men

• Social network testing funding

• STD screening funding

• Use of local health jurisdiction webbased data entry

SAMHSA Staff and Experience

Staff Management and Relevant


– Capability and experience

– List of positions

– Experience with racial/ethnic populations

– Resources available


• Collaboration involves the joint delivery of project services and involves sharing financial resources

• Coordination of project services involves information sharing, client referrals and joint training/planning, without sharing financial resources.

CDC Coordination/Collaboration

• Coordination and Collaboration with the State and Local Health Departments and

Community Planning Groups

– Participation

– Partner Services

– STD, Hepatitis, TB

• Capacity Building

– Identified needs in targeted areas

Program Evaluation - Process

• Process evaluation: assessment of program’s conformity to its design, implementation for reaching the intended audience

• Process monitoring: routine documentation of services provided, resources used and population served

Program Evaluation - Outcome

• Outcome evaluation: Measures the effects of a program against its intended goals.

Measures the actual changes in a group.

Shows that the intervention caused these changes.

• Outcome monitoring: collection of data on knowledge, attitudes and beliefs before, during and after program.

Evaluation Tools

• CDC Implementation Planning Tool

• CDC Monitoring and Evaluation Key


Budget Preparation Checklist

• Nothing in the budget should go unexplained.

• Includes all items paid for by other sources

• Includes contributions of volunteer time

• Details fringe benefits (health and life insurance)

• Includes consultant fees

• Separately details all non-personnel costs

• Is sufficient to perform all tasks in the narrative

CDC Budget Guidelines

• Salaries and Wages

• Fringe Benefits

• Consultant Costs

• Equipment

• Supplies

• Travel

• Other

• Indirect Costs

Submitting the Proposal - Paper

• Overnight delivery: Do not assume it is the best or most secure way to deliver proposal

• US Postal Service: Send way in advance, certified or return receipt

• Hand delivering: Allow time for traffic, building security- sometimes it is not even allowed

Submitting the Proposal: Electronic

• Electronic submission: Detailed guidelines provided by funder

• Often more complex than other submission processes

• Example: Grants.gov Once the proposal is sent, there is a 48 hour time period for monitoring the application to make sure process is complete

CDC on Grants.gov

CDC Project Abstract Summary

Grant Review Process

• The people reviewing your grant may vary-foundation staff, stakeholders, funders from other programs

• Primary, secondary, tertiary reviewers

• Each application may only get a few minutes of discussion

• Often there is one review coordinator who complies all scores and comments, and summarizes and responds to appeals to decisions

Contact Information

Rosemary C. Veniegas, Ph.D.,

Assistant Research Psychologist

(310) 794-0619 ext. 243



Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention





Shared Action www.

sharedaction .org

C4H Project www.

capacity4health .org

The California

STD/HIV Prevention

Training www.

stdhivtraining .org

Logic Models


Selecting EBIs/PHS


Developing an

Evaluation Plan


Grant Writing
