Senior Citizens and Crime Prevention

Seniors and Crime
National Crime Prevention Council
Goal of This Presentation
To examine the various crimes
against seniors and to look at
what preventative measures
can be taken to prevent them
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Review current data and future projections
 Review the demographics
 Learn how seniors feel about crime
 Examine the major crimes against seniors,
including financial crimes, property
crimes, violent crimes, and elder abuse
 Learn what preventative measures seniors
can take to stay safe
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
What Do the
Data Say?
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Seniors Today
Seniors are a large demographic group.
 An estimated 37 million Americans are 65
years old or older. That’s almost one in ten
 This group constitutes 12 percent of the
U.S. population.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Older Americans
Persons 85 years old or older
 An estimated five million Americans fall into
this age group.
 This group accounts for two percent of the
U.S. population.
 Persons 85 years old or older are the fastestgrowing segment of seniors.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
More People Getting Older
Americans 65 years old or older are a fastgrowing demographic group.
 In 2011, the baby boom generation will begin
to turn 65.
 By 2030, it is estimated that there will be 72
million seniors. This is equivalent to one in
five Americans!
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
More Foreign-Born Seniors
Immigration and differences in fertility rates
have increased the number of minorities,
including seniors.
 The share of foreign-born elderly is growing.
Regionally, that share is now
• 35 percent in the West
• 10 percent in the Midwest
• 28 percent in the Northeast
• 28 percent in the South
Source: U.S. Census, Older Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2000
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
More Seniors Are Non-English
Language Dominant
Older populations are more diverse
linguistically; a large percentage are nonnative English speakers.
Source: U.S. Census, Older Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2000
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Ethnic and Racial Distribution of
Older Americans
Projected distribution of the population group age 65 and older, by race and
Hispanic origin, in 2003, 2030, and 2050
NonAsian and Hispanic
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
All other
Predictions for Seniors
Seniors will live longer. Eventual declines
in cognitive and physical functions could
make them more vulnerable to
 Seniors may become less in touch with
innovations and less aware of their
 Services will require more flexibility and
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Seniors and Crime
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Fear of Crime
Two-thirds of seniors believe they will
inevitably be victims.
 Many seniors alter their lifestyles because
they fear being victimized.
 Almost half of those age 75 or older are
afraid to leave their homes after dark.
 One-third of seniors say fear of crime has
contributed to a sense of loneliness and
Source: Age Concern England (
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Fear of Crime (continued)
Older Americans demonstrate a higher rate of
fear of crime than any other age group, despite
having the lowest victimization rates.
 Knowledge of their vulnerabilities and reduced
self-defense capacities makes them more
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Fear of Crime (continued)
Other reasons why crime prevention is important to
 Potential recovery from physical or financial
injury is often limited.
 Loss of money or physical faculties have more
severe effects than on other age groups.
 Media frequently portray the elderly as victims
or, at least, as being vulnerable.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Most Common Types of Crimes
Against Seniors
Financial crimes
Property crimes
Violent crimes
Elder abuse
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Financial Crimes
These crimes include
Identity theft
Healthcare fraud
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Financial Crimes (continued)
Financial criminals generally seek to take cash,
credit, credit rating, or other assets by
 These are very capable criminals. Many have
excellent people skills and/or talent with
computers and similar electronic gear.
 Robbery involves a confrontation and the
threat or use of force, but financial crimes
often involve people who are pleasant and
seemingly helpful.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Why Are Seniors Targets of
Financial Crimes?
■ Seniors often have accumulated resources.
Many own their homes and have insurance,
pension plans, savings, stocks and bonds, and
similar assets that may not always be closely
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Why Are Seniors Targets of
Financial Crimes? (continued)
Vulnerabilities based on lifestyle
 Many are accessible by telephone and mail,
have time to listen, are too polite to hang up,
keep assets readily available, have limited
experience with investments, can no longer
perform home repairs, and are deeply
concerned with maintaining finances to last
them through their lives.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Why Are Seniors Targets of
Financial Crimes? (continued)
Many are isolated by disability, fear of
violence in the community, lack of peer
friendships, or lack of transportation.
 Many are trusting or complacent or forgetful of
details and may be embarrassed to admit they
were victims.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Fraud involves deceit in the commission of a
financial crime.
 Those who commit fraud offer prizes, deals,
opportunities, and bargains.
 They may advertise with a teaser (e.g., “Earn
money working at home!”) or with a phone call
announcing a “golden opportunity to invest.” Or
they may develop personal relationships with, and
then prey on, individuals they meet in various
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Fraud (continued)
Fraud can take many forms.
 Examples include home repairs, auto
repairs, new carpet or appliances at
bargain rates, work-at-home schemes,
weight loss and similar health-related
programs, stock and related investments,
overseas investments, overseas lottery
prizes, amazing deals on commodities
trades, and more.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Fraud (continued)
Older people are major targets—they make up
about 12 percent of the population, but 37
percent of telemarketing victims, according to
one study. A telemarketing fraud artist told
investigators, “It is an article of faith in this
business to go after the old folks.”
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
The person takes or takes control of an asset
without the victim’s knowledge or consent.
 Stealth-based financial crimes include identity
theft; pretext theft (in which someone enters a
home on some pretext, such as asking to use the
bathroom, then takes property or personal
information); computer hacking (illegally
accessing information on a computer); and similar
criminal activities.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Stealth (continued)
Stealth-based crimes are usually difficult to
detect unless the possible victim monitors
small personal property and financial status
and bills closely.
 Stealth-based crimes may go unreported
because the victim may be unsure of whether
or when a theft occurred.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Identity Theft
A growing threat:
more than 10 million
Americans per year are
victims of this crime; although
seniors are currently a small
percentage of that number.
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How Identity Theft Begins
There are many ways that a criminal can
capture key information about an individual.
• A “pre-approved” credit card mailing
• A reply to a phony request to verify account
• A bill from a credit card company
• A receipt with a name and card number
• A list that a computer hacker has stolen and sold
• Mail or bills from discarded trash
• Stolen wallets or purses
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Identity Theft (continued)
The criminal uses information to make a
purchase or obtain additional
information about a person’s identity.
 Social Security number
 Bank account number
 Credit card number
 Driver’s license number
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Identity Theft (continued)
The criminal then exploits the identity by
Piling up charges on an account
Taking money from a bank account
Opening a new account
Applying for a loan or mortgage
Declaring bankruptcy
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Discovering the Theft
Eventually the exploitation is discovered when
the victim
• Receives a bank statement with unknown
• Finds newly created credit card accounts
• Tries to apply for a loan and is denied
• Is arrested for a crime committed by the thief when
using the stolen identity
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Reporting and Restoring
the Identity
The victim reports the identity theft to the
police and to the major credit bureaus.
 The victim asks the credit bureaus to note the
crime on his or her credit reports.
 Depending on the state, the victim may need
to consult with a local victims’ assistance
agency or an attorney for specific steps that
can be helpful or necessary.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Reporting and Restoring the
Identity (continued)
The victim should also file a complaint
through the Federal Trade Commission
registry at
 The victim needs to complete an affidavit
of identity theft, available at’s identity theft section.
 NCPC’s Guide for Consumers
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National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Financial Crimes
If someone makes an offer that
seems too good to be true, assume
that it is too good to be true!
Source: NCPC’s Telemarketing 101
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National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Financial Crimes
Demand details in writing via U.S. mail and
save the envelope, which permits the U.S.
Postal Inspection Service to help investigate
any criminal acts.
 Assume that anyone who “must have an
answer immediately” is trying to get you to
act before you think. Insist on time to
investigate the offer on your own.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Financial Crimes
Keep track of everything you
own that is a financial asset.
 Monitor credit accounts, bank
statements, stock and pension
fund statements, properties you
own, and similar assets.
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Preventing Financial Crimes
Make sure you get all bills and expected checks
on time.
 Criminals have been known to steal mail to steal
your identity. Call the company if a bill or check
is late. If it was mailed on time, call your post
office and report postal theft.
 Use a mailbox with a lock on it. Deposit your
outgoing mail in a United States Postal Service
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Financial Crime
Don’t risk it, shred it.
Shred any material that you are
throwing out that identifies you in
any way—bank statements, extra
copies of records, bills, letters
regarding financial matters, and
similar documents.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Financial Crimes
Know about your credit.
 Get a copy of your credit report at least
once a year to make sure that information is
accurate and complete.
 Every person is entitled to a free copy of his
or her credit report from each major credit
bureau each year.
 Consider ordering reports on a staggered
basis throughout the year.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Credit Bureaus
The three major credit bureaus are
 Equifax
 Experian
 Trans Union
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Order Credit Reports
Three ways to order a credit report
• Online at; go to Free Annual
Credit Report
• Phone the FTC at 877-322-8228
• Mail to: Annual Credit Report Request
Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Property Crimes
Against Seniors
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Property Crimes
Property crimes against seniors include
 Burglary
 Larceny
 Auto theft
 Petty theft
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Property Crimes (continued)
More than nine in ten crimes against the
elderly are property crimes.
Property crimes, not violent crimes, represent
the highest share of crimes against those 65
years old or older.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Property Crimes (continued)
Property crime is any crime when money or
valuables are damaged or stolen from a
person, home, or business without direct
personal contact.
 This includes burglary from a business or
residence and auto theft.
 Victims of property crimes suffer financial
losses and may feel violated and continue to
feel unsafe long after the crime.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Auto Theft
Lock the doors. Roll up the windows. Stay
alert and check the surroundings.
Securing your car, even if you are parked in
your driveway or leaving the car for just a
minute, can be enough to discourage many
would-be auto thieves.
Check the car and the area around it before
you get in or out of your car.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Auto Theft (continued)
Consider installing tracking or security
devices on your car.
Take part in car theft prevention programs
that allow police officers to stop your car if
it’s being driven during hours when you
don’t normally drive.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Theft While
Empty wallets and purses beforehand of items
you won’t need.
 Keep packages out of sight in the car trunk.
 Do not walk with your arms full of bundles
that limit your line of sight or ability to
 Keep your wallet in a front pants pocket or
inside your coat pocket.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Theft While
Shopping (continued)
Keep purses closed and held
snugly near your body.
 Keep all receipts separate from
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Property Crime
at Home
Set up timed lights and have a trusted
neighbor pick up mail and newspapers while
you are away.
 Make sure your windows and house number
are visible from the street. Illuminate
doorways and walkways.
 Trim shrubs.
 Ask the police department to perform a
security survey.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Violent Crimes
Seniors experience the lowest number of
victimizations and lowest rates of
victimizations when compared with the
general population.
 The violent victimization rate of seniors has
declined by more than 22 percent since 2001.
Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victimization 2003
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Violent Crimes (continued)
Seniors are victimized at an annual rate of 2.8
per 1,000 persons.
 Robbery disproportionately affects seniors. It
accounts for a quarter of the violent crimes
against seniors, but only one-eighth of the
violent crimes experienced by persons ages
12 to 64.
Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Violent Crimes
Remember that most violent crimes
(except robbery and purse snatching) take
place between people known to each
Walk assertively, but not aggressively, in
public areas.
When going outside, go with a friend if
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Preventing Violent Crimes
Carry only the cash and/or credit cards that are
immediately needed.
 Don’t take shortcuts through deserted or dark
areas. Stay where there are lights and people.
 When traveling, check with hotel staff about
areas that should be avoided.
 If you’re confronted by a robber, hand over
your money or valuables. They’re not worth
your life.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Elder Abuse
Approximately 500,000 seniors are victims of
domestic abuse each year.
 Estimates are that only 16 percent of cases are
 Family members are frequent offenders; adult
children are responsible for 47.3 percent; other
family members, 8.7 percent; spouses, 19.3
Source: National Elder Abuse Incidence Study, 1996
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Elder Abuse (continued)
These types of crimes include
 Physical abuse
 Sexual abuse
 Emotional or psychological abuse
 Neglect
 Abandonment
 Financial or material exploitation
 Self-neglect
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Possible Signs of Physical
Abuse of Elders
Although one sign might not indicate abuse,
many of these are common.
Bruises, pressure marks, broken bones,
abrasions, and burns
Source: National Center on Elder Abuse,
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Possible Signs of Sexual Abuse of
Unexplained withdrawal from normal
activities, a sudden change in alertness, and
unusual depression
Bruises around the breasts or genitals
Source: National Center for Elder Abuse,
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Possible Signs of Neglect of Elders
More possible signs of elder abuse
 Sudden changes in financial situations may be
the result of exploitation.
 Bedsores, unattended medical needs, poor
hygiene, and unusual weight loss are indicators
of possible neglect.
Source: National Center for Elder Abuse,
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
How To Identify Emotional Abuse of
■ Behavior such as belittling, threats, and other
uses of power and control by spouses is abuse.
 Strained or tense relationships or frequent
arguments between the caregiver and elderly
person may indicate abuse.
Source: National Center for Elder Abuse,
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
You don’t need absolute
proof to report abuse.
Even if you just suspect
abuse, call for help.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
What To Do About Elder Abuse
Keep in touch with older friends and gently
question any signs of physical, financial, or
emotional abuse that you suspect.
 Don’t be surprised if a friend denies abuse;
remain in touch, concerned, and observant.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
What To Do About Elder Abuse
If signs persist, call the local office on aging
affairs or the local police department. If you
are uncertain, check with someone at your
senior center or another friend.
 Start an education campaign for older people
in your community. Share information,
arrange talks by professionals in the field, and
set up connections to helplines that can advise
seniors on preventing and reporting abuse.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Tips for Elders
These are steps that will help you live healthier
and more safely.
 Take care of your health.
 Seek professional help for problems
involving drugs, alcohol, and depression,
and urge family members to get help for these
 Attend support groups for spouses and learn
about domestic violence services.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Tips for Elders (continued)
Plan for your own future. With a power of
attorney or a living will, healthcare decisions
can be addressed to avoid confusion and
family problems. Seek independent advice
from someone you trust before signing any
Source: National Center for Elder Abuse,
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Tips for Elders (continued)
Stay active in the community
and connected with friends
and family. This will decrease
social isolation, which has
been connected to elder
Source: National Center for Elder Abuse,
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Tips for Elders (continued)
Know your rights. If you engage the services
of a paid or family caregiver, you have the
right to voice your preferences and concerns. If
you live in a nursing home, call your long-term
care ombudsman. The ombudsman is your
advocate and has the power to intervene.
Source: National Center for Elder Abuse,
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Tips for Elders (continued)
Stay involved and know your neighbors.
 Join a Neighborhood Watch organization.
 Get involved in the TRIAD group in your area.
TRIAD is a partnership between the chiefs of
police, sheriffs, and older and retired leaders in
a community. This group is committed to
reducing victimization and enhancing police
services to seniors.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
How To Report Elder Abuse
If you suspect that abuse has occurred or is
occurring, please tell someone. Relay your
concerns to the local adult protective services,
long-term care ombudsman, or police.
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
How To Report Elder Abuse
If you have been the victim of abuse,
exploitation, or neglect, you are not alone.
Many people care and can help. Please tell
your doctor, a friend, or a family member you
trust, or call the Eldercare Locator helpline
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
How To Report Elder Abuse
You can reach the Eldercare Locator by
telephone at 800-677-1116.
 Specially trained operators will refer you to a
local agency that can help. The Eldercare
Locator is open Monday through Friday,
9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
Source: National Center for Elder Abuse,
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
NCPC Online Resources
Visit NCPC at for
information on Elder Issues
 Crime prevention brochures
 Full-text publications online
 Catalyst newsletter archives
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Other Online Resources
Statistics on Seniors: U.S. Census
Bureau ( and Federal
Interagency Forum on Aging Related
Statistics (
 Fear of Crime: Age Concern
 Financial Crimes: Federal Trade
Commission (
National Crime Prevention Council 2007
Other Online Resources (continued)
Elder Abuse: National Center on Elder Abuse
 Crime (General): National Association of
TRIAD, Inc. (
 General Information on Seniors: AARP
( and the U.S. Administration on
Aging (
 National Criminal Justice Reference Service
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Arlington, VA 22202
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