Co-Occurring Disorders and FFT with Diverse Populations Holly Barrett Waldron, Ph.D. Oregon Research Institute Funding: NIDA (R01DA09422; R01DA13350; R01DA13354) NIAAA (R01AA12183) Development of Family Therapy 1940s 1950s WWII Changing women’s roles Family reunification Rise in divorce Need for mental health services 1960s 1970s Early Model Development: Ackerman Haley Bowen Satir Minuchin 1980s Efficacy/ Effectiveness Trials of Treatment Models 1990s 2000+ Family Intervention Science: Mature Clinical Models of Practice Evidence-Based Family Therapy Practices for Adolescent Problem Behaviors Functional Family Therapy – (Alexander, Waldron, Robbins, Turner et al.) Parent Training (Patterson) Brief Strategic Family Therapy – (Szapocznik, Santisteban, Robbins et al.) Multisystemic Therapy (Henggeler et al.) Multidimensional Family Therapy (Liddle et al.) Behavioral Family Therapy (Azrin, Bry, Kazdin) Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (Chamberlain) Integrative Behavioral & Family Therapies – (Barrett; Brent; Rohde & Waldron) Family Therapy FFT (Functional Family Therapy) Friedman, 1989; Hops et al., 2007; Waldron et al., 2001; 2005; 2007 BFT (Behavioral Family Therapy) Azrin et al., 1994; 2001; Krinsley & Bry, 1995 MDFT (Multidimensional Family Therapy) Dennis et al., 2004; Liddle et al., 2001; 2003; 2004 These Three are “Well Established” for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders Controlled Clinical Trials for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders: Functional Family Therapy Integrative Behavioral and Family Therapy Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Team of Investigators Holly Barrett Waldron Hyman Hops Charles W. Turner Manuel Barrera Timothy J. Ozechowski Janet L. Brody Findings from Three Controlled Clinical Trials Evaluating FFT and CBT for Adolescent Substance Abuse and Dependence Study Participants Living DSM at home, parent willing to participate diagnosis Substance Use Disorder Appropriate No for outpatient treatment evidence of psychosis Not receiving other mental health treatment English language Referral Sources Juvenile Justice System: 43% Schools: 31% Newspaper Ads / Flyers: 11% Self Referred: 10% Other Treatment Agency: 5% Ethnicity 8% 6% Other/ Mixed Native American Anglo Hispanic 45% 41% Drug Use Characteristics Drug Marijuana Alcohol Tobacco Hallucinogens Cocaine Stimulants Opiates Sedatives/Tranquilizers Inhalants Other Drugs % Using 99 95 84 50 33 22 10 4 2 9 % Days Used 57 10 64 2 3 2 <1 <1 <1 <1 Common Design Features of Three Randomized Clinical Trials 12-14 sessions of treatment Four assessments conducted at: Intake … 3 mon … 7-9 mon … 15-19 mon Substance Use Measures – Time-Line Follow-Back Adolescent Interview – Time-Line Follow-Back Parent Collateral Report – Urine Drug Screening Therapy Sessions Completed 90 % Sessions Completed 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 GROUP FFT CBT Treatment Group FFT+CBT Randomized Trial for Marijuana Abuse (DAYS Project) Pretreatment Assessment Random Assignment: Skills-Based Group Intervention n = 30 Cognitive-Behavior Therapy n = 30 Functional Family Therapy n = 30 4 Month Follow-up 7 Month Follow-up 19 Month Follow-up Combined (FFT and CBT) n = 30 Adolescent Marijuana Use at Pre- and Post-Treatment Follow-Up FFT CBT FFT+CBT GROUP 80 Mean Percent Days of Use 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 PreTx 4 Mo F/U 7 Mo F/U 19 Mo F/U (Waldron et al., 2001; 2008) Proportion of Adolescents Abstinent or Using at Minimal Levels (<10% of days) FFT CBT FFT+CBT GROUP Proportion of Adolescents 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 PreTx 4 Mo F/U 7 Mo F/U (Waldron et al., 2001; 2008) 19 Mo F/U Randomized Trial for Alcohol Abuse (CEDAR Project) Pretreatment Assessment Random Assignment: Skills-Based Group Therapy Cognitive-Behavior Therapy n = 40 n = 40 Functional Family Therapy n = 40 5 Month Follow-up 8 Month Follow-up 19 Month Follow-up Integrative Behavioral & Family Therapy n = 40 Adolescent Alcohol Use by Treatment Condition: Pre-Treatment to Follow-Up FFT CBT IBFT GROUP Mean Percent Days of Use 20 15 10 5 0 PreTx 4 Mo F/U 7 Mo F/U 19 Mo F/U Summary of Outcomes Family therapy produces significant pre- to post-treatment improvement for conduct disorder, substance use disorders, anxiety (also, adult schizophrenia, adult alcohol and drug use disorders) Family therapy is a “treatment of choice” for adolescents with conduct and substance use disorders No evidence that one family therapy model is superior to any other for any disorder or co-occurring problems Re-occurrence of symptoms (e.g., relapse, recidivism) presents major challenges to treatment and booster care or continuing care for a portion of treated youth may be required Ethnicity and Treatment Outcome Research on Mental Health Services for Hispanic Clients At higher risk for mental illness (due to discrimination, poverty) compared to individuals in dominant culture Underutilize mental health services Higher premature drop out rates Higher likelihood of inappropriate or ineffective services Benefit less from services than clients of majority culture Referred to substance abuse treatment at higher rates than youth in majority culture Experience higher rates of “unsatisfactory releases from treatment” Shillington & Clapp, 2003 Sue, 1977; Sue et al., 1991; Vera et al., 1998) Two-Site Randomized Trial for DrugAbusing Hispanic and Anglo Youth (VISTA Project) New Mexico Site New Mexico Newly Immigrated Hispanic-American Mexican-American IBFT CBT (n=30) (n=30) IBFT CBT (n=30) (n=30) Oregon Site Anglo-American Newly Immigrated Mexican-American Anglo-American IBFT CBT (n=30) (n=30) IBFT CBT (n=30) (n=30) IBFT CBT (n=30) (n=30) Figure C.1. Effects of CBT and IBFT on Marijuana Use (% days) in the Hispanic Sample. Marijuana Use (% days) 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 0 3 6 9 12 15 Assessment Point (months) CBT IBFT Note: The individual points represent self-reported days of marijuana use (percent of days) during the past 90 days on the TLFB interview. 18 Figure C.2. Effects of CBT and IBFT on Marijuana Use (% days) in the Non Hispanic Sample. 60 Marijuana Use (% days) 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 0 5 10 15 Assessm ent Point (m onths) CBT IBFT Note: The individual points represent self-reported days of marijuana use (percent of days) during the past 90 days on the TLFB interview. 20 Therapist-Client Ethnic Matching and Family Therapy Outcome Source: Flicker, Waldron, Turner, Brody, & Hops (2008) Journal of Family Psychology Rationale for Research on Ethnic Matching of Therapists and Clients Better communication in primary language and understanding of client’s cultural background (Flaskerud, 1986). Better therapeutic alliance due to common experience of therapist and client (Sue, 1988) Less frequent miscommunication and misdiagnosis (Sue, 1988; Sue & Sundberg, 1996) Therapeutic goals similarly conceptualized by the client and therapist Similarity positively influences liking, persuasion, and credibility, processes important to treatment success (Simons et al., 1970) Better identification of the impact of cultural issues on problem Preference of clients for working with culturally-similar therapist (Atkinson & Lowe, 1995) Sample 89 substance-abusing adolescents in FFT 84% male; 13-19 years 1/2 Anglo, 1/2 New Mexican Hispanic 80% in Class 2 & 3 of Hollingshead Scale 40% 2-parent, 30% 1-parent, 25% blended 72% in legal system; 1/3 treatment mandate Mean sessions completed: 89% Adolescent Marijuana Use by Ethnicity and Ethnic Match 70 60 Nonmatched Hispanics Mean Change in Use 50 Nonmatched Anglos 40 Matched Anglos 30 20 10 Matched Hispanics 0 Pretreatment Follow -Up 1 Assessment Point Follow -Up 2 General Ethnicity Findings No significant differences between Anglos and Hispanics on treatment engagement or outcome Hispanic adolescents had significantly lower treatment alliances in 1st session - perhaps Hispanic adolescents have different time course of alliance? Ethnic Match Findings No significant differences between ethnically matched Anglos and Hispanics on engagement or outcome Ethnic match not related to attendance or treatment satisfaction Non-matched Anglos had most balanced alliance Ethnically matched Hispanics had greater decreases in drug use Therapist Ethnicity Effects Hispanic therapists had more balanced alliances with families than Anglo therapists Hispanic therapists achieved better substance use outcomes with youth than Anglo therapists Discussion Therapist-family ethnic matching effect was found, despite highly acculturated Hispanic sample Relationship between ethnic match and treatment outcome was unrelated to acculturation level Therapeutic alliance was unrelated to relationship between ethnic match and change in drug use Implications Evidence that FFT is as or more effective with New Mexican Hispanic families Ethnic match more important for Hispanic families than for Anglo families Findings highlight the need for – ethnic diversity among therapists – better cross-cultural competence training FFT for Co-Occurring Adolescent SUD and Depression Treating Co-morbid Adolescent SUD and Depression Treatments with the greatest efficacy for depression and anxiety (i.e., CBT) have not shown similar effects for SUD In dually diagnosed youth, treating either depression or substance abuse alone is insufficient for both disorders Proportion Heavy Use 1.0 No Family Low BDI 0.9 0.8 No Family Hi BDI 0.7 Family Hi BDI 0.6 0.5 Family Low BDI 0.4 1 2 3 Time of Measure Note: BDI > 9 = High BDI; Heavy Marijuana Use = >20% Days Use. 4 Effective Sequencing of Evidence-based Treatments for Co-Morbid Depression and Substance Use Disorders Participant Flow through Each Stage of Study Referral Screen and Consent Intake Assessment Randomize to: Sequenced Tx. 1 FFT (10 weeks) Sequenced Tx. 2 ACWD (10 weeks) Integrated Tx. (20 weeks) Post-FFT assessment (Week 10) Start ACWD (10 weeks) Post-CWDA assessment (Week 10) Start FFT (10 weeks) Mid-Tx assessment (Week 9) Post-ACWD assessment (Week 20) Post-FFT assessment (Week 20) Post-Tx assessment (Week 20) 3-month Follow-up 6-month Follow-up Figure 5 9-month Follow-up Provision of Treatment in the Three Service Delivery Conditions Weeks Sequenced Tx. 1 1 2 3 4 5 Sequenced Tx. 2 C C C C C C C C C C F F C C F F Integrated Tx. Figure 6 F F F F F F F 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 F F F F F C C C C C C C C C C C C F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ F = FFT Sessions C = ACWD Sessions C+ = Augmented ACWD Sessions Directions for FFT Treatment Research Clear need for improving outcomes for: – Heavy users, polydrug users – Co-morbid disorders Better relapse prevention components – Booster treatment sessions; aftercare – Improved consolidation of treatment gains New ways to approach treatment research – Evaluate adaptive, progressive interventions or “stepped” care – Tailoring treatments to specific subgroups Research evaluating effectiveness of dissemination – Supervision approaches – Training approaches