The Aggressive Child: Oppositional Defiant Disorder


The Aggressive


Oppositional Defiant and

Conduct Disorders

Michael Kisicki, M.D.

Seattle Children’s Hospital

Echo Glen Children’s Center

University of Washington, Department of Psychiatry.

Main Points


Assess and treat comorbid conditions

Address risk factors and bolster strengths

Behavioral interventions first

Medications secondary and adjunctive


6 year old

Angry when video games limited

Poked mom’s face out of family portraits

Talks back to teachers

Provokes peers, bossy

Hits younger sister


9 year old cranky girl

Aggressive and destructive tantrums

Cries unpredictably

Treated for ADHD, without benefit

Low energy, appetite


15 year old boy in Wyoming Boy’s School

Assault, burglary, arson, shoplifting

Drug commerce and use

Parents have criminal history


14 year old girl, psychiatric inpatient

Aggression towards family

History of sexual abuse by babysitter

Difficulty sleeping, nightmares

Hyperarousal, irritability


9 year old, language delay

Toe walking, spins when toilet flushes

No interest in social play

Pulls hair of dog and sister

Nature of Aggression

Development of contrary and aggressive behavior

Psychological factors

Environmental factors

Physiological factors

Determining pathologic

Developmental Trajectory

From “Developmental Origins of Aggression” by Tremblay, Hartup and Archer (2005)

Developmental Trajectory

From “Developmental Origins of Aggression” by Tremblay, Hartup and Archer (2005)

Developmental Trajectory

From “Developmental Origins of Aggression” by Tremblay, Hartup and Archer (2005)


Infants promote bonding with behavior

Anger expression by age 6 months

Toddlers show defiance as they individuate

Tantrums diminish in school age children

Social conformity progresses in elementary

Testing limits, debating, experimenting in early teens



Autonomic nervous system





Nature - Nurture

Caspi, et al 2002


Orbito/frontal: reactive aggression, negative affective style, impulsivity

Temporal: unprovoked aggression

Amygdala: interpretation of social cues

Distinguishing Pathologic


Variety of symptoms and settings

Proactive aggression and cruelty

Use of weapon

Contrary to social group

Behavior atypical for age



Abuse, neglect

Presence of weapon

Past behavior

Use of drugs/alcohol

Acute psychiatric illness (mania, psychosis)


Treatment Focused History

When, how, what,? Focusing on modifiable variables

Hot or cold?

Time course, association with stressor?

Risk factors


Information from multiple sources

Measures, scales (Vanderbilts, OAS)

Individual Factors

Family history (ADHD, DBD, PDD, mood)

Temperament, affect dysregulation

Reading, speech/language

Social skills

Prenatal, environmental toxic exposure


Parental mental illness

Low involvement

High conflict

Poor monitoring

Harsh inconsistent discipline

Physical punishment

Lack of warmth and involvement

Parental burn out

Child Abuse

Physical abuse and neglect predict APD, criminal behavior, violence

Abused children have social processing deficits

Sexual abuse victims of both genders develop DBD, girls have more internalizing

Risk reduced when removed


Rejected and reinforced by prosocial peers

Uneasy affirmation by anti-social peers

Females more sensitive to rejection


More predictive of DBD than any other psychopathology

Public housing outweighs all protective factors

Disorganization, drugs, adult criminals, racial prejudice, poverty, unemployment

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Defiance, anger, quick temper, bullying, spitefulness, usually before 8 years of age

Usually resolves, 1/3 develop conduct disorder

High rate of comorbidity

Irritability is a component (think about when considering Bipolar NOS)

Conduct Disorder

Repetitive + persistent, violates basic rights of others or societal norms

Aggression, property destruction, theft, deceit, truancy

Prognosis depends on age, aggression and social withdrawal

Boys: higher prevalence, more persistence and aggression

Girls: less persistent, more covert behavior and problematic relationships

Less Aggression and more rights violations with age.


5% of kids

ODD: 2-16% of community, 50% of clinic

CD: 1.5-3.4% of community adolescents,

30-50% in clinic

Usually resolves, 1/3 of ODD develop CD

Adult antisocial personality disorder: 2.6%

Boys >> girls, unless you consider relational aggression

Comorbid Disorders

ADHD, 10x the prevalence; inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity. Vanderbilts.

MDD, 7x the prevalence; mood complaints, neurovegative symptoms.


Substance abuse, 4x the prevalence; by history, UA. CRAFFT

(car, relax, alone, forget, friends, trouble)

PTSD, Autism, Bipolar

Treatment Menu


Treat co-morbid medical and psychiatric conditions

Parenting support


Community/Multimodal services


Acute Agitation

Attention to your own demeanor, environment

Provide some sense of control, choices

Distractions, food

Medications (oral, risperidone liquid/Mtab)

Careful with benzos and Benadryl


Drugs, toxins


Parent mental health

Learning problems

Peers, community

Safety precautions

Available resources


Expert Opinion

46 leading experts surveyed

10 years of “ballooning” off-label use of antipsychotics

Decline in psychosocial interventions

Mismatch between research and clinical practice

Martin & Leslie, 2003


ADHD: medication and parenting support +/- behavioral therapy

Substance abuse: targeted treatment, motivational interviewing, consider residential

Mood/Anxiety: individual therapy

(CBT) +/- medication


Part of a broader program

Problem solving, peer mediation

Social skills

Moral development

Anger/assertiveness training

Parenting Support

Parent management training (PMT): effective across settings and overtime, but does not bring out of clinical range with


Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT): clinically significant improvement with

ODD. 1. Child directed interaction. 2.

Parent directed

Family Therapy has greater drop out than



1-2-3 Magic (2004) by Thomas Phelan,

PhD (multiple languages and video)

Winning the Whining Wars, and other

Skirmishes (1991) by Cynthia Whitham


The Difficult Child (2000) by Stanley

Turicki, MD

Parenting Your Out-of-Control Teenager by Scott Sells, PhD


Positive reinforcement

Balanced emotional valence

Time outs

Parenting (con’t)

Response cost: withdrawing rewards

Token economy

Consistency of response

Priorities and sharing responsibility


Get Creative!

Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, Big

Brother/Sister, after school activities and sports, communal parenting

Be careful of bringing together kids with


More formal programs: treatment foster care, school-based programs, bullying programs

Promotes social skills and supervision

Multimodal Services

Strongest evidence for actual therapeutic effect in Conduct disorder

Foster care, juvenile justice, public mental health

Multisystemic therapies (MST, FFT,

FIT): family, peer, school, and neighborhood interventions plus behavior therapy, problem solving,

+/- DBT skills


Feeling more successful in school always helps behavior

Testing (learning, speech, language)


Special classroom

Social skills, problem solving, peer mediation


Target medication responsive diagnoses

Covert, premeditated generally not responsive

Meds should be adjunctive and secondary to behavioral interventions

Most benign first, informed consent

Quantify and track results (OAS)

Stop one before starting second

Assess compliance, all meds can be diverted

ADHD + ODD/CD Treatment

ADHD = ADHD+ODD in stimulant response

Non-Stimulant medications not as consistent

11x the non-compliance with ODD

Meds + parenting and/or behavioral therapy

Combination therapy is better when comparing “normalization,” and dosage of medication and parent preference

Jensen et al, 2001


18 studies (15 RCTs). 429 kids, mostly elementary boys. ADHD and/or ODD/CD with aggressive behavior.

Greatest ES in ADHD + aggression, 0.9.

Lowest in MR, 0.3. Average was 0.78.

At least 3 small studies (N=99) reduced aggression in ODD,CD without ADHD

Good first choice for impulsive, reactive aggression. Quick trial, relatively benign.

Pappadopulos et al, 2006

Alpha 2 Agonists

Clonidine. 7 studies (4 RCTS). 114 kids. ADHD,

CD, PTSD, Tourettes, Autism.

RCTs showed efficacy DBDs>Tourettes.

Watch for sedation, dizziness, hypotension

Guanfacine. 4 studies, 1 controlled. 72 kids.

ADHD +/- tics

Mixed results. Better tolerated than clonidine.

ADHD kids who don’t tolerate stimulants, or kids with hyperarousal

Pappadopulos et al 2006


Seretonin and aggression in rats

SSRIs treat “impulsive aggression” in adults, primates

30-40% of depressed adults are aggressive

Bupropion 3 RCTs, 2 open. 117 kids. CD and

ADHD. “solid support.”

SSRIs mixed results, but still consideration for anxious/depressed.

Trazodone in DBD, effective for aggression.

Small open trial (22)

Pappadopulos et al 2006


Since 2000, 9 studies in CD/ODD, ADHD,

DBD, MR, Autism. 875 kids

Risperidone, low doses, short trials

ES ranging from 0.7-1.96.

Aripiprazole, 1 RCT, 218 children, efficacy and SE’s increased with dose.

Movement and metabolic disorders

Large/broad effect, short term management

Pappadopulos et al 2006

Mood Stabilizers

Lithium. 5 RCTs. Mostly inpatient CD.

Mixed. More effective in “affective, explosive.”

Valproic Acid. 2 studies (1 RCT). 30 kids.

Superior to placebo in aggression in CD.

Carbamazepine. 1 RCT showed no benefit

Oxcarbazepine. No data

Mood Stabilizer, cont

Lithium monitoring. Baseline Cr and Ur specific gravity, TSH, ?EKG. Lithium level 1 week after dose change. Monitor level, kidney, TSH every

2-3 months. Weight.

VPA monitoring. CBC+LFTs prior. Repeat, with

VPA level every few weeks in first couple months, then 1-2 times/year. Weight

Carbamazepine. CBC, LFTs, Renal, TSH prior.

Repeat q2wks for 2m, then every 3-6m.

Beta Blocker

Propranolol (others have  intolerance)

Some evidence in adults with “impulsive, explosive” rage, aggression in MR, DD dementia.

5 studies (1 RCT). 101 kids. Various dx

(ADHD, DD, PTSD, “organic”). Largely positive

1 RCT. 32 kids. CD. Pindolol not superior to MPH, with significant SE’s

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Dr. Terry Lee

Dr. Robert Hilt

Dr. William French
