Care Pathways & Payment-by-Results David Kingdon University of Southampton NHS South Central/Hampshire Partnership FT What’s a care pathway? • An integrated care pathway (ICP) is a multidisciplinary/ multi-agency outline of anticipated care, placed in an appropriate timeframe, to help a patient* with a specific condition or set of symptoms move progressively through a clinical experience to positive outcomes * also for general population, carers, primary care, general medical services, non-statutory sector, mental health services and commissioners What’s a care pathway? • Clinical care pathways are “both a tool and a concept that embed guidelines, protocols and locally agreed, evidence-based, patient-centred, best practice, into everyday use for the individual patient. In addition, and uniquely to ICPs [Integrated Care Pathways], they record deviations from planned care in the form of variances” [Defining and monitoring quality] • ‘Bandolier’ description [providing information for …] – – – – Diagnosis: Treating the right patient ) Guidelines Treatment: Treating the right patient right ) Organisation: Treating the right patient right at the right time Pathway: Treating the right patient right at the right time and in the right way Care pathways, clusters and tariffs • • • • Clusters define current need Clusters span Disorder care pathways Disorders define pathways (e.g. NICE) Interventions and specific outcome measures relate to CPs. • How do we relate pathways to clusters? PbR Trust A Trust B Trust C 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 102 1035 150 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) 273 1368 462 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 1002 978 729 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 1701 2034 369 5: Non-Psychotic (very severe) 273 1368 735 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 927 942 1239 15. Severe Psychotic Depression 135 108 75 6: Non-Psychotic Disorders of overvalued ideas [Eating disorders & OCD] 234 435 300 8: Non-Psychotic Chaotic and Challenging Disorders [ ‘Borderline PD’] 777 1068 150 0 0 0 1350 963 1638 14: Psychotic Crisis 435 228 762 11: Ongoing Recurrent Psychosis (low symptoms) 702 750 1035 12: Ongoing or Recurrent Psychosis (high disability) 1161 702 1101 13: Ongoing or Recurrent Psychosis (high symptom and disability) 2670 1026 3030 16: Dual Diagnosis = ‘Psychosis with drug abuse’ 1377 396 1638 17: Psychosis and Affective Disorder Difficult to Engage 1128 294 1146 0 0 0 18: Cognitive impairment (low need) 1026 1701 702 19: Cognitive impairment or Dementia Complicated (Moderate need) 1368 2010 1062 20: Cognitive impairment or Dementia Complicated (High need) 534 1035 207 21: Cognitive impairment or Dementia (High physical or engagement needs) 702 1638 402 17877 20079 16932 CARE PATHWAYS AND CLUSTERS Emotional difficulties: Psychosis: 10: First Episode in Psychosis Memory difficulties: Total patients Care pathways Persistent Acute Stable Psychosis Stable Low Memory difficulties Moderate High Persistent Anxiety/depression Acute & related conditions Acute Eating disorders Persistent Stable Emotional difficulties Acute Acute ‘Rapid cycling’ Borderline Personality Disorder Persistent Bipolar disorder Persistent Stable Stable Payment-by-Results High (P&E) Care Pathway Acute Persistent Stable (Acute care pathway CRHT/Inpatient) (Community pathway/AOT/EIP) (Community/recovery pathway/IAPT) Psychosis 14: Psychotic Crisis 10: First Episode in Psychosis 13: Ongoing or Recurrent Psychosis (high symptom and disability) 16: Dual Diagnosis = ‘Psychosis with drug abuse’ 17: Psychosis and Affective Disorder (Difficult to Engage) 11: Ongoing Recurrent Psychosis (low symptoms) 12: Ongoing or Recurrent Psychosis (high disability) Bipolar disorder 5: Non-Psychotic (very severe) 14: Psychotic Crisis 15. Severe Psychotic Depression 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 17: Psychosis and Affective Disorder (Difficult to Engage) 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) Anxiety/ depression 5: Non-Psychotic (very severe) 15. Severe Psychotic Depression 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) ‘Borderline PD’ 8: Non-Psychotic Chaotic and Challenging Disorders [ ‘Borderline PD’] 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) Eating disorders 6: Non-Psychotic Disorders of overvalued ideas [Eating disorders & OCD] 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 6: Non-Psychotic Disorders of overvalued ideas [Eating 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) Care Pathway Acute Persistent Stable Psychosis Often requires period of stabilisation, sometimes PICU, MSU or finding new community accommodation; risk & substance misuse issues. Home treatment not often accepted for engagement reasons/agitation/ accommodation instability. Psychiatric & care coordinator; course of CBT psychosis (accepted by most); family work where agreed with family (relatively uncommon). EIP & AOT for proportion. Some NHS rehab accom Meds – clozapine & depot Psychiatrist &/or care coordinator (longer-term). Social support. CBT for psychosis if not previously received. Bipolar disorder Usually for mania and relatively brief admission; occasionally even briefer admn for depression. Rarely stabilisation & new accom. Some use of HT Psychiatric management – sometimes care coordinator. Psychological input (often offered & accepted) Psychiatrist or care coordinator (longer-term) . Anxiety/ depression Rarely admission needed for suicidal risk; should be brief. HT more commonly needed. Step 1 & 2: Primary care & IAPT Step 3 & 4: CMHT + CBT, day care/social support Primary care/self-help Psychiatrist or care coordinator (usually brief). ‘Borderline PD’ Admission generally contraindicated but some brief for risk/rapid stabilisation. HT frequent in crisis periods. Intensive CMHT involvement; family work; social support; DBT. Brief NHS rehab accom. Psychiatrist or care coordinator (brief/intermediate). Social support. Eating disorders Where admission needed, specialist unit & can be intensive & lengthy. HT have role. ED team + CMHT; psychologist. Psychiatrist or care coordinator (longer-term). Care Pathway Acute Persistent Stable Psychosis Often requires period of stabilisation, sometimes PICU, MSU or finding new community accommodation; risk & substance misuse issues. Home treatment not often accepted for engagement reasons/ agitation/accommodation instablility. Psychiatric & care coordinator; course of CBT psychosis (accepted by most); family work where agreed with family (relatively uncommon). EIP & AOT for proportion. Some NHS rehab accom Psychiatrist &/or care coordinator (longer-term). Social support. CBT for psychosis if not previously received. Bipolar disorder Usually for mania and relatively brief admission; occasionally even briefer admn for depression. Rarely stabilisation & new accom. Some use of HT Psychiatric management – sometimes care coordinator. Psychological input (often offered & accepted) Psychiatrist or care coordinator (longer-term) . Anxiety/ depression Rarely admission needed for suicidal risk; should be brief. HT more commonly needed. Step 1 & 2: Primary care & IAPT Step 3 & 4: CMHT + CBT, day care/social support Primary care/self-help Psychiatrist or care coordinator (usually brief). ‘Borderline PD’ Admission generally contraindicated but some brief for risk/rapid stabilisation. HT frequent in crisis periods. Intensive CMHT involvement; family work; social support; DBT. Brief NHS rehab accom. Psychiatrist or care coordinator (brief/intermediate). Social support. Eating disorders Where admission needed, specialist unit & can be intensive & lengthy. HT have role. ED team + CMHT; psychologist. Psychiatrist or care coordinator (longer-term). Care Pathway Acute Persistent (Community Stable (Acute pathway (AP): CRHT/ Inpatient/PICU) pathway (CP) /AOT/EIP) Psychosis £ Acute bed day cost (AP) * av. LOS = £P-A Bipolar disorder Anxiety/ depression ‘Borderline PD’ Eating disorders LOS – length of stay * = x (multiply) (Community pathway (CP) /IAPT) Care Pathway Acute Persistent (Community Stable (Acute pathway (AP): CRHT/ Inpatient/PICU) pathway (CP) /AOT/EIP) Psychosis £ Acute bed day £Community day cost cost (AP) * av. LOS (CP) * weighting * = £P-A days = £P-P Bipolar disorder £ AP * av. LOS = £BD- A (Community pathway (CP) /IAPT) £ AP * av. LOS Anxiety/ depression = £AD-A ‘Borderline £ AP * av. LOS PD’ = £BPDA Eating disorders £ AP * av. LOS = £ED-A Weighting – measured or estimated (e.g. Persistent = 2 x Stable; actual costs for IAPT) LOS – length of stay * = x (multiply) Care Pathway Acute Persistent (Community Stable (Acute pathway (AP): CRHT/ Inpatient/PICU) pathway (CP) /AOT/EIP) Psychosis £ AP (acute bed £Community day cost day cost) * av. LOS (CP) * weighting * = £P-A days = £P-P Bipolar disorder £ AP * av. LOS = £BD- A £CP * weighting * days = £BP-P £ AP * av. LOS Anxiety/ depression = £AD-A £CP * weighting * days = £AD-P ‘Borderline £ AP * av. LOS PD’ = £BPDA £CP * weighting * days = £BPD-P Eating disorders £ AP * av. LOS = £ED-A (Community pathway (CP) /IAPT) £CP * weighting * days = £P-S £CP * weighting * days = £ED-P Weighting – measured or estimated (e.g. Persistent = 2 x Stable; actual costs for IAPT) LOS – length of stay * = x (multiply) Care Pathway Acute Persistent (Community Stable (Acute pathway (AP): CRHT/ Inpatient/PICU) pathway (CP) /AOT/EIP) Psychosis £ AP (acute bed £CP * weighting * days £CP * weighting * day cost) * av. LOS = £P-P days = £P-S = £P-A Bipolar disorder £ AP * av. LOS = £BD- A (Community pathway (CP) /IAPT) £CP * weighting * days £CP * weighting * = £BP-P days = £BP-P £ AP * av. LOS Anxiety/ depression = £AD-A £CP * weighting * days [IAPT + £CP] * = £AD-P weighting * days = £AD-S ‘Borderline £ AP * av. LOS PD’ = £BPDA £CP * weighting * days £CP * weighting * = £BPD-P days = £BPD-S Eating disorders £ AP * av. LOS = £ED-A £CP * weighting * days £CP * weighting * = £ED-P days = £ED-P Weighting – measured or estimated (e.g. Persistent = 2 x Stable; actual costs for IAPT) LOS – length of stay * = x (multiply) Care Pathway Acute Persistent (high Stable (CRHT/Inpatient) need community pathway/AOT/EIP) (community/recovery pathway/IAPT) Psychosis 14: Psychotic Crisis 10: First Episode in Psychosis 13: Ongoing or Recurrent Psychosis (high symptom and disability) 16: Dual Diagnosis = ‘Psychosis with drug abuse’ 17: Psychosis and Affective Disorder (Difficult to Engage) 11: Ongoing Recurrent Psychosis (low symptoms) 12: Ongoing or Recurrent Psychosis (high disability) Bipolar disorder 5: Non-Psychotic (very severe) 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) Anxiety/ depression 5: Non-Psychotic (very severe) 15. Severe Psychotic Depression 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) ‘Borderline PD’ 8: Non-Psychotic Chaotic and Challenging Disorders [ ‘Borderline PD’] 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) Eating disorders 6: Non-Psychotic Disorders of overvalued ideas [Eating disorders & OCD] 3: Non-Psychotic (Moderate Severity) 4: Non-Psychotic (Severe) 7: Enduring Non-Psychotic Disorders (high disability) 6: Non-Psychotic Disorders of overvalued ideas [Eating disorders & OCD] 1: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity) 2: Common Mental Health Problems (low severity with greater need) 14: Psychotic Crisis 15. Severe Psychotic Depression Deriving Cluster Tariffs Worked Example! £14. Psychotic crisis (tariff) = [(No. of 14. Psychotic crisis with Psychosis x £P-A) + (No. of 14. Psychotic crisis with Bipolar x £BP-A)] / No. of Patients in Cluster 14. Developing a tariff • Cost each CP category (A, P, S) • Use clusters to assess need; Cluster * CP for tariff • Base weighted costs on current or estimated usage • Commence with using annual census (initially then increase frequency to 6 to eventually monthly) • Account for new entrants and exits from pathways PbR Questions: • Can diagnostic care pathway, LOS & cluster info be gathered on all patients? How will we do it? • Are clusters allocated appropriately to pathways? • How do we deal with dual diagnosis; – use primary diagnosis only or e.g. psychosis [drugs or not?] • How do we cost pathways? – Acute: HTT + Acute + PICU (combine or split) • What about ‘delayed discharges’? – Community: • What is a community reference cost? • Persistent – care coordinator & psych (2x cost) + psychology - i.e. = CPA (?) – Do we separate EIT, AOT & high-cost CMHT? Liaison & Perinatal services? • Stable – care coordinator or psychiatrist, i.e. = non-CPA? • Allow for supervision & training costs; accounting for overheads • How do we link to outcomes? [HoNOS, DIALOG, & specific measures eg IAPT] • Exceptions – e,g. very high-cost & possibly forensic patients