AERC ALCOHOL ACADEMY Alcohol Commissioning Pilot (Workshops) Seminars* Trevor McCarthy 21 September 2010 * Correction after Alexei Sayle Alexei Sayle: Glastonbury 1985 And another thing. Anyone who uses the word ‘workshop’ who isn’t actually involved in Light Engineering is a f***ing tw*t. Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Alcohol: It’s a drug Jim, but not as we know it. Alcohol: It’s a drug Jim, but not as we know it. Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Remember this? Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 2007 review of AHRSE : a commitment made in 2004 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 The prevention paradox • The majority of alcohol related harms are associated with people whose drinking is hazardous & harmful • Dependent drinkers are likely to experience and be linked with greater degrees of harm • But there is so much drinking that the hazardous & harmful drinkers harm outweighs that of dependent drinkers Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 So Whither Alcohol Treatment? It is important to understand that the evidence for brief interventions in nonspecialist settings, such as primary care, cannot be interpreted as evidence that more intensive interventions in specialist settings are unnecessary – this is not true. Review of the Effectiveness of Treatment for Alcohol Problems Duncan Raistrick, Nick Heather & Christine Godfrey (NTA 2006) Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 NHS White Paper July 2010 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Some of what it says… Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Alcohol use disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking and alcohol dependence: February 2011 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 NICE: Alcohol Prevention Guidance NICE Public Health Guidance 24 Published June 2010 12 recommendations Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Policy Recommendations (1-3) • 1 Price: Consider minimum price per unit. • 2 Availability: Consider licensing legislation; protecting public’s health as an objective; availability and alcohol-related harm & immediate sanctions on premises in breach Consider reducing personal import allowances • 3 Marketing: Minimise young’s exposure to alcohol advertising - consider complete ban Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Practice Recommendations (4-8) • • • • • 4 5 6 7 8 Licensing Resources - screening & brief interventions Supporting children & young people 10 - 15 Screening people aged 16 & 17 years Extended brief interventions - 16 & 17 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Practice Recommendations (9-12) • • • • 9 Screening adults 10 Brief advice for adults 11 Extended brief interventions for adults 12 Referral Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Recommendation 5 • Prioritise prevention as ‘invest to save’ • Joint alcohol needs assessments & alcohol treatment pathways • Screening & brief interventions for hazardous and harmful drinkers (inc. disadvantaged groups) • Make provision for increase in referrals to tier two, three and four alcohol treatments • Capacity to treat at least 1 : 7 dependent drinkers Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Recommendation 5 (highlight) Commissioners should include formal evaluation within the commissioning framework so that alcohol interventions and treatment are routinely evaluated and followed up. The aim is to ensure adherence to evidence-based practice and to ensure interventions are cost effective. Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 NICE PH24 & Andrew Lansley “Regarding NICE's recommendations on minimum pricing for units of alcohol, it is not clear that the research examines specifically the regressive effect on low income families, or proves conclusively that it is the best way to impact price in order to impact demand.” Published 2 June 2010 • Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Caring about low income families …. • Alcohol not an equal opportunities substance: economically disadvantaged people experience disproportionate levels of harm • Increasing the price of any basic commodity has a disproportionate effect on the poor • When outweighed by health gain legitimate public health intervention c.f. smoking • Suppressing the price of beverage alcohol is not an effective strategem to address poverty Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Bogus arguments against pricing • Price alone is not the answer • Which is why it’s only one of 12 integrated recommendations in NICE PH24 • We support not selling below cost price • 50p / unit 2l of 7.5%abv cider £7.50 & bottle of spirits - £14.00 (vs £3.70 & £7.97 Tesco) • Government won’t get the money • Fortunately retailers believe in capitalism Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Evidence based practice … Despite clear evidence for its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and despite considerable efforts over the years to persuade them to do so, most health professionals have yet to incorporate screening and alcohol brief interventions in their routine practice Review of the effectiveness of treatment for alcohol problems Duncan Raistrick, Nick Heather and Christine Godfrey. NTA 2006 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Primary Care: Barriers 1. 2. 3. 4. Lack of time among busy healthcare professionals Lack of appropriate training to do screening & brief interventions Little support from government health policies Don’t believe patients will take advice to change drinking Eileen Kaner et al (1999) British Journal of General Practice Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Primary Care: Barriers cont. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lack of suitable screening and intervention materials Lack of reimbursement Wouldn’t want to cause offence Negative attitudes based on experience Eileen Kaner et al (1999) British Journal of General Practice Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Primary Care: Barriers 1. 2. 3. 4. Lack of time among busy healthcare professionals X Lack of appropriate training to do screening & brief interventions X Little support from government health policies X Don’t believe patients will take advice to change drinking X Eileen Kaner et al (1999) British Journal of General Practice Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Primary Care: Barriers cont. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lack of suitable screening and intervention materials X Lack of reimbursement X Wouldn’t want to cause offence X Negative attitudes based on experience ? Eileen Kaner et al (1999) British Journal of General Practice Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Primary Care – history & future • • • • • GP Fundholding Negotiating the QOF DES & LES GPs are normal … Knowing their caseload has not spontaneously generated intervention, but • Smoking interventions … Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 ‘It sometimes seems that we work in a field in which people seem to believe that it is cheating to read the literature.’ Gossop M. Addiction 2008; 103, 89-90 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 “Brains first and then Hard Work.” THE HOUSE AT POOH CORNER A. A. Milne London 1928 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 Facing the future … If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through. Blackadder Goes Forth Episode 4: Private Plane General Melchett (Stephen Fry) ( Trevor McCarthy: September 2010 The poor end up paying for the mistakes of the entitled This Week BBC July 2009 Trevor McCarthy: September 2010