AGE READY A Vision for Aging Communities and Congregations: Successful Aging Conferences Michael W. Parker, Ph.D. Scott Martin, MSW, VA Hugh Lee, JD, UA William Scoggins, Ph.D. Daniel Potts, MD, UA Regina Harrell, MD, UA Jamie Aten, Ph.D., Wheaton College Gina McCaskill, MSW, UA Richard M. Allman, MD, UAB October 1, 2012 3:45-4:30 Bryant Conference Center University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama Center for Mental Health and Aging Overview Aging Zeitgeist Successful Aging Conferences Recruiting congregations Developing Ongoing programs VA – Scot Martin UA Elder Law clinic – Hugh Lee Recruiting congregations – W Scroggins Resources Center for Mental Health and Aging Center for Mental Health and Aging /content/42/3/406.abstract istiancommunitycare/home Center for Mental Health and Aging Let us rise up and build Conference Objectives to affirm and encourage elder leadership, work, and volunteerism in all spheres of society; to provide to all (including disadvantaged) groups state-ofthe-art information from experts about how to age successfully; to promote discussions between elderly and their adult children about how to prepare for the next season of life; to foster ongoing, ecumenical partnerships between academic, medical and religious organizations that bridge racial, class, and educational barriers and result in effective programs that operate efficiently through shared resources 5Center for Mental Health and Aging PROPOSED MODEL F OR DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION , AND SUSTAINANCE OF COMMUNITY-LEVEL HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION TARGETING FAITH-BASED COMMUNITIES INSTITUTIONAL C OLLABORATIVE SYNERGY POTENTIAL S EQUELAE TARGET POPULATION EVALUATION PLANNING P ROCESS CONTENT 6Center for Mental Health and Aging PROPOSED MODEL FOR DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION, AND SUSTAINANCE OF COMMUNITY-LEVEL HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION TARGETING FAITH-BASED COMMUNITIES INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATIVE SYNERGY Faith-based Communities Medical Expertise Clinical Perspective Medical Communities Spiritual context Access/communication channe Capitalize on health/faith synergy Academic Communities Evidence-base Cutting edge innovations 7Center for Mental Health and Aging PROPOSED MODEL F OR DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION , AND SUSTAINANCE OF COMMUNITY-LEVEL HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION TARGETING FAITH-BASED COMMUNITIES T ARGET POPULATION Sen iors and their adult children affiliated with faith -based institutions 8Center for Mental Health and Aging PROPOSED MODEL F OR DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION , AND SUSTAINANCE OF COMMUNITY-LEVEL HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION TARGETING FAITH-BASED COMMUNITIES PLANNING PROCESS E STABLISH NON-DEMONINATIONAL, FAITH-NEUTRAL ORGANIZATIONAL ANCHOR POINT 1. EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION 2. SOLICITA TION OF LE ADE RSHIP POS ITIONS ACROSS ALL ETHNIC AND DE NOMINATIONAL GROUPS OF SUPPORT FROM FOUNDATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS 3. SOLICITA TION OF RECOM MENDATIONS FOR PRESENTERS FROM ALL PARTICIPA TING GROUPS 4. IDE NTIFY PRESENTERS ACROSS ALL THREE CORE INS TITUIONAL COM MUNITIES 9Center for Mental Health and Aging PROPOSED MODEL F OR DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION , AND SUSTAINANCE OF COMMUNITY-LEVEL HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION TARGETING FAITH-BASED COMMUNITIES CONTENT Comprehensive, multiple-risk focused, one-stop shopping, smorgasboard conceptualization CONTEXT: Life Course perspective - Preparing for the next season of life GOALS: Derived from enhanced Enhanced Rowe Rowe & & Kahn Kahn model, Model, emphasizing: em phasizing l Avoidance l Avoidance ofof disease disease and and disability disability l Active l Active engagement engagement with with lifelife l Maintenance l Maintenanceofofhigh high cognitive cognitiveand andphysical physicalfunctioning functioning l Positive l Positive spirituality spirituality PRESE NTERS: - Medical - Academic - Faith-based - Public Health Practice RANGE OF TOPICS/SERVICES: - Interventions promoting health behaviors - Information about available services - "Active engagement" opportunities - Legal and financial strategies - Spiritual practice Center for Mental Health and Aging 10 PROPOSED MODEL F OR DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION , AND SUSTAINANCE OF COMMUNITY-LEVEL HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION TARGETING FAITH-BASED COMMUNITIES EVALUATION Pre-intervention - behavior - attitudes Post-intervention - behavior - attitudes - program evaluation Center for Mental Health and Aging 11 PROPOSED MODEL F OR DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION , AND SUSTAINANCE OF COMMUNITY-LEVEL HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION TARGETING FAITH-BASED COMMUNITIES POTENTIAL SEQUELAE Individual-level behavior change (healthier lifestyl es, active livi ng) Revital ization and societal i nclusi on of seniors in the broader community Stimulation of ongoing coalitions and inter-faith organziations Center for Mental Health and Aging 12 PROPOSED M ODEL FOR DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION, AND SUSTAINANCE OF COMMUNITY-LEVEL HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION TARGETING FAITH-BASED COMMUNITIES INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATIVE SYNERGY Faith-based Communities Medical Expertise Clinical Perspective Medical Communities Spiritual context Access/communication channe Capitalize on health/faith synergy Academic Communities Evidence-base Cutting edge innovations TARGET POPULATION Seniors and their adult children affiliated with faith-based institutions PLANNING PROCESS ESTABLISH NON-DEMONINATIONAL, FAITH-NEUTRAL ORGANIZATIONAL ANCHOR POINT 1. EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF LEADERSHIP POSITIONS ACROSS ALL ETHNIC AND DENOMINATIONAL GROUPS 2. SOLICITATION OF SUPPORT FROM FOUNDATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS 3. SOLICITATION 4. IDENTIFY CONTENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRESENTERS FROM ALL PARTICIPATING GROUPS PRESENTERS ACROSS ALL THREE CORE INSTITUIONAL COMMUNITIES Comprehensive, multiple-risk focused, one-stop shopping, smorgasboard conceptualization CONTEXT: Life Course perspective - Preparing for the next season of life GOALS: Derived from Enhanced Rowe & Kahn Model, emphasizing: emphasizing l Avoidance of of Avoidance disease disease and and disability disability l Active engagement Active engagement with with lifelife l Maintenance Maintenance ofof high high cognitive cognitive and and physical physical functioning functioning l Positive Positive spirituality spirituality PRESENTERS: - Medical - Academic - Faith-based - Public Health Practice EVALUATION RANGE OF TOPICS/SERVICES: - Interventions promoting health behaviors - Information about available services - "Active engagement" opportunities - Legal and financial strategies - Spiritual practice Pre-Intervention (behavior & attitudes) Post-Intervention: (behavior & attitudes; participant evaluation) POTENTIAL SEQUELAE Individual-level behavior change (healthier lifestyles, active living) Revitalization and societal inclusion of seniors in the broader community Stimulation of ongoing coalitions and inter-faith organziations Center for Mental Health and Aging Table 1. Multidisciplinary faculty and workshop topics FACULTY: SAMPLE TOPIC(S): Rheumatologist Geriatric Psychiatrist Geriatrician Exercise Physiologist Oral historian/author Geriatric social worker Geriatric psychologist Story teller Health agencies Benefits advisors Pastor/Gerontologist Nurse Practitioner Geriatric Psychiatrist CPA Elder law attorney Geriatric dietician Neuropsychologist Preventive Medicine MD Oncologist/MD Geriatric psychologist Orthopod/MD RN Pastor Living with arthritis Enhancing your memory How to talk with an MD Faithful fitness How to tell your story Caregiving resources When to stop driving Stories of active living free health screenings Maximizing benefits Aging successfully God’s way Home care/long term care Driving Financial planning/estates Legal Issues and Aging Faithful eating Competency and Dementia Successful Aging Palliative Care/death & dying Grand parenting Falls prevention/surgeries SSI, Medicare, & Medicaid Late life missions Center for Mental Health and Aging 14 Alabama ‘Town and Gown’ Model of Successful Aging Improving Wellness by: Avoiding disability and disease Active engagement with life Maximizing intellectual physical fitness Positive spiritual development Communitybased, Interdisciplinary Intergeneration al Conferences Ongoing Improved Faith-Based Program Initiatives Health Outcomes & Quality of Life Center for Mental Health and Aging Resources/Links pdf Center for Mental Health and Aging