Family Violence Prevention & Services Program Shawndell N. Dawson Program Specialist FVPSA Core Components “The purpose of these grants is to assist States (and Territories) in establishing, maintaining, and expanding programs and projects to prevent family violence and to provide immediate shelter and related assistance for victims of family violence and their dependents.” Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, 42 U.S.C. sections 10401 through 10421 FVPSA Grants Overview Formula Grants States and Territories Tribes State Domestic Violence Coalitions Discretionary Grants National Domestic Violence Hotline National and Special issue Resource Centers Expanding Services for Children and Youth Expanding Leadership Opportunities for Underserved Groups FVPSA State Formula Grants • • • FY 2010 Awards to States and Territories Totaled $91,024,268 70% FVPSA Appropriation State Awards Range: $719,696 (VT) to $7,681,641 (CA) $130,052 for Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands and Northern Mariana Islands FVPSA Formula Grants (Continued) • • FY 2009 Tribal Program Awards Totaled $13,005,200 Tribal Grants Range: Approximately $26,800 to $2,300,000 FY 2010 State Domestic Violence Coalition Awards: $245,382 per Coalition FVPSA California Overview Total State Award: $7,101,954 # of DV Programs Funded: 85 # of Women Served: 72,765 # of Children Served: 18,442 # of Men Served: 5,688 # of Shelter Nights: 478,199 Unmet Request for Shelter: 11,880 FVPSA California Contact Leigh Bills, Chief of Domestic Violence Section California Emergency Management Agency 3655 SCHRIEVER AVENUE MATHER, CALIFORNIA 95655 Phone (916)324-7207 FVPSA-Funded Domestic Violence Programs 1,675 Local Programs FVPSA-Funded Programs: Served over 1.2 Million victims of domestic violence and their children Provided more than 7.1 Million shelter bednights Received over 2.7 Million crisis/hotline calls Services for Children Over 309,000 children served More than 116,000 sheltered More than 1.6 Million attended youth targeted domestic violence community education events FPVSA Discretionary Grants Discretionary grants permit the federal government, according to specific authorizing legislation, to exercise judgment, or "discretion," in selecting the applicant/recipient organization, through a competitive grant process. FVPSA Discretionary Grant Program Facts 2.5% of overall funding budget Competitive process Cooperative grant agreements Anticipated application schedule: every 3 - 5 years dependent upon funding New 2010 FVPSA Program Discretionary Grants Expanding Services for Children and Youth Expanding Leadership Opportunities for Underrepresented Groups National Domestic Violence Hotline Annual funding of $3.2 Million National Domestic Violence Hotline (24 Hours) 800-799 SAFE (7233) Crisis intervention and referrals for services throughout the country Responds to over 22,000 calls each month National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (24 Hours) 866-331-9474 Discretionary Grants: Culturally Specific Institutes Asian and Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence (APIIDV) Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community (IDVACC) Encuentro Latino National Institute on Family Violence (ELNIFV) Immigrant Family Violence Institute (NIFVI) Discretionary Grants: National Resource Centers National Resource Center on Domestic Violence Resource Center on Domestic Violence Child Protection and Custody Battered Women’s Justice Project Discretionary Grants: National Resource Centers National Health Resource Center on Domestic National Center on Domestic Violence Trauma & Mental Health Sacred Circle, National Resource Center to End Violence Against Native Women Discretionary Grants: Open Doors to Safety: Capacity Building Grants for Domestic Violence Programs Mental Health & Substance Abuse Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic Violence Discretionary Grants: Open Doors to Safety: Capacity Building Grants for Domestic Violence Programs Incarcerated or Formerly Incarcerated Survivors Kentucky Domestic Violence Association Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Technical Assistance National Network to End Domestic Violence Grant Announcement Resources DHHS ACF: n/foa/ Grants.Gov: VAWnet: n/foa/ Family Violence Prevention & Services Program Family & Youth Services Bureau Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 1250 Maryland Avenue, SW Suite 8216 Washington, DC 20024 ent/programs/fv.htm