The Effect of Tuberculosis on the Asian American Population


Tuberculosis and the Asian

Population of Tarrant County, TX

By: Jessica McCallister

Definition of Foreign-Born by CDC

“A U.S.-born person was defined as someone born in the United States or its associated jurisdictions or someone born in a foreign country but having at least one U.S.born parent. Persons not meeting this definition were classified as foreignborn.”

(CDC, 2008)


According to the CDC’s National TB

Surveillance System, “progress (in TB elimination) has slowed in recent years; the average annual percentage decline in the TB rate decreased from 7.3% per year during

1993-2000 to 3.8% during 20002008.”

(CDC, 2008)

Research Question

 Is tuberculosis more prevalent in groups that have a high percentage of foreign-born persons?

 How severe is tuberculosis prevalence among Asians in the US?

 What factors drive tuberculosis transmission among Asians in Tarrant County?

Literature Review

Tuberculosis (TB) in native-born Americans has declined from

1993-2007, but foreign-born persons and racial/ethnic minority populations continue to be affected disproportionately (CDC,


In the United States alone, the percentage of Asians with tuberculosis has risen from 20 to 26 percent from 1998 to 2007

(CDC 2007).

Traditional programs targeting high-risk populations usually exclude Asians (with high rates of TB) and threaten the progress toward TB elimination in the US (CDC, 2008).

Rate of native-born cases vs. foreignborn cases (CDC, 2008)

Tuberculosis by State (CDC, 2008)

-Texas was one of four states reported by the

CDC to have more than 500 cases in

2008. (CDC, 2008)

“These four states accounted for approximately half of all TB cases in 2008.”

(CDC, 2008)

Tuberculosis Cases in Texas

Research Question

Are traditional high-risk behaviors (i.e. alcohol abuse, drug use, homelessness, sexual behavior, etc.) responsible for high rates of tuberculosis in Asians?

How does the Asian population’s participation in risky behaviors compare to other race/ethnic groups?


Data from tuberculosisscreening program in Tarrant

County, Texas, 1993-2006.

Using contingency tables analysis with chi-square test of significance studying:



Drug use

Sexual behavior

Alcoholism, etc.



Drug User- Crosstab


Non-Asian 464












 Asians comprise 4.2% of the population but contributed 18% of TB cases.

 Whites are 56% of the population and reported 26% of total cases.

Results continued..

 Asians are less likely to participate in highrisk behaviors compared to other ethnic/minority groups:

– drug use (Χ 2 =57.426, p=.000) alcoholism (Χ 2 =39.776, p=.000) homelessness (Χ 2 =37.029, p=.000) previous incarceration (Χ 2 =27.359, p=.000)

Research Question

 Since Asian Americans have been proven not to participate in the normal high-risk behaviors usually associated with TB, what is their mode of transmission?

 What needs to be done in order to help decrease the rates of TB in the Asian

American culture?


Most Asians acquire TB in their home countries before entering US. About 96% of Asian TB cases in Tarrant

County were foreign-born.

Majority do not participate in the traditional high-risk behaviors usually associated with TB.

Specific target-programs are needed to control TB in the

Asian community in order to facilitate TB elimination in the United States.

Programs in Tarrant County,


 Tarrant County offers TB skin tests, chest xrays, medications, refills, and doctor visits for low costs to county residents (TCPH, 2009).

 There was no mention of screening programs that targeted specific members of the community.

What needs to be done?

 Specific target-programs are needed to control TB in the Asian community in order to facilitate TB elimination in the United States.


CDC Statistics. 2007. Tuberculosis cases, percentages, and case rates per

100,000 population by race only: United States, 1993-2007. Accessed 10 October


CDC Statistics. 2008. MMWR: Trends in Tuberculosis

—United States,


Moonan, Patrick K, Manuel Bayona, Teresa N Quitugua, Joseph Oppong,

Denise Dunbar, Kenneth C Jost Jr, Gerry Burgess, Karan P Singh, and

Stephen E Weis. 2004. Using GIS technology to identify areas of tuberculosis transmission and incidence. International Journal of Health

Geographics 3:23.

Tarrant County Public Health. Client Services: Tuberculosis, 2009.


Texas Department of State Health. Tuberculosis Statistics: 2006 TB Cases in

Texas map. /


 I would like to thank the following:




Dr. Joseph Oppong

Dr. Susan Eve

Dr. Gloria Cox and the

Honors College

