Karen Horney


Karen Horney

Hamburg Germany

Early Adulthood


Sigmund Freud

Germany’s World War



More severe limitations of immigration to the United States

Britain & France at War with

Germany - 1939

Nazi troops march through Paris

Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor

America Declares War

Man’s Inhumanity to Man

Nazi Concentration camps & Atomic bombs


“A list of 205 names…”

Karen Horney

September 16, 1885 – December 4, 1952

Karen Horney

Major Theories

The Neurotic Personality of Our Time

Feminine Psychology

The Neurotic Personality of Our Time

 Freud’s Theory

 Mental Problems Arise From:

 Conflict between the id, ego and superego

 Fixation in Psychosocial Development

The Neurotic Personality of Our Time

 Karen’s Theory

 Mental Problems Arise From Environmental

Factors Specific to Culture and Time

 Parenting Practices

 Money, Food, Jobs, Providing for Family

 Neuroses Share Central Conflicts but are

Manifested Differently in Each Person

The Neurotic Personality of Our Time

 Attitudes of Anxious People

 Affection

 Evaluation of the Self

 Self-Assertion

 Aggression

The Neurotic Personality of Our Time

 Parent-Child Social Interaction

 Basic Needs

 Safety

 Biological

 Fulfilled Needs

 Healthy Adult

 Unfulfilled Needs

 Basic Evil

 Neurotic

The Neurotic Personality of Our Time

 Basic Evil

 Hostile or Indifferent Parents

 Basic Hostility in Child

 Shapes Child’s Worldview

 Repressed Hostility

 Situational or Character

 Basic Anxiety

 Constant

 Underlies Everything

The Neurotic Personality of Our Time

 Neurotic Adjustments to Basic Anxiety

 Moving Toward People

 Moving Against People

 Moving Away From People

Neurotic Adjustments to Basic Anxiety

 Moving Toward

 Affection

 Submissiveness

 Moving Against

 Power

 Moving Away

 Withdrawal

 Normal Adjustment Patterns

 Utilize all three

Feminine Psychology

 “Psychoanalysis is the creation of a male genius, and almost all of those who have developed his ideas have been men. It is only right and reasonable that they should evolve more easily a masculine psychology and understand more of the development of men than of women.”

(Horney, 1967, p. 15)

Feminine Psychology

 Goal: Objective View

 Freud’s Conclusions:

 Personality is determined by gender

 Childbirth is Women’s only Pleasure

 Women Envy Men

Feminine Psychology

 Horney’s Conclusions

 Personality is Determined by Culture

 Motherhood is Pleasurable

 Men Envy Women

 Women Are Not Biologically Inferior, But are Culturally Inferior

 Women Characterized as Masculine are

Simply Seeking Equality

Karen Horney’s Professional Struggles

 Road to Education

 Road to Theories of Neurosis

 Road to Fall-Out

Road to Education

 Family pressure not to attend Medical


 Society and Universities did not reward women for class work

 Ability & Personality eventually earned her respect from professors and colleagues

Road to Her Theories of Neurosis

 Looked at neurosis differently than others

 One’s effort to make existence tolerable

 Child perception Vs. Parent’s intentions

Road to Her Fall-Out

 Motivated by her discovery of a discrepancy in Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis

 Holistic concept of blockage in contrast to

Freud’s mechanistic notion of resistance

 Forced to resign

Research Data that Support Theories

 Questioning Previous Research

 Influence of Philosophy in her Research

Questioning Previous Research

 Men were only analyzing other men

 Freud believed his own theory was unsatisfactory and incomplete

 Philosophy and the Masculine Civilization

Influence of Philosophy in Her Research

 New Points of View by way of philosophy, in essays by Georg Simmel

 Whole Civilization is a Masculine


 Psychology of women strictly from the point of view of men

Strengths of Horney’s Theories and Ideas

 Provided optimism

 Elaborated/Modified Freud's concepts

 Ego-ideal

 Defense mechanisms

 Created feminine complements to Freud's ideas

 Acknowledged social, cultural, and environmental factors play a role in development

 Focused more on the present and future rather than past experience

Weakness of Horney’s Theories and


 All ideas are based on clinical observation

 Concept of Idealized self is a false picture of personality

 Neurotic needs is not a realistic way of dealing with anxiety

Her Influence

 Hypercompetitiveness

 Erik Erickson and “basic mistrust”

 Therapeutic Techniques

 Present situation

 Interpersonal

 Group therapy

Karen Horney

 Overcame Many Obstacles in Her Time

 Active Career

 Contended with Major Theories

 Overcame Personal Struggles

Karen Horney

 “After confronting Freud’s male-oriented psychology with her own so-called feminine psychology, she prepared the way for a philosophy, psychology, and psychoanalysis of whole people living and interacting with their changing environments” (Kelman, 1967, p.31)


 Endler, N. (1965). A behavioristic interpretation of the psychotherapy system of karen horney . The Canadian Psychologist (6a) , 188-201.

 Engler, Barbara (1999). Personality theories: an introduction (5th

Edition). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Hergenhahn, B.R., (2005). An introduction to the history of psychology (5th Edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson


 Horney, K. (1937). The neurotic personality of our time. New York:

W.W. Norton & Company Inc.

 ---. (1939). New ways in psychoanalysis. New York: Norton.

 ---. (1967). Feminine Psychology (H. Kelman, Ed.). New York: W.W.

Norton & Company Inc.

 Horney, Karen (2006). In Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved June 1,

2006, from

Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service: http://www.brittanica.com/eb/article?tocld=93613 .

 Schultz, P.D. Schultz, E. S., (2004). A History of Modern

Psychology ( 8th Edition)

Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning
