Poor School Performance for TLDF 2010

Poor School Performance
Dr. Sunil Karande
Professor of Pediatrics &
In-Charge Learning Disability Clinic
Department of Pediatrics
Seth G.S. Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital
Parel, Mumbai.
~20% of children in a classroom get poor marks - they
are “scholastically backward”
“Symptom” reflecting a larger underlying problem in
Results in child having a low self-esteem
Significant stress to parents
Sunil Karande
Causes of Scholastic Backwardness
Medical problems
Below average intelligence
Specific learning disability (SpLD)
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Emotional problems
Poor socio-cultural home environment
Psychiatric disorders
Environmental causes
Sunil Karande
Medical Problems
Preterm birth
Low birth weight
Worm infestation
Hearing impairment (e.g. otitis media)
Visual impairment (e.g. refractive error)
Sunil Karande
Medical Problems
Allergic rhinitis
Diabetes Mellitus
Epilepsy (& AEDs)
Cerebral Palsy
Sleep disordered
breathing (habitual
Thallasemia major
Sunil Karande
Below average intelligence
Intelligence (measured as IQ score): most important
prognostic variable
Borderline intelligence or “slow learners” (IQ 71 to 84)
Mental retardation (IQ ≤ 70) e.g. Down syndrome
Risk factors: prematurity, meningitis, severe head injury
Usually have history of delayed milestones
Sunil Karande
heterogeneous group of disorders
manifested by significant unexpected, specific and
persistent difficulties in acquisition and use of reading
(dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia) or mathematical
(dyscalculia) abilities
despite conventional instruction, normal intelligence,
proper motivation and adequate socio-cultural
Sunil Karande
What happens in dyslexia?
Deficits in phonologic awareness
“Phoneme”: smallest discernible segment of speech
"bat" consists of three phonemes:
/b/ /ae/ /t/ (buh, aah, tuh)
Poor awareness that: words, both written and spoken,
can be broken down into smaller units of sound; and
letters constituting printed word represent sounds heard
in spoken word
Sunil Karande
~5-12% school children have dyslexia
Red flags for dyslexia:
* history of language delay
* not attending to sounds of words
(trouble playing rhyming games with words, or confusing
words that sound alike)
* positive family history
Sunil Karande
Symptoms of SpLD
Children with SpLD fail to achieve school grades at a
level that is commensurate with their intelligence
Repeated spelling mistakes, untidy or illegible
handwriting with poor sequencing, inability to perform
simple mathematical calculations correctly
Life-long condition
Sunil Karande
ADHD affects 8-12% of children
Results in inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity
Some have predominant inattention, some have,
impulsivity and hyperactivity, some have both
At risk for poor school performance
20-25% of children with ADHD have SpLD & vice versa
Sunil Karande
Impairment of reciprocal social interactions
Impaired communication skills
Restricted range of interests or repetitive behaviors
Demonstrate distress and oppositionality when exposed
to requests to complete academic tasks
Sunil Karande
Tourette syndrome
Starts with ADHD
2.4 years later develop motor and vocal tics
Have learning problems: SpLD, ADHD, ODD, CD
Sunil Karande
Emotional Problems
Chronic neglect
Sexual abuse
Parents getting divorced
Losing a sibling
Chronic health impairments
Resulting in low self-esteem & loss of motivation to study
Sunil Karande
Poor socio-cultural environment
Language barrier
Malnutrition due to poverty
Low education status of parents
Parental attitudes which do not motivate them to study
Unsatisfactory home environment (domestic violence,
family stressors, adverse life events)
Sunil Karande
Psychiatric disorders
Early signs of emerging or existing anxiety, depression
or psychosis
Conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder
Change in child’s personality
Deteriorating school performance
Sunil Karande
Environmental causes
Noisy environment
Unattractive schools
Too much television viewing (lack of sleep)
Lead exposure
Sunil Karande
Management of Poor School
Child may be having ≥1 reason
Refer early for evaluation
Information from parents, classroom teachers & school
counselor crucial
Information should clearly describe child’s academic
difficulties, behavior & social functioning
Sunil Karande
Multidisciplinary approach
Clinical Psychologist
Child Psychiatrist
Special Educator
Sunil Karande
If any specific ‘medical’ reason identified, pediatrician
should treat it as effectively as possible
e.g. optimum control of asthma or epilepsy
Correction of hearing and/or visual impairment
Children irrespective of their physical, sensory, or
neurobehavioral deficits, must be educated in regular
mainstream schools (“inclusive education”)
Sunil Karande
Treatment of SpLD
Remedial Education to begin during primary schooling
Hourly one to one sessions thrice weekly for few years
Systematic and highly structured training exercises
a) to learn that words can be segmented into smaller units of sound
“phoneme awareness”, and that these sounds are linked with
specific letters and letter patterns “phonics”
b) Practice in reading stories; both to apply newly acquired decoding
skills to reading words in context and to experience reading for
Sunil Karande
Management of SpLD in secondary school is based
more on providing provisions / accommodations rather
than remediation:
exemption from spelling mistakes
availing extra time for written tests
dropping a second language for work experience
dropping algebra and geometry for lower grade of mathematics &
work experience
Sunil Karande
Treatment of ADHD
Children with ADHD need psychiatric consultation for
counseling, behavior modification, and / or medications,
(methylphenidate or atomoxetine)
Medications have been shown to be effective in
significantly reducing symptoms of inattention,
impulsivity and hyperactivity
Sunil Karande
Children with TS need psychiatric medications for their
verbal/motor tics and co-morbidities
Children with emotional problems need counseling
sessions with a child psychologist / psychiatrist
Medications (anxiolytics, antidepressants) may be needed
Parents of children with “language barrier” counseled to
educate their children in their own language medium
schools or to attend a facility for “language stimulation”
Sunil Karande
Prevention of Poor School
Teachers trained to suspect emotional problems, SpLD,
and ADHD so that they are diagnosed and treated early
School feeding programs (mid-day meal)
Regular vision and hearing screening camps in schools
Good sleeping habits
Alleviation of poverty
Proper ante-natal and peri-natal services
Exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months
Sunil Karande
Thank You
Sunil Karande