® FIRO-B Team Building Workshop Facilitators: Ian Govier & Grant Evans Cardiac Rehabilitation Team FIRO-B Facilitator: Ian Govier Team Building Workshop ® opportunitynowhere The aim of today’s workshop: Promote and increase team member awareness & team working amongst the Cardiac Rehabilitation Team WS ‘The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.’ Theodore Roosevelt ‘We humans are social beings. We come into the world as the result of others' actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason it is hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of our relationships with others.’ The Dalai Lama Let’s chat! PWW Setting the context O would some power the gift to give us To see ourselves as others see us It would from many a blunder free us! Robert Burns (1759–1796) The Johari Window The Johari Window The Johari Window The Johari Window FIRO-B® stands for: Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation - Behaviour Essentially, FIRO-B® measures… …how you typically behave with other people & how you expect them to act towards you. FIRO-B® can dramatically increase your understanding of behaviour in areas such as the following: • How you come across to others & why this may not be the way you see yourself or the impression you might want to make; • How and why conflict develops between well-meaning people; • How to understand your own needs & how to manage them as you interact with others. FIRO-B® can be applied to: Personal development Team development Relationship counselling Conflict resolution What do I / we want to ACHIEVE or CHANGE as a result of this workshop? The Magic Wand There is no quick fix or magic wand that changes the behaviour of others. “If you want to see change… …be the change you want to see” Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves! FIRO-B ® Essentially, FIRO-B® measures… …how you typically behave with other people & how you expect them to act towards you. Dr. Will Schutz Psychologist 1925-2002 Originator of FIRO-B® (1958) “…people need people!” The FIRO-B® instrument identifies three areas of interpersonal need: •Inclusion •Control •Affection Inclusion * Control * Affection What do you consider to be some of the key words or phrases associated with the 3 Interpersonal Needs? Inclusion (I) Inclusion is about: …recognition, belonging, participation, contact with others, & how you relate to groups (refers to being involved with others) Control (C) Control is about: …influence, leadership, responsibility & decision making (refers to power) Affection (A) Affection is about: …closeness, warmth, sensitivity, openness & how you relate to others (refers to being ‘up close & personal’) The FIRO-B® instrument measures two dimensions for each need: Expressed Wanted Expressed (e) The behaviours a person expresses towards others (the behaviour that is actually initiated by you) •Expressed Inclusion: how often do you act in ways that encourage your participation in situations? •Expressed Control: how often do you act in ways that help you direct or influence situations? •Expressed Affection: how often do you act in ways that encourage warmth and closeness in relationships? Wanted (w) How the person wants others to behave or feel towards them (the behaviour that is desired or you wish to receive) •Wanted Inclusion: how much do you want to be part of others’ activities? •Wanted Control: how much leadership and influence do you want others to assume? •Wanted Affection: how much warmth and closeness do you want from others? Essentially, FIRO-B® measures: Frequency Selectivity Frequency How often the behaviour will be shown Selectivity (Fussiness) How many people will the behaviour be shown to Predicting our scores Self-assessment • 0-2 • 3–6 • 7–9 (Low) the behaviours are rarely displayed by you. (Medium) the behaviours will be a noticeable characteristic of you but only some of the time. (High) the behaviours are noticeably characteristic of you in most situations. I E W C A I C A E M H M W H L H Lunch Time Exploring & Discussing Personal / Team FIRO-B® Scores Select a person in your team and explore what their scores mean for them. Remember scores are about selectivity and frequency. Some things you may wish to think about: How does this behaviour work positively for them? Are there any times when it has caused them a problem? What is a team? A team is more than just a group of individuals who work together. A team is a small number of individuals with complementary skills committed to a common purpose, common performance goals and an approach for which they hold themselves collectively accountable. (2007) Real teams do not develop until the people in them work hard to overcome the barriers of collective performance. Overcoming barriers to performance is how groups become teams. Katzenbach (1993) "The best and most cost-effective outcomes for patients and clients are achieved when professionals work together, learn together, engage in clinical audit of outcomes together, and generate innovation to ensure progress in practice and service." Teams possessing the following characteristics are more effective in delivering high quality care: • clarity of team objectives • high levels of participation from all team members • high emphasis on quality • high support for innovation Health Care Team Effectiveness Project (Borrill and West ,2002) Borrill & West (2002) also found that: Individuals who worked in well functioning or effective teams had lower levels of stress and better mental health. Their research demonstrated a significant relationship between the percentage of staff working in teams and patient mortality. Where more people work in teams, the death rate amongst patients is significantly lower. There is much to be gained by enhancing team functioning and effectiveness! What ‘cultures & values’ are present in a high performing & successful team? Inattention to RESULTS Avoidance of ACCOUNTABILITY Lack of COMMITMENT Fear of CONFLICT Absence of TRUST Attention to RESULTS Clear ACCOUNTABILITY Increased COMMITMENT Acceptance of CONFLICT Evidence of TRUST Let’s Nail It! None of us is as smart as all of us! People acting together as a group can accomplish things that no individual acting alone could bring about! Franklin D. Roosevelt Can we do it? Yes, we can! Final Thoughts WS What will I / we do differently as a result of this workshop? If we always do what we’ve always done… …we’ll always get what we’ve always got! “If you want to see change… …be the change you want to see” If I do nothing about it in 24 hours… …I’ll probably do nothing about it! Drive home safely and enjoy your weekend FIRO-B ® Team Building Workshop Facilitators: Ian Govier & Grant Evans