Engaging young people as researchers

Engaging young people as researchers
Carol McNaughton Nicholls (Natcen)
Louca-Mai Brady (NCB)
Dillon Denton-Ashley
Chair: Naomi Jones (NatCen)
Who we are
Louca-Mai Brady, Senior Research Officer, NCB
Research Centre
 NCB is the leading support and development charity for
children, young people and families
 The NCB Research Centre has a varied programme of high
quality research across NCB’s areas of interest
 In both NCB and the Research Centre promoting and
supporting children and young people’s participation is a key
aspect of our work
Who we are
Dr Carol McNaughton Nicholls, Research Director,
Qualitative Research Unit, NatCen
Naomi Jones, Research Director, Qualitative Research
Unit, NatCen
 NatCen -Leading independent social research institute.
 Our work covers all areas of social policy and our aim is a
society better informed through quality research.
 Large scale surveys, quantitative and qualitative research,
often for central government.
Who you are…
 Why you were interested in attending
 Any experience of engaging young people in
 Current or forthcoming projects
Outline of session
 Definitions, benefits and principles of involvement
 Practical example from perspective of YP organisation
 Challenges of involvement – ideal, reality and pragmatism
 Practical example from perspective of research organisation
 Conclusion – checklist for involvement
Drivers behind
engagement of young
 Consultation is the process by which children and young
people are asked their opinions – on a specific issue or
broader agenda (eg as research participants)
 Involvement/participation is the process by which
individuals and groups of individuals can influence decisionmaking and bring about change (eg through involvement in
the planning and process of research)
Different roles
 Participant
 Young advisor
 Young researcher
 Young people/peer-led
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
 Article 12 . Every child and young person has the right to
express his or her views freely in all matters affecting them
 Article 13. Every child and young person has the right to
freedom of expression, including the right to all kinds of
information and ideas.
Theoretical perspectives
 Involving those on whom research focuses on can have a positive
impact on what is researched, how research is conducted and the
impact of research findings (Staley, 2009)
 Shift from seeing CYP as subjects of research/ objects of enquiry
towards a view of CYP as social actors with right to active
participation (eg Grieg et al, 2007; Prout, 2002)
 Increasing acknowledgement of their competence to do so and the
power of the ‘child voice’ in research (eg Alderson, 2001; Powell
& Smith, 2009).
Why is involvement important?
Impacts on research:
 shaping research agendas to reflect those with greatest relevance;
 honing research designs, including ethical considerations and the
appropriateness of language used;
 encouraging validation in the analytical process; and,
 when involved in dissemination, promotes trust in the research findings among
the wider community.
(Staley, 2009)
Benefits for research
 Research topics and questions that are relevant to CYP’s lives
 Appropriate and accessible research methods and tools
 Involving young researchers can change the nature of data
 Increasing impact of research
 Developing understanding and bridging gaps between adults and
Benefits for children and young people
 Chance to be actively involved in issues that affect them
 Gaining recognition for their contribution
 Skills and experience
 Personal development
Model of involvement in research
 Consultation (focus groups or one-off meetings at key stages
of the research – eg to seek views on a research proposal)
 Collaboration (active, on-going participation – eg reference
or advisory groups; young researchers working alongside
adults on elements of a study)
 Young people-led (locus of power is with young people for
some, or all, key elements of a study)
Ladder of participation
The NCB Research Centre model
Children/young people's
views are taken into
account by researchers
Children and young people
have ownership of the
Children/young people are
involved in decision-making
with researchers
Children and young people are
the main stakeholders in research
Based on
Kirby et al.
Building a
Culture of
Questions and discussion
 What do you see as the benefits?
 For you/ the research
 For young people
 Methodological
 Epistemological
 Ethics and rights?
 Views on the model presented
Practical example of
CYP’s involvement – the
PEAR group
: our voices, our health
 A Wellcome Trust-funded project supporting 20 young
people to contribute to UK public health research and
 Pilot project 11/2005 – 02/2008
 Current project – 10/2008 – 11/2010
 20 young people - meet in school holidays
works to:
 Help young people to learn
public health
inform and influence
research and policy
 Develop links between young people and public health
researchers and policy makers
 Produce and distributing information about public health
issues and research to young people
 Demonstrates the impact of young people’s involvement in
public health research, and how this can be applied to policy
and practice
activity includes:
 Work with public health researchers, policymakers and
research bodies (eg PHRC, NICE, INVOLVE)
Website (www.ncb.org.uk/PEAR)
Research summaries
Conference (London, 27 Oct 2010)
Speaking at events and conferences
Responding to consultations
Commissioning own research project
Benefits – PEAR members’ views:
 Opportunities to learn about public health, gain research
skills and have something to put on our CVs
 Having our voices heard by researchers and policymakers
 Helping to make research and
policy more
relevant to young
 Letting other young people
about public health issues
that affect
“We’ve been able to work with researchers and give our opinions.
There’s a mutual benefit, we’ve helped them and also gained
knowledge ourselves”
“There’s lots of research about young people and public health – we
deserve to have our voices heard”
“It’s important that we’re involved [in projects like PEAR] as then
our opinions are heard not assumed”
“It’s important that we’re involved [in projects like PEAR] so that we
can have an effect on young people’s public health policies”
Other NCB involvement projects
 Developing the participation of disabled children and young people (2010-13)
 Involving Children in the Medicines for Children Research Network (2005 –
Evaluation of Youth4U -Young Inspectors (2009 – 2011)
Centre for Excellence and Outcomes (C4EO) young people-led research on
impact of discrimination on educational attainment (2009)
Young Researcher Network – young people-led research on ‘Media Portrayal of
Young People: impact and influences’ (2008)
National Review of CAMHS services (2008)
What Makes the Difference? Peer research with care-experienced young
Questions on the PEAR
Challenges of
Questions and discussion
 What do you see as the challenges?
 For you/ research
 For young people
 Methodological
 Epistemological
 Ethics and rights?
 When and why might you not involve young people in research?
 Availability
 Age and accrual
 Informed consent and the role of gatekeepers
 Safeguarding and child protection vs rights to participate
 Diversity and inclusive practice
 Resource implications
 Lack of experience
 Power issues
 Balancing young people’s & researchers’ expectations
 Quality and ethics
 Scepticism from researchers and research bodies
 Not always meaningful, possible or appropriate?
Reality and the ideal:
a pragmatic middle
Duration of project
Project set up and recruitment
required before involvement
Policy/funder objectives to meet
Resource intensive –
recruitment, training, support,
High level of commitment asked
for from peers, level of
Lack of evidence regarding
impact (Carr, 2004)
Significant control over
decision making
Training and support
Unique standpoint privileged
Practical example of YP
Formative evaluation of v
V evaluation and peer researchers
•Pragmatic approach to peer research involvement
•V – youth volunteering agency
V evaluation
• Formative
•Two and a half years
• Mixed methods – strands include survey of grant recipients, omnibus survey,
review of marketing, CBA, qualitative case studies, discourse analysis, analysis
of monitoring data
• Consortium
• Involvement of young people central to v – desire to involve in
V peer researchers
Who are peer researchers:
• Decision ‘peer’ – 16 – 25 with experience of volunteering
• Recruited to reflect diversity/competency/interest
• 12 peer researchers recruited at the end of 2009
• Residential Training weekend January 2010
What are they working on: Qualitative case studies
• In depth case studies began March 2010
•Design of topic guides & fieldwork strategies for case studies February 2010
• In depth case study visits underway (lead sections of interviews etc)
Preparing for involvement:
Purpose of involvement:
• Accountability
• Quality
• Learning
Parameters of involvement
• clarity of role and responsibilities - job spec
• focus on in depth case studies data collection encounters with
young people
• constraints when designing & conducting social research
Design of recruitment strategy
Designing Training
Principles underpinning training:
• Not making assumptions about ability levels
• Making involvement as accessible as possible
•Thinking flexibly & creatively about how best to offer support
Training sessions:
• Overview of Evaluation:
• Introduction to Qualitative Research and QRU
• Introduction to Qualitative Data Collection
• Introduction to research ethics
•Training delivery:
Formal taught sessions
•Group exercises – designing case studies.
•Facilitation by external expert
•Assigning a peer researcher coordinator; payments and invoices; setting up
processes and developing guidelines; maintaining general contact
•Ensuring that the way we work with peer researchers meet existing
organisational procedures
•Data Security
•Ethics/ Disclosure
•Monthly newsletter
•Training – regular sessions
•Facilitate peer researchers involvement by acting as the main
point of contact
•Monitor the time spent on tasks and the quality of work meets
•Establish a professional but supportive relationship with peer
•To assist and facilitate skills development
 Young person – researcher identity is on a continuum and
changes over time
Support and training v normalisation
Fieldwork skills
Staff resources
Research aims and design already set
Inherently hierarchical manner of working
A view from a young person
Why involved
 Always been interested in society and social work
 Had previous interest in solving problems as a volunteer
(volunteered for Turning Point and Media company working
in the community)
Why is it important
 Relate to young people
 Understand them – read between the lines
 More trusting towards other young people
 Young people trust the research findings more
A view from a young person
 Time
 My challenges – finances, cannot be paid due to benefits
 College and priorities
 Lots to understand – will I make a fool of myself?
 Nerves
Tips on how to involve young people
 Look at the background, if they cannot give them money try
to give them something else.
A view from a young person
What do I want to gain from it:
 Experience
Benefits of involvement:
Honing research designs, including ethical considerations and a
the appropriateness of language used.
Shaping research agendas to reflect those with greatest
Encouraging validation in the analytical process.
Involved in dissemination, promotes trust in the research
findings among the wider community.
Access to population and trust in the research
Capacity builds within organisation;
Engages with wider community
Questions on the V
Checklist for involvement
•Benefits to research as well as those involved
•Planned from the outset
•Recruitment – how, where, who and for how long
•CYP involved in deciding if, when and how they want to be involved – and
given all the information they need to do so
•Informing parents or carers if under 16/18
•On-going training and support
•Involvement in as many stages of research as possible
•Involvement is accessible and relevant to those involved
•Agree clearly defined roles
•Genuine opportunities for meaningful decision-making
•Reward and recognition (and challenges re: benefits)
•Safe working procedures and ethics
•Staff resources
•Evaluation and feedback
•Exit Strategy
Discussion and questions
why engage young people as researchers?
why not engage young people as researchers?
 how could or should this apply to your own
what are the implications for ESRC and other
research funders?
Further information
 www.ncb.org.uk/research
 www.ncb.org.uk/PEAR
 www.natcen.ac.uk
 www.invo.org.uk (INVOLVE – guides on payment, involving CYP and other
information including recent report on impact)
 Participation Works: http://www.participationworks.org.uk/home
 Children’s Rights Alliance for England: http://www.crae.org.uk/rights.html
 National Youth Agency: http://www.nya.org.uk/integrated-youth-supportservices/young-researcher-network
Alderson, P. (2001) ‘Research by Children’. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, vol 4,
no 2, pp 139-153.
Greig, A., Taylor, J. and MacKay, T. (2007) Doing Research with Children. London: Sage
Kellett, M. (2005). How to Develop Children as Researchers. London: Paul Chapman
Kirby, P., Lanyon, C., Cronin, K. and Sinclair, R. (2003) Building a Culture of Participation: involving
children and young people in policy, service planning, delivery and evaluation. London: DfES.
Kirby, P. (2003) A Guide to Actively InvolvingYoung People in Research, for researchers, research commissioners
and managers. Eastleigh: INVOLVE.
Powell, M.A. and Smith, A.B. (2009) ‘Children’s Participation Rights in Research’. Childhood, vol
16, pp 124-142.
Prout, A. (2002) ‘Researching children as social actors: an introduction to the Children 5-16
programme’. Children and Society, vol 16, no 2, pp67-76.
Staley, K. (2009) Exploring impact: public involvement in NHS, public health and social care research.
Eastleigh, Hampshire: INVOLVE