PLAY THIS FORWARDSM A Rare Disease Awareness Initiative Delivering Harmony to the Hearts of Special Children Donate iTunes Gift Cards & your retired iPods, Nanos, Shuffles Today! In recognition of the 7th Annual World Rare Disease Day, February 28, 2014, Harmony 4 HopeSM is launching Play This ForwardSM , an inaugural campaign created to raise Awareness for Rare Disease. Our team of youth volunteers is sending some love to children who bravely battle a Rare Disease diagnosis. Your donated iDevices will be filled with favorites and special requests and delivered to children who are joining our campaign daily. Collectively there are 7,000 Rare Diseases that impact 350,000,000 people worldwide. Half of these people are children. Where there is music, there is HOPE! Clear your functioning device of the existing music. Include headphones and charger if possible. Place into a Ziploc bag and drop in the collection box. Kerry Morgan Hughes, Founder 847.204.2336 “Music is the universal language of mankind.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow