Nancy Poole: Gender-informed practice and young girls

Heavy Alcohol Use

Nancy Poole

BC Women’s Hospital

BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health

Building Bridges Symposium

May 31, 2010

 The 2008 BC Adolescent Health Survey found that male and female students surveyed in grades 7 through 12 were similarly likely to have ever tried alcohol (53.8% and 54.8% respectively) and equally likely to binge

 Female students aged 15 or younger had a higher rate of binge drinking in the past month than their male counterparts 13.4 % compared to


Canada - In the 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey:

 over 85% of the alcohol consumption reported by females aged 15–24 years of age was consumed in excess of the Canadian guidelines.

 1 in 10 women ages of 15- 24 yr engaged in heavy weekly drinking (7.8% of girls 15-19 yr and 11.8% of young women 20-24 yr)

 15 % of young women 18–19 yr & 11% of those 20–

24 yr reported heavy, frequent drinking.

 Study of trends in the prevalence of monthly alcohol use and lifetime drunkenness in 20 European countries, the Russian Federation, Israel, USA and

Canada found drunkenness rates rise strongly between the ages of 13 and 15 in all countries

 Girls appear to be catching up with boys in some countries. Canada was 1 of 5 countries where there were cases of rates of drunkenness more common among girls than boys ( Canadian girls 13 yr and 15 yr)

 Compared to heterosexual youth the same age, bisexual females were two times more likely to report binge-drinking

 Among bisexual females , the rate of bingedrinking rose from 12% in 1992 to 37% in 1998 to

43% in 2003. Among bisexual males, the rate of binge-drinking rose from 22% in 1992 to 32% in

1998 and remained at this rate in 2003.

Saewyc E, Poon C, Wang N, Homma Y, Smith A & the McCreary Centre

Society. (2007). Not Yet Equal: The Health of Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Youth

in BC. Vancouver, BC: McCreary Centre Society.

Health impacts

for girls/ young women

Girls are more vulnerable than boys to the health effects of alcohol, for example some sex differences include :

 Hypertension

 Osteoporosis

 Reproductive health problems

 Interrelated smoking risks

 Pregnancy- unwanted/ unplanned/ unintended pregnancy & potential fetal harms (FASD)

 Vulnerability to STI’s, HIV

Health impacts of heavy drinking for women

Increased risk for accelerated development of:

Liver disease (hepatitis/ cirrhosis)

Cardiac diseases and heart problems

Damage to stomach

Brain damage

Breast cancer

Oropharyngeal, oesophageal and liver cancers


Pregnancy- unintended pregnancy & potential fetal harms


 Alcohol can be even more dangerous for young women with body image or weight concerns. For girls who may not eat properly or who have a low daily caloric intake, drinking alcohol can place them at higher risk of intoxication and in extreme cases, of alcohol poisoning

McCarty, C.A., et al., Longitudinal associations among depression, obesity

and alcohol use disorders in young adulthood. General Hospital

Psychiatry, 2009. 31(5).

For 16 to 18 year old BC students:

Females were more likely than males to have self harmed whatever age they started drinking or using marijuana but the younger they were when they started using, the more likely they were to have deliberately injured themselves.

McCreary Centre Society (2010). What a difference a year can make: Early alcohol and marijuana use among 16 to 18 year old BC students

 The Formative Years report demonstrates that girls and young women use cigarettes, alcohol and drugs for reasons different from boys, that the signals and situations of high risk are different and that girls are more vulnerable to substance use and abuse and its consequences.

 One of the gender specific influences on girls drinking is the influence of exposure to the entertainment media and alcohol and cigarette advertising - which shower girls and young women with unhealthy and unrealistic messages about smoking, drinking and weight loss.

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. (February

2003). The Formative Years: Pathways to Substance Abuse Among

Girls and Young Women Ages 8-22. New York, NY: CASA .

Females overestimate the amount of alcohol males want their female friends, dating partners, and sexual partners to drink and this misperception was associated with their drinking behaviour

LaBrie et al. (2009). What men want: The role of reflective opposite-sex normative preferences in alcohol use among college women. Psychology of Addictive Behaviours, 23(1), 157-1262.

Adolescents and young women between the ages of 16 and 24 are at greater risk of woman abuse than any other age and gender group

Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000, Extent Nature and Consequences of Intimate Partner

Violence: finds from the National Violence

Against Women Survey

are closely linked to heavy drinking for young women.

McCarty et al. 2009 Longitudinal associations among depression, obesity

and alcohol use disorders in young adulthood.

8-10% of teens reported that using drugs or alcohol was the reason that they had intercourse for the first time (Council of Ministers of Education,

Canada, 2002)

Girls 15-19 yrs have the highest rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea (PHAC 2004)

Multiple intersecting interconnections

Girls who experience physical & sexual abuse by dating partners are more likely to be at risk for harmful substance use.

(Note: Odds of 2.0 mean a girl is twice as likely to engage in the behavior as one who was not abused.)


Heavy smoking (within 30 days)



Binge drinking (within 30 days)

Cocaine use (ever)

Diet pill use (within 30 days)

Laxative use & / or vomiting (within 30 days)

More than three sex partners (within 90 days)

Pregnancy (ever)

Considered suicide (within 1 year)








Attempted suicide (within 1 year) 8.6

Silverman, J. G., Raj, A., Mucci, L. A., & Hathaway, J. (2001). Dating violence against adolescent girls and associated substance use, unhealthy weight control, sexual risk behaviour, pregnancy, and suicidality. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 286 , 572-579


Low self-esteem

History of trauma

Depression, anxiety, eating disorder

Early onset of puberty

Lack of coping skills

Teen pregnancy

Poor relationships with family, peers

Peer and parental substance use

School transitions, frequent moving

Marketing, media

Protective Factors

Healthy self esteem

Positive body image

Religiosity/ spirituality

Parent-child attachment

Family rules against substance use

Parents encouraged their children to abstain

Peers with healthy attitudes toward risky behaviours

School connectedness

Social support

Support during key transitions

Move from

“fix a girl” to “prepare a girl”


Support girls to:

1) Learn how to form close relationships








Find a value place in a constructive group

Feel a sense of worth

Achieve a reliable basis for making informed choices

Know how to use the available support systems

Express constructive curiousity and exploratory behaviours

Find ways of being useful to others

Believe in a promising future with real opportunities

From Marie L Watkins “Listening to Girls: a study in resilience” in Resiliency: An

Integrated Approach to Practice, Policy, and Research, Roberta R Greene (Ed.) 2001

Achieve a competent gender-role identification

Establish an acceptable body image

Develop a positive self-image

Develop satisfactory peer relationships

Establish independence through responsible decision making

Understand sexuality

Learn to obtain and find access to resources

Plan for the future

LeCroy, C. W. & Daley, J. (2001). Empowering adolescent girls: Examining the present and building skills for the future with the Go Grrls program.




Harm reduction oriented


Culturally informed / safe

Resiliency, strengths based



Culturally competent

Trauma informed

Harm reduction oriented

National/ USA

12- session school-based group for girls 11- 14 yrs

Curriculum based on key developmental tasks



Companion parent curriculum

Girls Workbook

LeCroy, C. W. & Daley, J. (2001). Empowering adolescent girls: Examining the present and building skills for the future with the Go Grrls program. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. (Facilitator guide)

LeCroy, C.W. & Daley, J. (2001). The Go Grrls Workbook. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Girls Talk Program (VALIDITY project


Young women support groups that that focus on everyday problems of young women

Hearing vs. treating

Taking advice from girls & young women

‘Hear Me, Understand Me,

Support Me: What young women want you to know about depression’ (VALIDITY project)


Group program for girls at varying levels of risk, can be run in different settings

Grounded in gender-responsive principles & key theoretical foundations

Gives girls a safe space, encouragement, structure and support

Focus is on 4 areas in lives of girls: self, connecting with others, healthy living, the journey ahead

Covington, S. (2004). Voices: A program for self-discovery and empowerment for girls. Facilitator guide. Carson City, NV; The Change Companies.

provides marginalized and atrisk girls ages 12-19 with a space to explore a wide range of issues that impact their daily lives, as well as their strengths and daily lived realities in a safe and nonthreatening environment.

Bell-Gadsby, C., Clark, N., & Hunt, S. (2006). It's a

Girl Thang!

Celebrating strengths


Female mentors and role models

Developing and supporting leadership skills

Empowering girls to be forces for social change

Media literacy

Physical, sexual and mental health information

Cultural connections

Solidarity between girls and women

Covington, S. (2004). Voices: A program for self-discovery and empowerment for girls. Facilitator guide. Carson City, NV; The Change Companies. Pg. 18.