Mechanical Turk Presentation - UMdrive

Mechanical Turk
Online Sampling with Crowdsourcing
The Turk
Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT)
• Humans do some
tasks better than
• Artificial Artificial
• Marketplace for
Turk Workers & Requestors
500,000 workers
190 countries
60% female*
83.5% white*
32.2 years old*
14.9 years of education*
*Berinsky, A. J., Huber, G. A., & Lenz, G. S. (2012). Evaluating Online Labor Markets for Experimental Research:'s Mechanical Turk. Political Analysis, 20,351–368.
Why Mturk?
Low-cost paneling
Diverse sample
Easily managed
Turk Samples
• “The MTurk sample does not perfectly match the
demographic and attitudinal characteristics of the U.S.
population but does not present a wildly distorted view of
the U.S. population, either.”*
• Numerous social science experiments replicated on
• Slightly more demographically diverse than are standard
Internet samples***
• Significantly more diverse than typical American college
• At least as reliable as those obtained via traditional
*Berinsky, A. J., Huber, G. A., & Lenz, G. S. (2012). Evaluating Online Labor Markets for Experimental Research:'s Mechanical Turk. Political Analysis, 20,351–368.
**Mason, W. & Suri, S. (2011). Conducting behavioral research on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Behavioral Research Methods, 44(1), 1-23.
***Buhrmester, M., Kwang, T., & Gosling, S. D. (2011). Amazon’s Mechanical Turk: A new source of inexpensive, yet high-quality data? Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(1), 3-5.
Turker Interface
Requestor Interface
Creating a HIT
Creating a HIT
Creating a HIT
Creating a HIT
Creating a HIT
May request “master workers” of general/photo/category type
Location, approval rate, and “mastery” are the only selection criteria
Creating a HIT
Creating a HIT
Creating a HIT
Managing HITs
Managing HITs
Linking to Third Party Software (3PS)
• 3PS examples
– Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, etc
• Why 3PS?
– Between subjects designs
– Random assignment
– Time data
– Diverse item types
– Paging
– No programming knowledge
– Data exportation
• How to link 3PS and Mturk?
Linking to 3PS
1. Create a survey in 3PS
– The last question of the survey
should disclose an “approval code”
2. Copy the URL of the survey into a
– The HIT has one question: “what is
the approval code?”
Linking to 3PS
• Participation in multiple groups
• HITs completed slowly
– Too low pay
– HIT time distorted
– Uninteresting description
• Sample bias
– Time of day / week
• SES, education, work, family
Best Practices
• One survey, all conditions
• Thoughtful description, tags
• Estimate fair wage
– General formula is (#items + # sentences + stimuli
exposure time)*2 = seconds to complete
– Figure on minimum wage rate
• Limit HIT times
– Completion time
– Collection window
• Be consistent if doing multiple collections
• (Dis)Approve HITs within a day or two
• Toss out multivariate outliers