Research Paper Presentation

Instagram: Uses and
Gratification of Users
By: Lance Nave
 This paper is an examination of the different reasons why
individuals use the social media platform Instagram. This
paper also examines the different variables that influence
users to use social media and the gratifications users of
Instagram receive through their engagement. Acceptance
from others, desire to stay informed on worldly or scholarly
news, relationship maintenance, and escapism from reality
are all examined as possible uses Instagram could
potentially be used for. These variables are all being
considered because of common trends that are noticed with
users of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
and so on.
 Social networking sites have revolutionized media
communication and computer mediated
communication (CMC)in so many ways.
 Three Concepts/theories
 Uses and Gratification Theory
 Relationship Maintenance
 Motives for new use and consumption
Uses and Gratification
 The uses and gratification theory (UG) is an extension
of the needs and motives theory (Maslow, 1970).
 Mainstream
 Gender and cultural differences
 Escape
Relationship Maintenance
 Relationship Maintenance refers to the upkeep of
relationships that an individual is involved in.
 Different aspects of relationship maintenance involve
openness, disclosure of personal information, time
spent with individual, and trust
 Loneliness
Motives for News Use
 Staying informed on worldly or scholarly news
 “Internet” generation
 It’s quick and easy
 Instagram offers many uses and gratifications, allows
the maintenance of relationships, and also provides
updates worldly and scholarly news.
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