Work stress - Moodle HES-SO

Work Stress
Yu Fu
Learning objectives
• Define stress, stressor, and distress/strain
• Compare four different approaches to stress
• Identify work and non-work causes of stress
• Identify elements of preventive stress
management for individuals and
Organisational Behaviour 2
The Problem: The Cost of Stress at Work
Companies in the United Kingdom lose 13.7 million
working days per year due to stress, causing £28.3
billion in productivity losses.
More than 25% of workers in the UK describe their
mental health as moderate or poor.
Organisational Behaviour 2
The Problem: The Cost of Stress at Work
The European Union estimates that work-related
stress affects at least 40 million workers in its 15
(Western ) Member States and that it costs the
European Union at least €20 billion annually.
In 2009, 25 employees of France Telecom have
committed suicide.
Organisational Behaviour 2
What is stress?
The HSE defines stress at work as arising
• “when the demands of the job and the
working environment on a person exceeds
their capacity to meet them” and
• “the reaction people have to excessive
pressures or other types of demands
placed on them.”
Organisational Behaviour 2
What is stress?
Stress – the unconscious preparation to fight or
flee that a person experiences when faced with
any demand
Stressor – the person or event that triggers the
stress response
Distress (or strain) – the adverse psychological,
physical, behavioural, and organisational
consequences that may arise as a result of
stressful events
Organisational Behaviour 2
Effects of Stress
increased absenteeism (of which stress is the
biggest cause)
low motivation
reduced productivity
reduced efficiency
faulty decision-making
poor industrial relations
Organisational Behaviour 2
Stress Check
How often do the following happen to you? Always (3), often (2), sometimes (1),
or never (0)? Rate each statement on a scale from 0 to 3, as honestly as you can
and without spending too much time on any one statement.
I Overstressed?
1. I have to make important snap judgments and decisions.
2. I am not consulted about what happens on my job or in my classes.
3. I feel I am underpaid.
4. I feel that no matter how hard I work, the system will mess it up.
5. I do not get along with some of my co-workers or fellow students.
6. I do not trust my superiors at work or my professors at school.
7. The paperwork burden on my job or at school is getting to me.
8. I feel people outside the job or the university do not respect what I do.
Record your score as the sum of your responses.
Organisational Behaviour 2
Stress Check
Am I Angry?
1. I feel that people around me make too many irritating mistakes.
2. I feel annoyed because I do good work or perform well in school, but
no one appreciates it.
3. When people make me angry, I tell them off.
4. When I am angry, I say things I know will hurt people.
5. I lose my temper easily.
6. I feel like striking out at someone who angers me.
7. When a co-worker or fellow student makes a mistake, I tell him or her
about it.
8. I cannot stand being criticsed in public.
Record your score as the sum of your responses, and add it to your score
from the previous section.
Organisational Behaviour 2
Stress Check
To find your level of anger and potential for aggressive behaviour, add your
scores from both quiz parts.
40–48: The red flag is waving, and you had better pay attention. You are in
the danger zone. You need guidance from a counsellor or mental health
professional, and you should be getting it now.
30–39: The yellow flag is up. Your stress and anger levels are too high, and
you are feeling increasingly hostile. You are still in control, but it would not
take much to trigger a violent flare of temper.
10–29: Relax, you are in the broad normal range. Like most people, you get
angry occasionally, but usually with some justification. Sometimes you
take overt action, but you are not likely to be unreasonably or excessively
0–9: Congratulations! You are in great shape. Your stress and anger are
well under control, giving you a laid-back personality not prone to violence
Organisational Behaviour 2
Psychological Stressors at Work
Task related and organisational stressors
– High workload, time pressure
– Role conflicts, organisational constraints
Social stressors – colleagues, supervisors,
– Negative social climate
– Task conflicts, relationship conflicts
– Unfair behaviour, destructive leadership,
workplace bullying
Organisational Behaviour 2
Psychological Stressors at Work
Social and Emotional stressors – customers, clients
– Customer-related social stressor: aggressive
customers, exaggerated customer expectations
– Emotional dissonance
Job insecurity and unemployment
Organisational Behaviour 2
Approaches to stress
Stress occurs when an external demand
upsets an individual’s natural, steady-state
Organisational Behaviour 2
Approaches to stress
Cognitive appraisal
Individuals differ in their appraisal of
events and people
What is stressful for one person is not for
Perception and cognitive appraisal
determines what is stressful
Organisational Behaviour 2
Approaches to stress
Person-environment fit
Confusing and conflicting expectations in a social
role create stress.
Good person-environment fit occurs when one’s
skills and abilities match a clearly defined set of
role expectations.
Stress occurs when expectations are confusing or
when they conflict with one’s skills.
Organisational Behaviour 2
Approaches to stress
Psychoanalytic Stress
Discrepancy between the idealised self and
the real self-image
Organisational Behaviour 2
Positive Stress
Stress response itself is neutral
Some stressful activities (aerobic exercise,
etc.) can enhance a person’s ability to
manage stressful demands or situations
Stress can provide a needed energy boost
Organisational Behaviour 2
Managing psychological well-being at work
Feel Good
Peak Performance
Switched Off
Stressed Out
Organisational Behaviour 2
Individual Distress
• Medical illness (heart disease, strokes,
headaches, backaches)
• Behavioral problems (substance abuse,
violence, accidents)
• Work-related psychological disorders
(depression, burnout, psychosomatic
Organisational Behaviour 2
Organisational Distress
Participative Problems – a cost associated with
absenteeism, tardiness, strikes and work
stoppages, and turnover
Performance Decrement – a cost resulting from
poor quality or low quantity of production,
grievances, and unscheduled machine downtime
and repair
Compensation Award – an organisational cost
resulting from court awards for job distress
Organisational Behaviour 2
Sources of Stress: Work Demands
Organisational Behaviour 2
Stress Source: Non-work Demands
Organisational Behaviour 2
Preventative Stress Management
An organisational philosophy according to which
people and organisations should take joint
responsibility for promoting health and preventing
distress and strain.
Stress prevention and control is an essential part
of the effective management of people at work.
Organisational Behaviour 2
Organisational Stress Prevention
• Job redesign
• Goal setting
• Role negotiation
• Social support systems
Organisational Behaviour 2
Social Support at Work and Home
Organisational Behaviour 2
Individual Preventive Stress Management
Organisational Behaviour 2
To help alleviate stress and promote
well-being in the workplace
Giving stress management training
Establishing a clear policy on mental health,
stress, anti-bullying and harassment
Regular appraisals
Minimising excessive pressure
Organisational Behaviour 2
What Can Managers Do?
Learn how to create healthy stress without
Help employees adjust to new technologies
Be sensitive to early signs of distress
Be aware of gender, personality, and behavioural
Use principles and methods of preventive stress
Organisational Behaviour 2