The International Workshop on Radiation and Thyroid Cancer: Tutorial Session “Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey” Time and Date: 14:10-14:55, February 21, 2014 Venue: Shinagawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo Department of Public Health, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey, Fukushima Medical University, Seiji YASUMURA ( 1 Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey 4. Concluding Comments 2 Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey 4. Concluding Comments 3 “Great East Japan Earthquake” Triple Disasters in Fukushima 1,652 deaths were “disaster-related deaths”. No one died due to radiation due to NPP accident. 1,603 died and 207 are still lost due to Earthquake and/or Tsunami. Earthquake Fukushima City Tsunami Minami-soma City Nuclear Power Plant Accident Fukushima Dai-ichi 4 Nuclear Power Plant Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey 4. Concluding Comments 5 Number of residents who were living in evacuation area: 210,000 (March 11, 2011) Number of evacuees (including Voluntary evacuees) ・Inside Fukushima Prefecture: 88,416 ・Outside Fukushima Prefecture: 48,364 Total: 136,780 (January, 16, 2014) 6 Direct deaths/Disaster-related deaths Direct deaths Disaster-related deaths Iwate Miyagi Fukushima 4,673 9,537 1,607 434 879 1,656 (“Asahi Shinbun”, 20, Feb., 2014) 7 Excess mortality among relocated institutionalized elderly after the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident Accident Occurred. Excess mortality Yasumura S, Goto A, Yamazaki S, Reich MR. Excess mortality among relocated institutionalized elderly after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Public Health 127: 186-188, 2012. 8 Evacuees outside Fukushima Prefecture 福島県外への避難状況一覧 北海道 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 Yamagata 茨城県 栃木県 群馬県 埼玉県 千葉県 Tokyo 神奈川県 Niigata 富山県 石川県 福井県 山梨県 長野県 岐阜県 静岡県 愛知県 三重県 1,802 550 538 2,328 925 9,513 3,943 2,948 1,688 3,820 3,313 7,449 2,449 5,724 243 350 243 710 1,003 228 823 795 213 滋賀県 京都府 大阪府 兵庫県 奈良県 和歌山県 鳥取県 島根県 岡山県 Hiroshima 山口県 徳島県 香川県 愛媛県 高知県 福岡県 佐賀県 Nagasaki 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 Okinawa Total (Feb. 2, 2013) (単位 人) 229 702 734 604 106 54 133 107 339 322 83 40 45 106 63 353 134 89 98 176 134 148 738 57,135 青森県 550 秋田県 925 北海道 1,802 岩手県 538 Yamagata 9,513 石川県 350 富山県 243 宮城県 2,328 Niigata 5,724 福井県 243 京都府 滋賀県 702 229 鳥取県 133 島根県 107 Nagasaki 89 岡山県 Hiroshima 339 322 佐賀県 福岡県 134 353 兵庫県 604 岐阜県 228 愛知県 795 大分県 熊本県 176 98 宮崎県 134 香川県 45 愛媛県 鹿児島県 106 148 栃木県 2,948 茨城県 3,943 埼玉県 3,820 千葉県 3,313 静岡県 823 山梨県 710 山口県 83 徳島県 40 長野県 1,003 群馬県 1,688 Tokyo 7,449 神奈川県 2,449 三重県 213 奈良県 106 和歌山県 大阪府 54 734 高知県 63 (Radiation Medical Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey, Fukushima Medical University) Okinawa 738 ※都道府県名に併記している数字は 各都道府県への避難者数。 9 Evacuees outside Fukushima Prefecture 福島県外への避難状況一覧 北海道 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 Yamagata 茨城県 栃木県 群馬県 埼玉県 千葉県 Tokyo 神奈川県 Niigata 富山県 石川県 福井県 山梨県 長野県 岐阜県 静岡県 愛知県 三重県 1,668 472 538 2,514 779 5,708 3,738 2,922 1,459 2,797 3,333 6,583 2,117 4,640 207 302 196 649 921 219 750 747 220 滋賀県 京都府 大阪府 兵庫県 奈良県 和歌山県 鳥取県 島根県 岡山県 Hiroshima 山口県 徳島県 香川県 愛媛県 高知県 福岡県 佐賀県 Nagasaki 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 Okinawa Total (Jan. 16, 2014) (単位 人) 197 625 613 538 97 39 119 99 319 241 86 40 50 89 49 329 104 85 108 127 136 125 670 48,364 青森県 472 秋田県 779 北海道 1,668 岩手県 538 Yamagata 5,708 石川県 302 富山県 207 宮城県 2,514 Niigata 4,640 福井県 196 京都府 滋賀県 625 197 鳥取県 119 島根県 99 Hiroshima岡山県 319 241 福岡県 329 佐賀県 104 兵庫県 538 長野県 921 徳島県 40 大分県 熊本県 127 108 宮崎県 136 香川県 50 鹿児島県 125 愛媛県 89 57,135 (Feb. 2, 2013) (Radiation Medical Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey, Fukushima Medical University) 高知県 49 栃木県 2,922 茨城県 3,738 埼玉県 2,797 岐阜県 219 愛知県 747 千葉県 3,333 静岡県 750 山梨県 649 山口県 86 Nagasaki 85 群馬県 1,459 Tokyo 6,583 神奈川県 2,117 三重県 220 奈良県 97 和歌山県 大阪府 39 613 Okinawa 670 ※都道府県名に併記している数字は 各都道府県への避難者数。 10 Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey 4. Concluding Comments 11 Objectives of the Fukushima Health Management Survey 1. To monitor residents’ long-term health and to promote their future well-being. 2. To confirm whether a long-term low-dose radiation exposure has an effect on health. 12 13 Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey: Basic survey 4. Concluding Comments 14 15 Table 1 Estimated external radiation doses (preceding and full-scale survey) 16 Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Outline and result of the Fukushima Health Management Survey: Thyroid ultrasound examination Please wait a little! 4. Concluding Comments Professor Suzuki will present tommorow!! 17 Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey: Comprehensive health check 4. Concluding Comments 18 19 The comprehensive health check in Date City 20 21 Results The proportion of abnormal test results (obesity, glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism and liver function) was higher in the study population compared with the reference populations; the trend was more pronounced in males. This may be due to possible lifestyle changes (such as less exercise and excessive alcohol consumption) caused by psychological distress and sleeping disorder after forced evacuation. 22 Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey: The mental health and lifestyle survey 4. Concluding Comments 23 24 The mental health and lifestyle survey Subjects Age criteria Adults Born before April 1, 1995 Mental health items ・K6 (Kessler, 2003) (include High school student ・PCL (PTSD Checklist on March 11, 2011) Stressor Specific Version, Weathers, 1994) Children Born after April 2, 1995, and ・SDQ (Strengths and before April 1, 1998 (Junior Difficulties Questionnaire) (3) high school student on March 11, 2011) Method Selfadministered Partially selfadministered Parents Children Born after April 2, 1998, and ・SDQ (Strengths and before April 1, 2004 Difficulties Questionnaire) answer (2) (Primary school student on March 11, 2011) Children Born after April 2, 2004, and before March 11, 2011 (1) (Before primary school student on March 11, 2011) Parents ・SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) answer for children aged 4 years and older 25 26 Total K6 in total population ↑ ↑ Number Total score Male K6 by sex ↑ ↑ Female Number Male Female ↑ ↑ Total score Figure Distribution of K6 (Press release, 11, Sep, 2012) 27 Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey: Pregnancy and birth survey 4. Concluding Comments 28 29 The pregnancy and birth survey 15,972 Subjects Mid-wife, Doctors Telephone consultation if needed E-mail /Telephone consultation Send a questionnaire Letter of thanks Feedback of the consultation Transmit the information Check questionnaire Data company Order of data entry Confirm the answers, especially items of depression, and decide whether telephone consultation is needed or not Report of the result Research Office 30 Result of the 2011 survey 1. Response Rates A total of 15,972 questionnaires were distributed in January 2012 and 9,298 (58.2%) were returned by 31 August 2012 2. Support after the Survey Invalid answers and spontaneous abortions were excluded, and telephone counseling was provided by midwives and public health nurses for respondents who were identified as respondents requiring support on the basis of the survey. The proportion of miscarriage in Fukushima Prefecture was 0.79% and that of induced abortion was 0.09% in 2012, no different from the previous fiscal year. The proportion of premature delivery in 2012 was 5.86% which was higher than the 31 previous fiscal year (4.75%). Today’s topic 1. Overview of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima 2. Situation of evacuation and evacuees 3. Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey 4. Concluding Comments 32 Concluding Comments Our greatest achievement: There are so many problems caused by the nuclear power plant accident now. Fukushima residents more concerned about their health than ever and feel anxiety of their own health. Under such circumstances, we implemented the presented multifaceted Fukushima Health Management Survey within one year after the Great East Japan Earthquake. In collaboration with: Hiroshima University, Nagasaki University, Radiation Effects Research Foundation, National Institute of Radiological Science, and Fukushima Medical Association. 33 Our best efforts continues; 1. To outreach as many residents as possible. 2. To implement further detailed investigations. 3. To disseminate obtained results. We hope continued concerns and collaboration by Hiroshima University and Nagasaki University. 34