Finans IT dagen 2013 Hypothesis driven approach to increased efficiency, cost savings or control Søren Anderberg M.Sc. Computer Science, B.A. Psychology NNIT in brief NNIT is one of the four largest providers of IT services in Denmark Consultancy IT consultancy, development, implementation and operations for life sciences, finance, public Development Turnover in 2012 DKK 2,028 billion Implementation Profit 2012 DKK 217 M Head office in Søborg, Denmark + Offices in six countries including China and the Philippines Customers throughout Europe Subsidiary of Novo Nordisk A/S Operations Results-driven Business Optimization Savings Cost Results-driven Business Optimization “Identify optimization hypotheses and implement them as measurable benefits” Customer example: Danish pension and insurance company Customer investment Operational cost savings DKK 950.000 DKK 5.100.000 Results-driven Business Optimization - 6 step framework model & tools Advisory / sales Analyze Prioritize Business Case Benefits reporting Implementation Results-driven Business Optimization - 6 step framework model & tools Advisory / sales Advisory / sales Analyze Prioritize Business Case Analyze Prioritize Business Case Benefits reporting Benefits reporting Implementation Implementation Results-driven Business Optimization - 6 step framework model & tools Advisory / sales Analyze Prioritize Structure Structure Task Business Case Implementation Technology People Questionnaires Interviews/ Workshops Task Hypothesis database Business Case 1 Select most critical Business Case 2 Plan Technology Steering Committee Log analysis Business Case 30 License optimization People Benefits reporting Continuous dialogue Results-driven Business Optimization Case example 1 Simplify IT environment and reduce operational costs. Savings Cost Benefits Reporting Business Case 3: Consolidating Application Servers Savings realized – 4 years Success criteria • • • Reducing from 36 to 24 servers Reducing SQL clusters from 6 to 4 Reclaim reduced license costs 1,9 1,7 MDKK MDKK Summary • • An unknown application identified 11 of 12 servers are ready for reuse Completion and realization Completion and realization • • Implementation completed: March Savings realized: April Jan Feb Mar Apr Completed May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Savings realized Benefits Reporting 3 1,9 1,7 0,9 1,3 1,07 0 2,4 2,0 0,3 0,13 Savings summary MDKK 2 1 Expected 6,57 MDKK Realized 5,13 MDKK Legend Expected savings Realized savings 0 3 4,11 5 6 37 Business Case No Results-driven Business Optimization Case example 2 Increase transparency and control towards FSA IT audit. Savings Cost Benefits Reporting Increasing transparency towards audit 1 2 Map FSA IT regulatory requirements FSA audit scheme 3 Map requirements to contract complex • IT Operational Contract • Finanstilsynets: ”Statusskema for Finansielle Virksomheder IT-området” Procedures and Guidelines • Assessment report 1. 11 categories 34 questions • • Assess requirements Bestyrelsens IT-sikkerhedspolitik 2. Direktionens opgaver og ansvar Operation Manual 3. It-beredskabsplaner • Compliance degree 4. Rapportering 5. Outsourcing 6. Udvikling af egne systemer samt systemændringer 7. Anskaffelser fra eksterne leverandører 8. Ikke-integrerede systemer 9. Dokumentation 10. Funktionsadskillelse i autorisationer 11. Intern opbevaring af data Analysis Report Summary Requirements • • Contract coverage degree 20 8 6 Compliance coverage degree Passed Remarks Failed Action Plan Results-driven Business Optimization Increasing benefits and sustainability Typical hypotheses with positive impact - 6 step framework model & tools • Standardized application architecture • Standardization of Advisory / sales infrastructure • Database optimization • Desktop-mgmt outsourcing Analyze Prioritize • Batch optimization • Culture and behavior optimization Business Case Implementation Structure Task • Project portfolio management Technology People Questionnaires • Desktop optimization Interviews/ Workshops • Consolidation of IT Hypothesis infrastructure database • Enterprise Search Strategy Business Case 1 • Process optimization (ITIL) • Technical Recovery Plans Select most critical Business Case 2 • Standardized user administration • Change Management • Outsource network • Print optimization • Storage optimization • License Management • KPI and Dashboards Log analysis Plan • Information Management (Business Intelligence) Business Case 30 Financial • IT Regulatory Audit analysis Increasing complexity and time Benefits reporting Steering Committee Continuous dialogue Results-driven Business Optimization “Identify optimization hypotheses and implement them as measurable benefits” Customer example: Danish pension and insurance company Customer investment Operational cost savings DKK 950.000 DKK 5.100.000 Results-driven Business Optimization “Identify optimizationSøren Anderberg Managing Consultant hypotheses and implement them as measurable benefits”+45 30 79 10 98 Customer example: Danish pension and insurance company Customer investment Operational cost savings DKK 950.000 DKK 5.100.000 Results-driven Business Optimization Søren Anderberg Managing Consultant +45 30 79 10 98 Kell Christensen Managing Consultant Karen Lise Mosekjær Madsen Business Consultant Søren Anderberg Managing Consultant +45 30 79 10 98 Thomas Wiis Vogelsang Business Consultant Thank you! Søren Anderberg Managing Consultant +45 30 79 10 98