Why children are better (or at least more open-minded) scientists than adults are: Search, temperature and the origins of human cognition. Alison Gopnik Dept. of Psychology UC Berkeley The Probabilistic Models Approach to Causal Learning Abstract structured representations of causal knowledge with systematic relations to data Intuitive theories –Gopnik & Meltzoff, 1997 Causal Bayes nets- Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines, 1993, Pearl 2000, Woodward 2003, Gopnik et al. 2004 Hierarchical causal Bayes nets and probabilistic logicGriffiths and Tenebaum 2007, Goodman 2010 Probabilistic Models and Cognitive Development • Gopnik 2012 Science • Gopnik & Wellman 2012 Psychological Bulletin Unanswered Questions • How do children search through all the possible hypotheses? • Do children learn higher-order causal principles as well as specific causal relationships? • Why do children sometimes appear so irrational? • Are there developmental differences ? The Sampling Hypothesis Denison, Bonawitz, Gopnik, & Griffiths, Cognition, 2013 Why Childhood?: Longer Childhood, Bigger Brain, Smarter Animal Quokka vs. Opposum Weisbecker & Goswami, PNAS 2010 Fossil Dental Evidence For Immaturity Regression of predicted versus actual age for eight fossil juveniles and 36 recent (living) humans. Smith T M et al. PNAS 2010;107:20923-20928 ©2010 by National Academy of Sciences Exploration vs. Exploitation • Search and temperature • Childhood is evolution’s way of performing simulated annealing Inferring Abstract Laws: Lucas, Gopnik & Griffiths • Framework theories • Hierarchical Bayes-nets (Griffiths & Tenenbaum) • The blessing of abstraction (Goodman) Which objects are blickets? Is D a blicket? Is E a blicket? Is F a blicket? What if you also saw these events? “Or“ Training “And” Training Test Functional Form Procedure: “OR” and “AND” Test Trial D D+F E D D D+E+F D+F Functional Form Procedure: “OR” and “AND” Conditions Do think the circle is a blicket or not a blicket? CIRCLE DIAMOND BALL Functional Form Procedure: “OR” and “AND” Conditions Which of these should we use to make the machine turn on? CIRCLE DIAMOND BALL Intervention Question “BASELINE” Test Trial 1 Results: Percentage of Participants who think D and F are Blickets 1 0.9 * ______ *** ______ 0.8 0.7 0.6 D 0.5 F 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Children Adults N = 24 N = 26 “OR” Test Trial Results: 1 0.9 Percentage of Participants who think D and F are Blickets ** _____ *** ______ 0.8 0.7 0.6 D 0.5 F 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Children Adults N = 25 N = 28 “AND” Test Trial Results: Percentage of Participants who think D and F are Blickets 1 ** _____ 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 D 0.5 F 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Children Adults N = 25 N = 24 “BASELINE” Intervention 1 Results: Percentage of Single vs. Multiple Object Interventions 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Single 0.4 Multiple 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Children N = 22 Adults N = 26 “OR” Intervention Results: Percentage of Single vs. Multiple Object Interventions 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Single 0.5 Multiple 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Children Adults N = 25 N = 28 “AND” Intervention Results: Percentage of Single vs. Multiple Object Interventions 0.9 ** _______________________________________ 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Single 0.4 Multiple 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Children Adults N = 25 N = 24 “BASELINE” Intervention 1 Results: F v. DF v. DEF Interventions 0.9 0.8 ** ___________________ *** ___________________ 0.7 0.6 0.5 F DF 0.4 DEF 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Children Adults N = 22 N = 26 “OR” Intervention Results: 0.9 0.8 F v. DF v. DEF Interventions *** ___________________ *** ___________________ 0.7 0.6 0.5 F DF 0.4 DEF 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Children Adults N = 25 N = 28 “AND” Intervention Results: F v. DF v. DEF Interventions *** _______________________________ 0.6 * __________________ ** ________ 0.5 0.4 ** _______________ F 0.3 DF DEF 0.2 0.1 0 Children N = 25 Adults N = 24 Tulver Flowers Tulver “AND” Test Trial Results: Percentage of Adults who think D and F are Tulvers N = 28 N = 27 Adult “AND” Intervention Results: Percentage of Single vs. Multiple Object Interventions Adult “AND” Intervention Results: F v. DF v. DEF Interventions N = 28 N = 27 Learning Higher-Order Causal Relations: Walker & Gopnik, Psychological Science In press • , • Learn causal properties of objects between 19- and 24-months (Gopnik, 2012; Sobel & Kirkham, 2006; Meltzoff, Waismeyer & Gopnik, 2012) • Determine whether effects were caused by their own actions at 16-months (Gweon & Shchulz, 2011) Relational Reasoning in Non-Human Primates • Failure as evidence for key difference in human cognition (Penn, Holyoke, & Povinelli, 2008) • Depends on culture/language (Gentner, 2010) • Not a qualitative difference (Premack, 1988) • Primates can learn – Hundreds of trials (Premack, 1988) – Learning to use words for “same” and “different” (Premack, 1983) Experiment 1 Match-to-Sample • 46 participants • 18- to 24-month-olds (mean 20.9 mos.) -----------------------------------------------------------• Created a causal version of Premack’s (1983) match-to-sample task – Observe an abstract relational pattern (AA’, BB’, CC’ lead to a reward) – Select between AB (object match) and DD (relational match) Match-to-Sample Trial 1a 35 Match-to-Sample Trial 1b Match-to-Sample Trial 2a Match-to-Sample Trial 2b Match-to-Sample Trial 3a Match-to-Sample Trial 3b Match-to-Sample Test Trial 1 Test Blocks Familiar Novel Distractor Novel Paired 41 Match-to-Sample Test Trial 2 Test Blocks Familiar Novel Distractor Novel Paired 42 Percentage of Infants who Selected the Pair Results: Match-to-Sample 1 * 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 18-20 months 21-24 months 18- to 24-month-olds, t(45) = 2.47, p<.02** 18-20 month olds: p=.72 21-23 month olds: p<.02** Significant difference between age groups: p<.05** 43 Experiment 1a: Control • Due to “matching” the experimenter’s selection or a baseline preference for pairs? • 21 participants total • 21- to 24-month-olds (mean = 22.4 mos.) --------------------------------------------------------------• Occlude the 2nd object in the pair • No evidence for relational property “same” • Prediction: random selection on test items 44 Control Trial 1a Control Trial 1b Control Trial 2a Control Trial 2b Control Trial 3a Control Trial 3b Control Test Trial Test Blocks Familiar Novel Distractor Novel Paired Percentage of Infants who Selected the Pair Results: Control Experiment 1 0.8 * 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 21-24 mos EXP 1 21-24 mos EXP 2 21- to 24-month-olds in Experiment 1: p<.02 21- to 24-month-olds in Experiment 2: p=.65 (ns) Significant diff. between infants in Exp 1 and Exp 2: p<.05 Experiment 2: Relational Match-to-Sample • 2 conditions: “same” and “different” • 38 participants, 19 per condition • Age: 18- to 30-months (mean 25.8 mos.) ----------------------------------------------------------• Present + and - evidence for the relation “same” or “different” • Evidence presented as pairs of objects • Single test trial “Same” Trial 1 “Same” Trial 2 “Same” Trial 3 “Same” Trial 4 “Same” Condition Test Trial “Different” Trial 1 “Different” Trial 2 “Different” Trial 3 “Different” Trial 4 “Different” Condition Test Trial Percent Infants who Selected the Correct Pair Results: RMTS * 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 18- to 24-month-olds 25- to 30-month-olds Median split (younger: mean = 22.8; older: mean = 28.7) 18-24 month olds: p=.08 (one-tail); p=.16 (two-tail) 25-30 month olds: p<.001 (two-tail exact binomial test) No significant diff between age groups, p=.58 Summary and Discussion • Infants can learn abstract relational causal principles (same/different) and use them to guide action • Appears very early in development • May help explain how children acquire abstract causal knowledge U-Shaped Curve? • Piloting: older children pass the “same” condition, but fail the “different” condition • Older children doing WORSE than younger children? • This would support a U-shape – acquiring prior that “different” is a low probability relation • 30-48-month-olds (M=36.2 months) Preliminary Results 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Same Different Conclusions • Yes, damn it, children are little scientists • They may be better, or at least more open-minded scientists than we are • Apparent irrationalities may actually be causal inference advantages • Normative philosophical inquiries and empirical psychological ones can be mutually illuminating Collaborators and Support • • • • • • • • Clark Glymour Tom Griffiths Elizabeth Bonawitz Caren Walker Chris Lucas Sophie Bridgers NSF The James S. McDonnell Foundation Causal Learning Collaborative Reasoning and Learning about Complex Causal Structures: Backtracking/conditioning vs Surgery/Intervening Pretense and Causal Reasoning Buchsbaum et al, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, ’12 • Counterfactuals in causal reasoning and learning • Intuitive link between causal counterfactuals and pretense – are they related? Monkey’s Birthday • Two within-subject phases – Counterfactual phase – Pretense phase • 52 preschool age children – 26 four year olds – 26 three year olds • “Birthday machine” for Monkey’s birthday Counterfactual Phase • Introduced to “birthday machine” and two objects – Plays happy birthday when “zando” is on top – Does nothing when “not a zando” is on top • Asked counterfactuals – “if this one was not a zando what would happen if we put it on the machine?” – “if this one was a zando, what would happen if we put it on the machine?” Pretense Phase • Confederate needs to borrow real machine and objects • Introduce box + two wood blocks for pretend • How do we pretend to make the machine go? – What do we pretend when we put each block on the machine? – Reverse roles of blocks and repeat Expt. 2: Mean Correct on Counterfactual and Pretense Questions 4 3.5 *** 3 2.5 2 *** 1.5 1 0.5 0 Counterfactual Pretense Music Exp 2: Average Score for Pretense Questions 2 1.5 1 0.5 Counterfactuals Incorrect 0 Counterfactuals Correct Zando Non-Zando -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 No Music Partial Correlation Counterfactuals and Pretense accounting for age, conservation, executive function: p < 0.05*, r = Reasoning about Complex Causal Structures in Pretense Reasoning about Complex Causal Structures in Pretense • In this book, we are going to learn about my friend Katie’s dog named Sparky and cat named Buster. Sparky and Buster spend a lot of time in Katie’s backyard. Sometimes Sparky barks. When Sparky barks, it makes Buster feel scared. Other times, Sparky wags his tail. When Sparky wags his tail, it makes Buster feel happy. When Buster is scared, his fear makes him run up a tree to hide from Sparky. When Buster is happy, his happiness makes him wrestle with Sparky. When Sparky barks, his barking also makes the birds fly out of the tree. When Sparky wags his tail, the wagging makes the fleas on his tail dizzy. Sometimes there are ladybugs in Katie’s backyard. Other times there are butterflies in Katie’s backyard. Reasoning about Complex Causal Structures in Pretense Bark Ladybugs Wag Butterflies Scared Birds Happy Fleas Run Wrestle Reasoning about Complex Causal Structures in Pretense: Backtracking vs Surgery Preliminary Results Proportion "Forward" Answers Consistent with Story Structure 1 + * 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Counterfactual Pretense Preliminary Results Proportion "Backtracking” Answers 1 0.9 * ** 0.8 0.7 + 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Counterfactual Pretense Learning Higher-Order Causal Relations, Walker & Gopnik 2012 Test Blocks Familiar Novel Distractor Novel Paired Test Blocks Familiar Novel Distractor Novel Paired Percentage of Infants who Selected the Paired Block Results: Experiment 1 1 * 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 18-20 months 18-20 month olds: p=.72 21-23 month olds: p<.02 Sig diff between age groups: p<.05 21-24 months Test Blocks Familiar Novel Distractor Novel Paired Percentage of Infants who Selected the Paired Block Results: Experiment 1 vs. 2 * 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 21-24 mos EXP 1 21-24 mos EXP 2 21-23 month olds in Exp 1: p<.02 21-23 month olds in Exp 2: p=.72 Sig diff between infants in Exp 1 and Exp 2: p<.05 Summary and Discussion • Preschool age children can reason about counterfactuals for a novel causal relationship • Maintain and intervene on a newly learned causal relationship within a pretend scenario • Flexibly reassign the causal roles of pretend objects