WORKING TOGETHER WHO IS HOMELESS The people we work with 7/10 are male 32% have mental health issues Over ½ 28% are young people multiple needs Source: Annual Review 2014 1 in 4 33% Offending history have drug problems SERVICE PRESSURES INCREASED DEMAND, FEWER SERVICE FEWER SERVICES 3% (33) fewer Rough Sleeping up 37% over the last 3 years accommodation projects than last year 3% (1,104) fewer bed spaces than last year INCREASED DEMAND Source: Annual Review 2014 EXTERNAL PRESSURES COUNCIL TAX BENEFIT HOMELESSNESS services, support, recovery, resettlement END OF SOCIAL FUND DLA to PIP TOTAL BENEFI T CAP UNIVERSAL CREDIT ROLL OUT SAR CHANGES EXEMPT ACCOMM RULE LOCALISM CUTS TO LA BUDGETS AUSTERITY RECESSION SANCTIONS EXPERIENCES OF HOMELESS PEOPLE Homeless Link’s A High Cost to Pay indicates that individuals who have experienced homelessness are being disproportionately affected by benefit sanctions In the 3 months to July 2013: • One third of homeless people claiming JSA were sanctioned; • 1 in 5 claiming ESA were sanctioned. Of the services surveyed • 98% reported homeless people falling into rent arrears • 86% reported homeless people getting into debt Impacts • Sanctions leading to accommodation problems such as rent arrears or service charge arrears and eviction • Clients’ existing problems are getting worse as a result of sanctions, with only a minority being motivated by sanctions to find employment WORK PROGRAMME EXPERIENCES OF HOMELESS PEOPLE KEY FINDINGS • People aren’t identified as homeless • The barriers into employment faced by people experiencing homelessness are not identified and understood • The most vulnerable do not receive the support they need • Sanctions disproportionately affect those experiencing homeless. The Programme’s Not Working report from Crisis, St Mungo’s and Homeless Link draws upon surveys and interviews conducted by the three homelessness charities. Source: The Programme’s Not Working; Experiences of Homeless People on the Work Programme A High Cost to Pay: The Impact of Benefit Sanctions on Homeless People WE HAVE CHANGED Our VISION – An end to Homelessness • Help people to realise their potential • Access to good affordable accommodation • Personalised support • Adequate income The changes we’ve made • Places of Change and Hostel Improvement • Housing First • No Second Night Out • Making every Adult Matter “GIVE SOMEONE A BED AND A REASON TO GET OUT OF IT” Emmaus WORKING TOGETHER 1 Employment is the homelessness sector’s priority too 2 Support planning in homelessness services aims to move clients forward and recognises the client’s distance travelled 3 Develop partnerships with local services, know what they do and the support they offer 4 Identify and assess the needs of those experiencing homelessness DISCUSSION ONE 1 What does a successful partnership look like? 2 Where have you seen partnership working work well? 3 What do you need to make a partnership successful? DISCUSSION TWO What are you going to do next to develop partnerships locally? FEEDBACK 1 Give an example of good practice 2 What will you do next to develop partnerships locally? 3 Give one piece of information you will take away from today