MoreMilkiT Project Review and Planning & Joint Steering Committee Meeting 17-19 March 2014, Tanga, Tanzania Brigitte L. Maass Outline Introduction o India vs. Tanzania o Implementation Progress along MilkIT project objectives o Institutional strengthening o Productivity enhancement o Knowledge sharing Outlook Introduction Title: o Enhancing Dairy-based Livelihoods in India and the United Republic of Tanzania through Feed Innovation and Value Chain Development Approaches Purpose: o To contribute to improved dairy-supported livelihoods in India and Tanzania via intensification of smallholder production focusing on feed enhancement using innovation and value chain approaches. o Links to IFAD grant policy: innovative technologies and approaches, capacity strengthening, knowledge sharing. Introduction – Project countries: “IT” India Tanzania Led by ILRI Led by CIAT State of Uttarakhand Closely linked to CRP (non-CRP Livestock & Fish) – Bageshwar & Sult Partners NGOs (INHERE, CHIRAG) Will feed into new IFAD grant project (ILSP) Livestock & Fish Two regions – Morogoro & Tanga Partners: research/ academia (SUA, TALIRI) No link to IFAD grant policy established as yet Key differences in dairy Tanzania vs. India India Tanzania Buffaloes, few dairy cows – Cattle as assets & for social almost treated as ‘family members’ Long tradition of self-help groups (SHGs); cooperatives common Dairy animals zero-grazed prestige, few dairy cows Little communal organization; Hay commonly produced Processing traditional: paneer, ghee, milk sweets, other Milk consumption is high cooperatives evoke (negative) memories Dairy animals zero-grazed, but most feed comes from grazing or collection No feed conservation tradition Little milk processing practiced, sour milk, ghee Milk consumption is low MilkIT India MilkIT Tanzania MilkIT implementation process Aiming to link to IFAD grant policy o Work in Pemba or Manyara? Joining the CRP Livestock & Fish process (2012) driven by MoreMilkiT , under the common goal ‘Maziwa Zaidi’ o Site selection o Dairy value chain (DVC) assessment o Baseline survey o Choosing partners Working via innovation platforms (IP) towards improving feeds and feeding (2013) o Feed assessment with FEAST o Setting up village IPs o Participatory definition of interventions Links to IFAD grant policy Pemba Island and Manyara Region FEAST training and DVC Assessment in Pemba (July 2012) Focus group discussions at: Kisiwani Chake Chake and Mkoani Links to IFAD grant policy Conclusions from DVC assessment in Pemba o Milk production increased over recent past But low local consumption of milk and milk products o Promotion of consumption of milk and milk products is needed to match increased production o Improved marketing required, including also more professional processing and packaging Because of its focus on using feed interventions to increase milk production, the IFAD-funded MilkIT project should not regard Pemba as a priority intervention area under the current circumstances of dairy development on the island MilkIT action sites Tanga Region Morogoro Region MilkIT Partners in Tanzania CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture) – Tropical Forages Program o Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro o Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI) – Tanga Centre NGOs and development partners coming in o SNV o Heifer Project International o HiMWA – working with pastoralists o TBD (Tanzania Dairy Board) o TAMPRODA (Tanzania Milk Producers Association) The MilkIT team in Tanzania with MoreMilkiT representatives and attached students MilkIT Tanzania Progress along MilkIT Project components 1. Institutional strengthening 2. Productivity enhancement 3. Knowledge sharing MilkIT Tanzania Component 1. Institutional strengthening Site selection criteria o High cattle density o Market channels: ruralrural & rural-urban o Farming systems o Milk production potential o Accessibility & distance o Potential partners/ stakeholders Sites o In each region, 4 villages selected from 2 districts o Agreed village IP structure 30 participants Producers (60%) & Other VC stakeholders (40%) MilkIT Tanzania Process used in establishing Innovation Platforms • Regional Platform meetings to implement agreed actions • DVC & FEAST conducted at village level • FEAST & DVC feedback to villages • IP sensitization meetings • IP member election • IPs agree on their functioning guidelines • Implement action research • Implement other interventions Tanga Morogoro • District CMT sensitization Mvomero 1 2 Kilosa 3 4 Lushoto Handeni 5 6 7 8 District meetings in Tanga: Issues and action points Handeni District Meeting Lushoto Handeni Inadequate markets: Land availability: o Milk pricing will be taken care of o Land use plan is underway by the Tanga Dairy Platform o SNV conducts a survey to underscore the governance of primary cooperative societies and processors o Developed bylaws to prevent Extension & veterinary services: o Plan to recruit and distribute extension staff in every village o Plan to encourage more service providers within the district up to village level invading pastoralists Insufficient pasture: o Continuous sensitization of pastoralists on options to enhance productivity Inadequate access to inputs: o 5 AI centres planned to be established in various sites of district o Encourage more input agents to operate in each ward MilkIT Tanzania Model of interaction of different platform levels: Tanga Tanzania DDF Action research Intervention Regional Dairy Platform District Council Management Team District District Action research Intervention Village IP Village IP Village IP Village IP District meetings in Morogoro: Issues and action points Kilosa District Meeting Mvomero Kilosa Shortage of land: Shortage of land: o Village land use plan in process o Land use plan in process o Provision of mini ranches o Govt’ to recover undeveloped land Inadequate markets: o Establishment of more collection centers o Establish more livestock markets for better coverage of district (incl. from absentee investors) Inadequate vet services: o Plan to establish ward veterinary centers o Build and rehabilitate dip tanks Inadequate communication among stakeholders: o Engage Kilosa radio broad-casting to reach stakeholders MilkIT Tanzania Model of interaction of different platform levels: Morogoro Tanzania DDF Action research Intervention Regional Dairy Platform District Council Management Team District District Action research Intervention Village IP Village IP Village IP Village IP MilkIT Tanzania Key results from research on village IP performance in Tanga Performance indicator ‘Access to larger variety and better feeds’ o Significantly related to frequency and quality of communication and increased exposure to different information sources of interviewees, including training particularly Key informant interviews MilkIT Tanzania Component 2. Productivity enhancement Feed assessment o Training on FEAST tool in Morogoro & Tanga regions 26 participants were trained o FEAST surveys in all 8 villages 104 Farmers for individual interviews 306 Farmers in FGDs Focus Group Discussion o FEAST reports compiled from 4 districts Challenges identified and solutions proposed are possible entry points and mark the pillars for IP functioning Individual interview MilkIT Tanzania Productivity enhancement FEAST key results Seasonality of feed results in seasonal milk production Grazing is main feed source in extensive system; higher diversity of feed stuffs in semi-intensive/ intensive system FEAST participants did not perceive feeds or feeding as key constraints Principle constraints identified were land, water and markets for livestock and milk; genetic potential of cattle and livestock diseases; lack of knowledge on animal husbandry Seasonal feed availability in Twatwatwa village, Kilosa District, and Manyinga village, Mvomero District, Morogoro Region MilkIT Tanzania Identification of intervention strategies emerging from dairy value chain analysis Constraints from past feed Identified technical interventions o Limited number of adopted feed technologies o High resource costs of technologies in terms of labour and accessibility o Proper packaging and dissemination of technologies is needed o Mostly limited to intensive smallholder dairy production interventions at MilkIT sites o Pasture establishment & o o o o o o management Demonstration plots Pasture seed supply Forage conservation Training on feeds and feeding Feeding routine General cattle husbandry Planting forages in Tanga Planting forages in Morogoro MilkIT Tanzania Other interventions Training will take place on o Forage husbandry and utilization o Forage conservation o Animal feeding and nutrition Organizational interventions initiated o Rehabilitation of water source in Kibaya village o Decision for milk bulking in Kibaya village o Others may follow … MilkIT Tanzania Component 3. Knowledge sharing MilkIT integration with other actors under Maziwa Zaidi Tanga dairy platform o Participating in the regular meetings every 3 months DDF – Tanzania Dairy Tanga Platform Development Forum Tanzanian fairs & exhibitions o Maziwa week exhibition o Nanenane agricultural exhibition Joint steering committee with MoreMilkiT Maziwa week MilkIT Tanzania Knowledge sharing – contd. Sharing of common tools with MilkIT in India Shared MilkIT Wiki: o Space to share process with partners and interested ‘outsiders’ o Online database for our reports o Partners are encouraged to use Annual regional review and planning meetings across MilkIT project – India & Tanzania Scientific presentations at conferences o Planned articles for international journals MilkIT Tanzania Outlook for 2014 and beyond IP sustainability o Action research implemented in villages o Further interventions identified and initiated o Attached students conducting research o New R4D ideas to continue along IP model Regional platforms o Set up in Morogoro o Active participation in Tanga – towards district platforms Continuous development of DVC in collaboration with other projects o Scaling up IP model vs. hubs? MilkIT Tanzania Acknowledgement of funds coming from IFAD Science to cultivate change Membership of the innovation platform in Wami Sokoine village, Mvomero district, Morogoro region IP Member Male 20 15 IP Secretary Female 10 5 IP treasurer IP Chairwoman Input Supplier Milk Producer Group Skin Processor Group Village Chairman Village Executive officer Land Committee Livestock Extension Officer Village Sacos Livestock keepers Value Chain actors Network Partner 0 Stakeholders Membership of the innovation platform in Wami Sokoine village, Mvomero district, Morogoro region Drawing by Diep Pham Innovation platform actors Credit (Village Sacos) Producers Village Innovation Platform Livestock extension Extension Land Producer group Milk processor group Village governance Skin processor group Input suppliers