The Twelve Core Action Values with Joe`s notes

The Twelve Core
Action Values
Joe’s Notes
Created by Joe Tye, CEO and Head Coach
Values Coach Inc.
Copyright © 2010, Values Coach Inc.
1. Intros
2. Handouts
3. Grad school for life
4. U & E Values
5. 1-6 and 7-12
6. CAVs & RICE values
7. Gym salesman 
Core Action Values 1-6:
Laying a Solid
1. Greatest triumph
2. Corporate lawyer
3. LFH experience
4. WDYD? – You are a moving target
5. If every job paid the same…
6. Bridge to who you are
1. Begins with who not: roles, moods, past,
opinions of others
2. Strengths vs. weaknesses
3. Do not compare
4. 360 self eval – not a good listener 
5. Journal = high leverage quadrant 4
1. Meet YOWE
3. Reference group
4. SLBs and SILs
5. Negative ST = mental graffiti
1. Don’t settle for anemic dreams
2. Low self-esteem is an excuse
3. Pyramid of self-belief
4. Self-defining metaphors
5. Not arrogance
1. Accept yourself for who you are
2. But work on the warts
3. Take total respty for circs & outcomes
4. Use DDQs
5. Paradox 1 = out of CZ (Spencer Tracy)
6. Paradox 2 = more likely to succeed
1. Trust is an outcome
2. Cannot win long term w/o integrity
3. Just a word at Enron
4. “Integer” – same person in dif settings
5. Always a gap, never painless
1. Begins with self – we rationalize
2. The “I can’t” lie
3. Honesty is active – not just not lying
4. Just because you believe something
5. Fear motivates dishonesty (Deming)
6. Know when to shut up (hairdo)
1. It’s a habit – build before you need it
2. Under-promise and over-deliver
3. Be consistent where counts (mgr, parent)
4. Avoid debt and procrastination
5. Eat the frog first
6. Turn Pro (Pressfield)
1. Level 5 leadership
2. Paradox of servant leadership
3. Give credit, take blame
4. Be interruptable
5. Invite criticism
6. Root of the word – all children same God
1. No free lunch (or movie tickets!)
2. Chief Seattle & culture of MSI
3. Frugality, productivity, conservation
4. Dave Ramsey & Julie Morgenstern
5. Do more with less
6. Reduce, reuse, recycle
1. Autopilot to Lincoln ?
2. Key to success: sales, care, career
3. Temporal & spatial attention
4. Inner awareness
5. Travel light & enjoy the journey
6. Stand on one foot
1. All emotional pain caused by lack
2. “Pay” attention
3. Learn past, plan future, live present
4. Meditative practices
5. More, not less, in the world
6. Soul vs. ego
1. See world as it really is
2. Opinions, beliefs, and principles
3. People look for facts to fit beliefs
4. Distorting lens of ITFP
5. Gut vs. intuition
6. Play the Reporter Game
1. Commiseration, sympathy, empathy
2. Mutuality in AA
3. Social radar – Daniel Goleman
4. Mary Kay & MMFI – AZ hospital ER
5. Be a Dionarap
1. No one on deathbed = more TV
2. Silence is good for the soul
3. Prayer – Tevye and Gilda Radner
4. MoM & PoG
5. 2 detachments – 2 freedoms
6. You never FIND time for it
1. No fear, no courage (2 jail bars)
2. Reaction, decision
3. Anxiety, fear, and worry
4. 3 bad things: memory, perception, vision
5. Fear an ally: not ready, wrong path
6. Sacred anxiety – a guide to MtB
1. RPM, Billy, & Chief Bromden
2. Give it a name (or number)
3. Talk back to it – lion roar
4. Irrational fears (Buckle Up!)
5. Anxiety-Perf Curve
6. Faith = ultimate antidote
1. Terror and exhilaration – em. energy
2. Change your metaphors (tank, hang,
blood, net, chicken)
3. SWA vs. United post 9-11 – U-571 lesson
4. Forrest Church: we don’t feel courage
5. Mark Twain & the “as if” principle
1. Og Mandino
2. Positive vs. wishful thinking
3. Research as action
4. Death of the fear is certain
5. Dare most when times are darkest
6. Keep moving!
1. Caring is the root of courage
2. Edward Hallowell Worry book
3. Best friends made in support groups
4. Dionarap Take 2 – distrust 1st impression
5. Eliminate silo effect
6. Support group environment
1. Perseverance = decision every day
2. Every great accomplishment once…
3. Bad things do happen to good people
4. Brick walls are not there to stop you
1. Obstacles are not optional
2. Prepare like fire dept
3. Stamina (sleep, diet, exercise, hydration,
breathing, habits) – Samurai Paradox
4. Prepare for worst, expect best
5. Avoid analysis paralysis
1. Best or worst? – problems & Predicaments
2. Everything can look failed in middle
3. 23rd Psalm – keep walking
4. Motion picture vs. snapshot
5. No such thing as false hope
6. TGAoT
1. Robbins – ability to endure frustration
2. WC: bounce one failure to another
3. “Should” before “Want”
4. Don’t play victim, martyr roles
5. Don’t lie to yourself
6. Confront spoiled brat – tuff w/ not on
1. Four good things
2. Good for character (A.M. Lindberg)
3. Most important lessons
4. One door closes (Last Chance Mine)
5. The people you meet
6. Nietzsche was right
Dirt bag story
1. Not religion (but wisdom in every…)
2. Faithful = fidelity + trust
3. Four pillars: self, others, future, power
4. Graebel moving company story
5. Greatest power in history (Hawaii)
6. William James to Ann Armstrong
1. Whining is the anti-prayer
2. Choosing to see best, to see blessings
3. Gratitude  Optimism  Achievement
4. If you live in America…
5. Gratitude is reflected in giving
6. Make a “joy list”
1. Every major spiritual tradition
2. Grudges = prison, poison (I Ching)
3. Reduces anxiety & depression
4. Support group for parents killed kids
5. Self and God (Kurtz & Ketchum)
6. Bury a rock in the desert (Big Bend)
1. The Beatles – not a mushy emotion
2. SWA & Colleen Barrett story
3. Tim & Cindy story
4. How much “love” is in your calendar?
5. Hate makes people stupid
6. Increase love by giving it – hug metaphor
1. Who dies w/ most toys is still dead!
2. Faith, health, healing (placebo effect)
3. Diane Tice research prayer anx & depn
4. Have a sacred place (Grand Canyon)
5. EaM but no DL (John Kennedy Toole)
6. Honor faith of patients
Interlude for
The SelfEmpowerment
Core Action Values 7-12:
Taking Effective
1. WDYD? icebreaker
2. On purpose – McZen – LBJ – bees buzz
3. Calling, mission, and purpose (NM,NM)
4. Flow and quota busting
5. Purpose statement (rewrite old scripts)
6. Whatever your hand finds to do…
1. Kid – what want to be when grow up
2. Am. Dream – lottery, lawsuit 
3. Rural mail carrier
4. Having, Doing, Being
5. Problem #1 with “The Secret” = work
6. Expect a miracle!
7. Dealing with dream stealers
1. Monomaniac with a mission – Joe Diffie
2. Do or do not – no try (FN on excuses)
3. A bias for action (Iacocca – cut off top)
4. Discipline of prototypes
5. Urgency plus patience
6. Healthy dissatisfaction
1. It’s not about you – Rick Warren
2. David’s House story
3. Kroc – “you win then I win”
4. Foundation of teamwork
5. Michael Jordan story
6. Oak tree grove in Solon
1. Avoid double bind situations
2. Or  And
3. From balance to integrate
4. Creativity = intelligence having fun
5. Avoiding tyranny of the urgent
1. Porsche dream story
2. J. Swift & Proverbs
3. Walt’s last day – Roy & D’world
4. Vision & visualization – noun & verb
5. MotF – lot of people like you! – 2nd b’day
6. Vision is a muscle
1. Platform for future dreams – Seligman
2. Turn off the tragi – tainment
3. You won’t “know it when you see it”
4. BHAG paradox: More likely, same risk,
platform bigger
5. 5 tools (comp, mg, mag, flywheel, SP)
6. Dreamcyclopedia
1. Katie
2. Questions > answers
3. Creative ideas adaptations –
4. Garbage can theory of intelligence
5. Don’t waste on worry and fantasy
6. Lucid dreaming and subconscious
7. Write your own horoscope
1. Steve Jobs – reality distortion field
2. Telling your story
4. Dialog toward goals
5. 6-As: Articulate, Affirm, Ask (Aladdin
factor), Act (5 a day rule), Adapt, Authent
1. A force of nature
2. MVH at NFNQ conf (BHAG reinf by action)
3. See it when you believe it
4. TBSS – incremental belief creation
5. Who else has done what you want to do?
6. Collective belief
1. Dorothea Brande – no one on deathbed
2. If trouble with time or money – start here
3. Dorothy poppy fields – RBADD culture
4. The water cooler is deadly to focus
5. Triage your goals and priorities
6. Pareto Prison
1. Be clear about what you really want
2. Don’t chase what you don’t want
3. The real cost of a new TV
4. Fewer targets, more likely to hit
5. Fewer goals at once, more over time
6. Having fun vs. being happy
7. Target that you can control
1. The Shallows problem
2. One Big YES – lots of little No’s
3. Creativity requires concentration
4. Diversified interests, focused goals
5. Breaking out of 80-20
6. Sitting on a thumb tack
7. Keep two lists
1. Grocery shopping: the 4-get formula
2. Moving faster, less likely distracted
3. Speed is a logarithmic function
4. A state of mind – 2-time yourself
5. The day before vacation
6. Does not mean taking shortcuts
1. Louis L’Amour novels
2. The learning curve
3. Combat entropy – Zig – “Now what?”
4. The leader’s best friend (Maxwell)
5. Urgency + patience
6. Golden half hour B4 bed – tomorrow to do
1. Master value
2. Terminal prof’ism & Dilbertism
3. Catalyst for SFPs
4. Emotions are contagious
5. The hidden ingredient of hi productivity
6. Rituals – Texas Roadhouse
1. Attitude is everything (almost)
2. Passionate + optimistic + cheerful
3. Dilbert Disease
4. Mental computer
5. The Pickle Pledge
6. The Pickle Challenge
1. Energy is life
2. A choice – Ed McMahon
3. Nobel Prize for create energy by using
4. Cheap energy (red bull) vs. lasting
5. Energy faucet vs. energy drain
6. “69 Actions” special report
1. Two year old – why? – The 5 Whys
2. Beginner’s mind
3. Antidote to stress & boredom
4. Fear = learning disability if no questions
5. Google and Wikipedia
6. McZen – questions and clues
1. HQ > IQ (Harvard U study)
2. Laugh clubs & laughter therapy
3. Laugh for no reason
4. Christopher Reeve & Patty Wooten
5. Laugh at your Self
6. Derogatory is not humor
1. Work is love made visible
2. Wealth, work, wisdom
3. Service recovery – united breaks guitars
4. RAK movement
5. Rafe’s Law
1. Two defns: assistance, friendliness
2. Mr. Holland’s Encore
3. JD as floor
4. Tom Peters: you are your projects
5. Becoming indispensable
6. Does not mean doing it for them
1. King Midas vs. Johnny Appleseed
2. Gratitude + compassion + generosity
3. Don’t wait until you are rich
4. Problem #2 w/ “The Secret” = stuff
5. Suing the church!!!
6. Extravagant generosity in small ways
1. What’s in a hat?
2. David’s House
3. Emotion + Action
4. Non-judging
5. Charisma and mutuality
6. Lost causes only ones worth fighting for
1. Cannot pour from empty pitcher
2. Practice Golden Rule in reverse
3. Renewal rituals
4. Neuro-attitudinal positioning
5. Be a status contrarian
6. Crisis = time for renewal
1. If you work on 1-11, will become…
2. Takes people to a place…
3. Level 5 leadership
4. Transactional and transforming – JMB
5. Mgmt = JD, leadership = life decn
6. Leaders teach values !!!
1. Gandalf & Bilbo – successful athlete
2. Replace OR with AND
3. Behavioral expectations from values
4. Hawthorne effect
5. Transcendent sense of purpose in team
6. Keep raising the bar
1. Start by living the 12 CAVs
2. FILO – Palmatch
3. Post The Pickle & S-E Pledges
4. Give up certain “freedoms”
5. Willing to take risks & to fail
6. Invite feedback – and mean it
1. Back trouble?
2. Encourage others in their dreams
3. The power of stories to inspire
4. Appear where most needed, least expected
5. Know when to shut up (after delegating)
1. O’Toole – the cheer in leading
2. SWA culture
3. Any excuse for a celebration
4. A spirit of community
5. Golden banana & Queasy Eagle
6. Leader’s legacy
Wrap up
1. How to start a movement video
2. Character is destiny (values = character)
3. See one, do one, teach one