Speech Bert Pronk

GA Meeting
Budapest – 2014
Introduction Bert Pronk
Yesterday’s Vehicles on Tomorrow’s roads
Candidate: Director Culture Cie.
• Involved in HV since 1995
– Since 1999 – Local Club Level
• Events Commission
• Chairman
– President of the FEHAC from 2004 till 2013
• 2004 - 2006: Transferred the FEHAC from an internally
focussed organisation to a wider audience and public.
• 2006 – 2008: Recognised as reliable discussion partner for
the Dutch government.
• Gradual widened our scope to a more international
cooperation with HV organisations
Yesterday’s Vehicles on Tomorrow’s roads
Candidate: Director Culture Cie.
• Current role at FEHAC: Public affairs
– Direct involvement with politicians
– International cooperating with neighbouring countries
– Intensive interface with UNESCO to:
• Protect the HV movement in an ever-changing political
• Not only the vehicles, but also the landmark buildings such as
garages and other related buildings, tracks, monuments.
• Target: To get recognition for mass-mobility in The
Netherlands since 1900
Yesterday’s Vehicles on Tomorrow’s roads
Candidate: Director Culture Cie.
All off this resulted into a recent change in
Dutch legislation:
• Since 2014 the Dutch Mobile Heritage is an
integral part of our new Heritage Laws
This means no law can be made without
taking our Mobile Heritage into account!
Yesterday’s Vehicles on Tomorrow’s roads
Candidate: Director Culture Cie.
• My aims for FIVA as Director of the Culture
– Have a ‘Layman's Version’ of the ground-breaking, but
somewhat academic, Charter of Turin ready by the
AGM 2015
– Broaden the awareness that HV’s is more than vehicles
but encompasses a wide spectrum of material and
immaterial cultural aspects
– Re-initiate and intensify the relationship with UNESCO
in order to get the HV culture recognised.
• Provide the guidelines and support to enable local organisations
to interact with UNESCO on those items that matter to them.
Yesterday’s Vehicles on Tomorrow’s roads