Robert M Davison: City University of Hong Kong
Carol XJ Ou: Tilburg University
Maris G Martinsons: City University of Hong Kong
Angela Ying Zhao: Sichuan University
Xiaoqing Hua: Renmin University
Rong Du: Xidian University
Web 2.0 is fast becoming ubiquitous
Socially, it is almost universal
At work, its presence is growing fast
Through Web 2.0, each of us is “present and accessible to every other person in the world”
(McLuhan, 1964).
However, there is some scepticism
Is Web 2.0 more than a vast chatting application?
Internal Communication
Knowledge sharing
Coordination & Collaboration
Problem Solving
External Communication
But detailed investigations/analyses of how corporate Web 2.0 applications generate value are rare, so…
“How do Chinese professional service firms engage with Web 2.0 technologies in order to create value at work?”
CE is used in media and communication studies to analyse relationships among social groups, interactions, and media.
Foth and Hearn, 2007
The CEF connects the communication media , people and the social environment (including guanxi ) , as well as the communication content into an ecological system.
Communication Media
Roles &
Created by Louie HM Wong, 2014
Multiple media are often used
People find it more convenient to choose from a portfolio of media applications
Different tools can be used in different contexts
Some people like ‘richer’ tools with video and audio, others are happy with ‘poorer’ tools with only text.
Tools can be used in combination – linearly or sequentially
This is consistent with Media Synchronicity Theory
(Dennis et al., 2008)
A wide variety of Web 2.0 tools are encountered in the workplace
These include (but are not limited to)
Microblogging – e.g. Twitter, Yammer, Weibo
Instant Messengers – MSN, QQ, Skype, WangWang,
G-Talk, WeChat, WhatsApp, LINE, etc.
Wikis & other platforms, e.g. RTX
All Web 2.0 applications are characterised by the role of users as content creators
‘Life updates’ among colleagues
Zhao and Rosson, 2009
Team- task coordination
Riemer et al., 2010
Enhancing brand awareness
Jansen et al., 2009
IM is often used to compensate for the absence of FTF interaction for immediate questions, clarifications, coordination, scheduling
Avrahami and Hudson, 2006
Use as a complementary communication channel for distributed teams
Quan-Haase et al., 2005
Concerns about work interruption
Nardi et al., 2000; Ou et al., 2010
A “collaboratively created and iteratively improved set of web pages” (Wagner 2004)
Corporate KM initiatives
Wagner, 2004; Wagner & Bolloju, 2005
Work Facilitation and Process Improvement in the
Majchrzak et al., 2006
Knowledge Reuse for Organisational Improvement
Majchrzak et al. forthcoming.
Weibo for Viral Marketing in Vancl
Zhang, 2011
Exploratory study of commercial potential of 22
Weibo sites
Li et al., 2011
IM use, paradoxically, leads to both interruption and enhanced communication quality
Ou et al. 2010; Chang & Ian, 2012
Fear of misuse, with an excess of chatting
Nardi et al., 2000
Low levels of useful content
Gunther et al., 2009
Risks of cyber vandalism, queries about quality control, fit with organisational culture
Stocker and Tochtermann, 2009
Qualitative Case-Based Approach
Interviews and observation of key personnel at work
Identify ways in which Web 2.0 applications are used
– and how value is derived
Identify operational and strategic issues/ problems that may complicate Web 2.0 use
Identify opportunities for innovation in Web 2.0 use in the Chinese environment
Beijing – Mercury, Beech
Chengdu – Silver
Xi’an - Parana
Nordenflycht, 2010
12,000 employees; US-educated founders
A restrictive IT culture
Most applications are blocked to most people
Senior people can use anything
MSN & QQ are used for internal communications
QQ is popular for large file transfer
MSN is used for communication with industry experts, former colleagues, clients, external agencies
Weibo sees extensive use for marketing and external communication purposes
But most followers are employees!
Mercury is developing a short term strategic plan around Weibo for marketing
In general, Mercury is rather conservative
The corporate IT infrastructure is out of date
They are not confident that they can fix security loopholes nor support the growing number of employees >> 40,000
9,000 employees; local management
More relaxed attitude towards IT
Fewer restrictions
E.g. RenRen and Kaixin are blocked, but others are OK
They have an internally developed wiki that they use for customer support
After sales service, online updates, e-marketing, discussion forums
The wiki serves as a medium for communication with and between customers
They have also developed an internal IM platform
So few people use MSN or QQ, excecpt for external communications
The internal platform also functions as a corporate directory
It is mostly used for 1-1 communications, not group discussions
Weibo is not much used except for internal social communication
This is a state-owned software firm, with most work on long-term retainers
Very relaxed IT culture
Anything is allowed as long as it is work related
There is an internal wiki, but it is little used by programmers
It is used by HR staff as a repository for formal documents
Weibo is primarily used for social purposes
RTX is the most widely used platform
RTX has IM functions, as well as an internal directory and group chats
It has well developed archiving functions, so as to store conversations
It acts as a form of corporate memory and enables asynchronous work
RTX facilitates communication between the Chengdu
HQ and all other sales offices
The major limitation is that RTX needs PC/notebook support – not accessible by smart phones (except with wifi)
3,000 employees globally, 250 in China
Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, Chengdu
Chicago headquartered, operating globally
Strong corporate ethos to do good
Quality software
Sustainable business
Socioeconomic justice
Pro-diversity, pro-equality, green IT
Most applications are Google related, though
Skype is used extensively for video conferencing
Corporate policy is very open
Any application is OK if it helps
Weibo is used at corporate and inividual levels, but for thought leadership, not for marketing
Corporate wikis and blogs are also used to publish information ‘for the good of society’
Ravine is a global hotel management services company, operating over 100 hotels in China
Ravine blocks all access to Web 2.0 technologies
“It is not part of Ravine’s corporate culture”
Yet, many Ravine employees need to use Web
2.0 for their work
Communication, problem solving, marketing, CRM
And they do so with bricolage, finding creative solutions
Some employees
Use mobile devices secretly to access networks reserved for hotel guests
Persuade their managers to allow them to use private networks, including guest networks
Some managers equally break the rules – so as to get work done
Using multiple devices for multiple purposes
Corporate HQ seems unaware…
VP-IT: “Security is paramount. No hotel has direct connectivity to the
Internet. All hotel communications are routed via a firewall located in corporate headquarters. Further, all Ravine hotels operate standard software, globally. There is zero tolerance for malware and the risks that malware would bring”.
FOM: “I am not allowed to use MSN at work, and my guanxi network has suffered: I have lost some of my contacts. It is harder to work effectively.
Why not trust everyone to be sensible instead of being suspicious of everyone?”.
PRM: “Without QQ I cannot work. I use QQ to contact many external parties, who don’t use other applications. They refuse to use email and it is very hard to get hold of them on the telephone. Therefore I must be able to use QQ”.
MCM: “A one minute task, like sending an email with attachments to corporate clients, can take two to four hours”.
MCM: “My job is to communicate, but there are no tools to accomplish this”
Foth & Hearn (2007) suggest that the multiple layers of the CEF are intricately interwoven.
We experienced this dynamic interweaving in each of the firms described above.
Web 2.0 applications cross all four layers and enable a variety of organisational functions
Most of the communication that takes place is horizontal
Communication Media
Roles &
Created by Louie HM Wong, 2014
Use of Web 2.0
(Internal and
External; Vertical
& Horizontal)
External Factors:
•Managerial Support
•Client Preference
Vertical communication – across levels in a hierarchy – is common in many organisations, with instructions and directives ‘from above’ being disseminated downwards.
We found relatively little evidence of vertical communication – perhaps because most of the firms we studied exhibit more relaxed managerial control systems
Some Web 2.0 liberated managers use IMs, wikis, blogs, but email is more common.
Weibo can be used to control corporate image with followers
(the public) and to engage in digital marketing
Proposition 1: The use of Web 2.0 applications can enhance vertical communication in organizations (with internal and external stakeholders), thereby establishing and strengthening corporate norms.
Many different Web 2.0 applications can be used for different types of horizontal communication that involve
Internal (peer-peer), e.g. problem solving, knowledge exchange, social interactions
External (client-focused), such as e-sales & marketing, thought leadership, recruiting, brand management, after sales service.
The use of Web 2.0 applications enhances horizontal communication for a variety of internal and external purposes related to
Internal communication: problem solving, knowledge exchange, social relationship development
External communication: e-sales & marketing, thought leadership, recruiting, brand management, after sales service.
A variety of external factors also influence communication practices
Managerial scepticism
Managerial concern for the potential for security breaches
Corporate restrictions, requirements and culture
Client preferences
The effects of Web 2.0 applications on enhancing vertical and horizontal communication are contingent on a) management support and b) partner’s medium use, suggesting its moderating role in Web 2.0supported communication processes.
Corporate norms can be communicated effectively through technology
Over time, these norms coalesce into a corporate culture
We saw evidence in particular of email, blogs and instant messengers
The outcomes include: corporate performance and consistency, team satisfaction and efficacy, individual productivity and efficacy
The vertical communication of corporate norms exerts a positive influence on work-related processes at the corporate, team and individual levels
A variety of work processes are facilitated by horizontal communication
These work processes operate at individual (e.g. knowledge exchange), team (e.g. client interactions) and corporate (e.g. e-marketing) levels
Outcomes cover productivity, satisfaction, profit and assurance of corporate values
The engagement in such horizontal communication activities as knowledge exchange, digital marketing and social relationship building will exert a positive influence on work-related processes at the corporate, team and individual levels.
Web 2.0 & Organisational Communication
Model: Detailed Version
Use of Web
2.0 Media:
IM, μblogs,
Vertical Communication:
Establish and Maintain
Corporate Norms
Individual, Team,
Organisational and
External Factors:
Mgt Support;
Medium Choices
Horizontal Communication:
Knowledge exchange; e-
Marketing; Social
Relationships; Problem
Solving; Thought Leadership
The Use of
Web 2.0
Applications for Work
Company Norms
• Information
• Social Relationship
• Individual
• Team
• Organization
H1: The use of Web 2.0 technology at work can enhance vertical communication, specifically for establishing company norms, across an organization.
H2: The use of Web 2.0 technology at work can enhance horizontal communication, including information sharing and social relationship building, across an organization.
H3: Vertical communication that is undertaken in order to support company norms contributes to individual performance (H3a), team performance (H3b) and organizational performance (H3c).
H4: Horizontal communication, covering information exchange and social relationship building, contributes to individual performance (H4a), team performance (H4b) and organizational performance (H4c).
We surveyed 3000 employees (from a 3 rd party database)
30RMB offered as an incentive
2873 people successfully contacted, 253 replies received (9%),
179 valid replies (6%) after cleaning
No sig diff between early and late responders
We used existing items where possible, modified for the context
SPSS + Partial Least Squares
0.34 ***
Company Norms
=12 %
0. 17 *
The Use of Web
2.0 at Work
0.41 ***
0. 37 ***
=17 %
0. 64 ***
0.62 ***
0. 47 ***
0. 73 ***
Social Relationship
Pe rformance
=46 %
=54 %
=34 %
What are the technological barriers to and enablers of vertical and horizontal communication?
How to balance the conflict between the need for
Management Support and Partner Preference for a particular medium?
What kind of investments are needed for Web 2.0 to add value at work? How can the ROI be measured?
What are the advantages of the CEF as an organising/analytical tool? How could the CEF be improved
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