26th United Methodist Black Clergy Women’s Conference Dr. Teresa Fry Brown, Presenter August 5, 2014 Orlando, Florida Size Matters (House churches, Community Ministries, Mega/Giga churches) Cyberspirituality /Televangelism Spirituality of Longing/ Prosperity Gospel Social/Political Leanings (Influence) Media Depictions Explosion of social media Texting, Tweeting, FB, You Tube Holograms, 2D-3D Projections of Preacher Webinar Services Power Point, Movie Clips, Dramatic Presentations, etc. Conference Call/ Skype Sermons Collections of Sermons, CDs, DVDs, Websites, Television Information-glut of information (approx 20,000,000 items per day generated) Media-sensory bombardment Truth-influence, opinion Expectancy-life of preacher Prestige-pressure from examples of others Refusal to hear or know the listener Selected information Dissenters feel uncomfortable Check your brain at the door, channel or website worship Multimedia centered Half-truths Specialized language Feedback not allowed Moralistic Objectification/ Thingafication of the Other Pop Psychology Neo-Charisma/ Charismania Bloodless sermons 5 The challenge of the preacher is to open up conversation in his or her own preaching, so that members of the congregation can imagine their lives transformed and renewed by the possibilities of the biblical texts. Gail O’ Day Bible and Sermon: Conversation between Text and Preacher, SHM 6 To Make or Change Identity To Heal To Entertain To Make or Change Identity To Foster Community To Deal with The Divine and The Demonic To Teach or Persuade To Create Beauty What is “good preaching “ in your principle worship context? How many times you have preached in a context different than your own denomination, race/ethnicity, geography? Adjustments, positive/ negative experience Is your preaching transportable? A concert audience does not come to watch a conductor but to hear the music; a church congregation should not come to watch or hear the preacher, but to listen to the Word of God. 9 Point of Departure— your engagement of the preaching moment Theology Retrieval of history Ideology Social locationecclesiology, community Political Cultural Epistemology-ways of knowing, assertions of truth, definition of reality Hegemony—authority, influence from others’ leadership Agency—self direction, determination, critique Praxis How do you define your reality? 10 Oral-aural traditions Vernacular Ethnocentrism Cross-cultural language Dialect Regionalisms “in- language” Age Gender Geography Culture Race Class Education Comfort/preparati on Multiple language levels radical subjectivity traditional communalism redemptive self love critical engagement appropriation and reciprocity Spirit love