Building advocacy capacity for tobacco control among the public health workforce in China Tingzhong Yang Centre for Tobacco Control Research, Zhejiang University School of Medicine , China 1 Objective The overall goal of this project is to build capacity for tobacco control advocacy among the public health workforce in China. 2 Background Currently 76 universities in China have either a school or department of public health. About 5000 students graduate annually from these institutions with a degree in public health. The absence of education on tobacco control in their curricula has meant that many of these graduates do not have appropriate knowledge and skills to be effective in advocating policies that can lead to the reduction of tobacco use. 3 Background Chinese culture, to a large extent, is still adhering to agrarian social mores, which suggests that the social values may frame people’s behavioral response models differently from those of Western countries’ (Yang K-S 2004). Our researches will develop and test culturally relevant behavioral models and tools for tobacco control in China and build capacity that focuses on applied research that is capable of providing technical assistance to real-world interventions. 4 Project Profile Include 2 sub-projects preliminary project (2007.7-2008.12,7 universities) current project (2010.1-2011.12,24 universities) 31 universities were included in this project, which cover all provinces in mainland China except for Tibet. 5 意义 哈尔滨医科大学 北京大学 宁夏医科大学 山西医科大学 南京医科大学 浙江大学 广东药学院 中国公共卫生控烟能力建设项目汇报 意义 哈尔滨医科大学 吉林大学 新疆医科大学 北京大学 包头医学院 宁夏医科大学 青海大学 兰州医学院 天津医科大学 河北医科大学 山西医科大学 山东大学 西安医学院 成都医学院 重庆医科大学 贵阳医学院 郑州大学 大连医学院 徐州医学院 南京医科大学 安徽医科大学 上海交通大学 华中医科大学 浙江大学 南昌大学 南华大学 昆明医学院 厦门大学 广西医科大学 广东药学院 海南医学院 中国公共卫生控烟能力建设项目汇报 Project Design 1.Basic advocacy theory and principal. 2.Develop advocacy strategies under Chinese culture. 10 methods----policy advocacy 14 methods----public advocacy 3.Some action toolkits. 4. Evaluation system. 8 Project Design --Evaluation framework Tobacco control advocacy capacity (Evaluation Framework) Behavioral Capacity Ability Knowledge Skill Practice General tobacco control attitudes Attitudes Interest and motivation Behaviors Public health tobacco control attitudes Tobacco control advocacy behaviors Students’ behavior Anti-second smoke Anti-smoking susceptibility Smoking 9 Project Design --Tobacco-Free Campus Guideline 10 Project Implement I. Implement the tobacco control advocacy curriculum in each setting II. To advocate for tobacco-free campus policies as a practice 11 I. Implement Tobacco Control Courses 1.To lobby university teaching administration department to arrange tobacco control advocacy in public health curriculum. 2. To train knowledge- and skills-based competencies among teaching staff. 12 I. Implement Tobacco Control Courses 3. Course deliver 16 hours (8 h contact and 8 h non-contact) training curriculum. Contact hours: 2 hours smoking epidemiology and health and economic impact, 2 hours for FCTC and the current status of the international tobacco control, 3 hours for tobacco control advocating theories, strategies and methods, 2 hours for in-class discussing. Non-contact hours: students drafted a plan for tobacco-free campus policy development. 13 I. Implement Tobacco Control Courses --Textbook 14 I. Implement Tobacco Control Courses --Class delivering 15 II. Advocate for Tobacco-Free Campus Policy Developing themes and slogans for activities to support tobacco control. Creating an advocacy coalition group each university. Tobacco control advocacy publicity in each participating universities campus. Policy advocacy activities, such as lobbying university leaders and contacting the press 16 II. Advocate for Tobacco-Free Campus Policy --Theme & Logo 17 II. Advocate for Tobacco-Free Campus Policy --Coalition signature 18 II. Advocate for Tobacco-Free Campus Policy --Big publicity poster 19 Develop A Website We develop a “China Tobacco Control Capacity Build” or “Chinese Tobacco – Free Campus” website 20 Website --Mapping HOME About Us TC News • Background • National and International • Research News Projects and Publications • Academic News • Senior International • Project News Consultants • Center Staff • Contact Us Academic Corner • Expert Opinions TC Curriculum TF Campus • Curriculum Design • TF Campus Design • Curriculum • Articles of TC Implement Research in • Curriculum China Evaluation • TF Campus Implement • Fact Sheet • Curriculum News • TF Campus Evaluation • Standards for TF Campus • Tobacco Control Song • TF Campus videos Resource Center • Media room • Basic TC Tools Management Forum Blog Website --Chinese homepage version 22 Website --Project management 23 Website --Universities activities display 24 Website --Interaction online 25 Website --Progress bar 26 Website --Quality control chart 27 Results Tobacco control advocacy training has been ratified by teaching administration departments and has been embedded in the public health curriculum in seven universities in China in the first project. Smoke-free campus policies were developed and implemented in each university in project. Behaviour capacity of tobacco control advocacy of the public health students increased in first project (Yang, et al., Tobacco Control, 2011). 28 宁夏医科大学办公室文件 宁医校办[2008]5 号 宁夏医科大学办公室 宁夏医科大学爱卫会 关于进一步落实“无烟学校”相关工作的通知 各教学教辅部门,机关各部门: 我校曾于 1996 年 4 月 1 日起开展创建“无烟学校”的 活动。十多年来,这一活动得到了广大师生员工的积极响应 和社会各界的广泛认可。为进一步加强校园文化建设,推进 文明修身工程,倡导健康、文明的生活理念, “抓内涵,上 台阶” ,建设一流的医科大学,根据 2008 年第五次校长办公 会关于落实“无烟学校”相关工作的要求,现就有关事宜通 知如下: 1.学校校园内均为无烟区。禁止在校内任何场所吸烟。 2.请宣传统战部、各院(系、部) 、后勤管理处等部门 结合学校文化建设,在教职员工中继续做好健康教育、禁烟 29 Results --Gain media attention 30 Future Plans We have built a basic module, implemented strategies and programmers for tobacco control advocacy capacity building among the future public health workforce through this project implementation (Yang et al., Tobacco Control,2011), and should be further extended to all public health universities. This module also useful for other health professional students tobacco control training. We have set up a infrastructure, that is Center for Tobacco Control Research and establish a “Chinese Tobacco-Free Campus Network” to sustain the partnership and training activities among universities. 31 32