為什麼 為什麼生世間上 此間許多哀與傷 為什麼爭鬥不絕 歡欣不永享 問為何人存隔膜 顏面無真相 問那天可找得到 理想中的烏托邦 為什麼雙鬢斑白 光采消失面容上 為什麼齒髮俱落 一張怪模樣 問為何年年春歸 無術攔春去 問那天可再一見 我當初的舊模樣 為什麼竟會生病 輾轉反側在床上 病榻中許我一問 怎可永無恙 問為何常存空想 愁病誰可免 是眾生必須經過 四苦根本是平常 為什麼凄冷孤寂 輕飄飄像無力 為什麼不見光亮 飄渺沒形象 在目前如何風光 仍是泥中葬 沒法牽走一根線 那許依戀臭皮囊 問我 問我歡呼聲有幾多 問我悲哭聲有幾多 我如何能夠一一去數清楚 問我點解會高興 究竟點解會苦楚 我笑住回答 講一聲 我係我 無論我有百般對 或者千般錯 全心去承受結果 面對世界一切 那怕會如何 全心保存真的我 問我得失有幾多 其實得失不必清楚 我但求能夠一一去數清楚 願我一生去到終結 無論歷盡幾許風波 我仍然能夠 講一聲 我係我 Little Boxes Little boxes on the hillside. Little boxes made of ticky tacky Little boxes on the hillside. Little boxes all the same There's a green one, and a pink one, and a blue one and a yellow one And they're all made out of ticky tacky, And they all look just the same. And the people in the houses, all went to the university Where they were put in boxes, and they came out all the same And there's doctors, and there's lawyers, and business executives And they're all made out of ticky tacky, And they all look just the same. And they all play on the golf course, and drink their martinis dry And they all have pretty children, and the children go to school And the children go to summer camp, and then to the university Where they are put in boxes, and they come out all the same. And the boys go into business, and marry and raise a family And they all get put in boxes, little boxes all the same There's a green one, and a pink one, and a blue one, and a yellow one And they‘re all made out of ticky tacky, and they all look just the same.