The Student Room - Postgraduate Survey 2011 1. Demographics 2. Postgraduate degrees 3. Which course? 4. Student loyalty 5. Cost/Benefit of a postgraduate degree 6. Making the decision 7. Distance learning 8. Why The Student Room? Postgraduate Survey DEMOGRAPHICS 672 students took part in the survey advertised on The Student Room • 47.9% Male • 52.1% Female • Aged 16 – 30 • Living in the UK (62.4%) and abroad (37.6%) • State (79.9%) and private (20.1%) schooled • All stages of education from GCSE and upward Postgraduate Survey POSTGRADUATE DEGREES Students find postgraduate degrees are too expensive and there is a lack of funding, others just don’t have enough information • 65.8% of those not doing a postgraduate degree is because they are too expensive • 50.7% say it is because of a lack of funding options available • 21.9% have had enough of studying • 16.4% don’t have the time • 15.1% don’t have enough information about postgraduate courses to make a decision Scottish/UK/ International Students 100 90 88 90 87 •Scottish students are the least concerned about postgrads being too expensive and are don’t do them because they have had enough of studying 80 69 70 67 67 62 60 49 50 40 33 31 •International students are not put off by the added years in education and are not concerned by a lack of government funding 33 30 20 15 13 10 0 0 0 Considering or Postgrads are studying a too expensive postgrad Scottish Lack of government funding International Don't want to I don't know study anymore enough about postgrad courses UK •Scottish students are also the least aware of postgrad options Undergraduates vs Graduates 100 89 90 82 80 •Graduates are more concerned about the lack of government funding 70 70 60 60 60 •Undergraduates see the cost being the major reason for not doing one 50 50 40 33 •Undergraduates are less knowledgeable about postgrad courses than those that have graduated 30 20 23 20 10 4 0 Considering or Postgrads are Lack of Don't want to I don't know studying a too expensive government study anymore enough about postgrad funding postgrad courses Undergrad Graduate Employability and a new course are the main driving forces behind postgraduate study Main reason for doing a post grad degree Undergraduates vs Graduates vs Postgraduates 60 55 54 50 56 53 49 48 43 42 39 40 37 35 35 •Graduates are most likely to do a postgrad as a requirement of their career, to postpone employment or to gain knowledge of a new subject •Undergraduates have a greater desire to enhance their knowledge of their current course 30 20 •Postgraduates main reason for continuing their studies is to increase employability 14 9 10 4 0 Postpone Gain more Gain more Increase Employment knowledge of a knowledge of employability new course current course Undergrad Graduate Postgrad Career requirement Scottish/UK/International Students 70 61 59 60 •International students are more likely to do a postgrad to enhance their knowledge of either their current or new subject 52 49 48 50 44 40 40 42 37 32 29 30 •Scottish students are least likely to do a postgrad to postpone employment and are more interested in increasing employability or are required to do it for their career 22 20 13 8 10 0 0 Postpone Gain more Gain more Increase Employment knowledge of a knowledge of employability new course current course Scottish International •UK students main reason is to increase their employability UK Career requirement Postgraduate Survey WHICH COURSE? Professional accreditation makes the course more appealing to post grad applicants • 64.2% find accreditation of a course by a professional body more appealing • Most popular study areas are • Humanities • Science • Engineering • Business Are you more attracted to courses accredited by a professional body? Undergraduates vs Graduates vs Postgraduates Postgrad •Postgraduates are least worried about courses being accredited by a professional body as they have experienced a postgrad course for themselves 59 Graduate 68 Undergrad 66 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 Accredited courses are more attractive Scottish/UK/International students UK 60 International •International students are most interested in courses that are accredited by a professional body, possibly due to them looking for added value from the course 73 Scottish 43 0 10 20 30 40 50 Accredited courses are more attractive 60 70 80 Postgraduate Survey STUDENT LOYALTY Few students remain loyal to their university for postgraduate courses • • • 61.7% expect to change universities for their postgraduate degree with the most popular alternatives being 1. University of Manchester 6. University of Reading 2. University of Sussex 7. Sheffield Hallam University 3. University College London 8. University of Oxford 4. King’s College London 9. University of Bristol 5. Birkbeck University of London 10. University of Leeds 20.1% will stay at their university with the most popular being 1. University of Sussex 4. University of Kent 2. University of Southampton 5. University of Oxford 3. The Open University 6. University of Leeds Students are split on whether they would consider studying abroad • 46.5% would leave the country • 47% would stay in the UK • 6.5% are undecided Would you consider a postgraduates course at a non-UK university? Undergraduates vs Graduates vs Postgraduates Postgrad •Those that have graduated are most likely to consider a post grad abroad as are those currently studying for one 50 Graduate 54 Undergrad 31 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Considering doing postgrad abroad Scottish/UK/International students UK •UK universities seem to be the primary goal for UK and Scottish students with international students most open to studying elsewhere 20 International 84 Scottish 25 0 20 40 60 Considering doing postgrad abroad 80 100 International students named a total of 28 British universities that they would like to do a postgraduate course at • 65% of international students expect to change universities for their postgraduate degree, naming the following UK institutions • University of Manchester • King’s College London • University of Stirling • • University of Edinburgh London School of Economics and Political Science • University of Birmingham • Sheffield Hallam University • University of St Andrews • University of Bradford • University of Aberdeen • • London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine University of Liverpool • • University of Southampton University of Westminster • • University of Kent University of Exeter • • University of Leeds University of Oxford • • Queen Mary University of Bath • • University of Sussex University of Bristol • • University of East London Brunel University London • • Imperial College London University of Reading • • University of Huddersfield The Open University Postgraduate Survey COST / BENEFIT OF A POSTGRADUATE DEGREE The majority of students will fund themselves through their post grad • 52.6% of students will fund themselves with a combination of part time work, personal savings and bank loans • 24.6% expect to work part time whilst studying • 18.3% will receive funding from parents or other family member “International students expect their courses to be more with 47% believing a postgraduate course will cost them over £12,000” How do you expect to fund your post grad degree? Undergraduates vs Graduates vs Postgraduates 30 27 25 24 25 •Taking on part time work whilst studying is the most popular way to fund a post grad 23 22 20 19 20 18 17 17 15 15 12 •Graduates are least likely to fund it with personal savings, probably due to having none left after uni •Public funding is the least but this is likely due to a lack of knowledge of the support available for postgraduate students 10 5 0 Funding postgrad Funding postgrad Funding postgrad by parents by part time work with personal savings Undergrad Graduate Postgrad Receive public funding Scottish/UK/International Students 40 35 35 30 25 25 22 21 20 20 17 •Scottish students are most likely to work part time to fund their post grad and least likely to rely on public funding 24 18 18 18 15 15 9 10 5 0 Funding postgrad Funding postgrad Funding postgrad by parents by part time work with personal savings Scottish International UK Receive public funding •International students are marginally more expectant on receiving financial help from their parents Increasing knowledge and employability are the main reasons for doing a post grad • Gaining a greater knowledge of their chosen subject is the main benefit that students see in doing a post grad course • 73.2% believe that it will give them greater career prospects • 52.7% think that increasing employability is one of the main benefits • Other benefits include • Being employable after retirement • Having an additional career option • Academic status and self-satisfaction Undergraduate and postgraduate students would be less likely to continue their studies had they paid higher tuition fees • Only 41% said that they would definitely have still done their postgraduate course had they had to pay the £9,000 tuition fees that will hit the 2012 entrants. “I have no choice if I want to follow my chosen career” “The benefit of it is worth more than the amount to be paid as a fee” • 29.9% would not have done a post grad had they paid the higher rate for their first degree with the remainder unsure what they would have done. “I wouldn’t have been able to afford it” Would you have still done a post grad if you’d paid £9,000 tuition fees? Undergraduates vs Graduates vs Postgraduates Postgrad •Current postgraduate students are least likely to have continued their studies had they paid the higher fees set to come in 2012 38 Graduate 45 Undergrad 41 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 Even if you'd paid £9,000 tuition fees Scottish/UK/International students UK •International students are least likely to be affected by a rise in fees deterring them from doing a postgraduate course as they expect to pay more any way 34 International 53 Scottish 29 0 10 20 30 40 Even if you'd paid £9,000 tuition fees 50 60 Postgraduate Survey MAKING THE DECISION 86.8% of 20-25 year olds on The Student Room are considering studying a post grad course How many students decided they wanted to do a post grad before they were 20? Undergraduates vs Graduates vs Postgraduates Postgrad 17 Graduate 24 Undergrad 37 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 •Students are making the decision to do a postgraduate course from a younger age with more undergraduates making the decision before they are 20 40 Decided under 20 Scottish/UK/International students UK •International students are more likely to know they are going to do a postgraduate course from a young age 21 International 30 Scottish 11 0 5 10 15 20 Decided under 20 25 30 35 Universities and associates are the main source of information and influencer of a students decision to do a postgraduate course Postgraduate Survey DISTANCE LEARNING Students are undecided on distance learning courses Do you know about distance learning and would you consider it? Undergraduates vs Graduates vs Postgraduates 39 UK •International students are most aware of distance learning options and marginally more likely to consider one for a post grad 56 40 International 73 38 Scottish 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Would consider distance learning postgrad Aware of options for distance learning Scottish/UK/International students Postgrad 41 Graduate 41 •Postgraduates are most aware probably due to having actually been through the process of looking at the options available to them 67 60 49 Undergrad 63 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Would consider distance learning postgrad Aware of options for distance learning 70 80 Postgraduate Survey ABOUT THE STUDENT ROOM? 4.5 million unique users a month looking for information, support and advice from their peers • 88% of TSR users said they would be interested in studying a Postgraduate course • 82% of users said that they would like more information about Postgraduate courses • 25% of visits to The Student Room are international students • 32% of The Student Room’s users at university said their decision of where to attend was directly influenced by The Student Room For more information about this research contact Kailan D’Arcy or Jamie O’Connell at The Student Room... 0800 999 3222