Spinal Control of Motor Units


Neuroscience: Exploring the

Brain, 3e

Chapter 13: Spinal Control of Movement

Copyright © 2007 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


• Motor Programs

– Motor system: Muscles and neurons that control muscles

– Role: Generation of coordinated movements

– Parts of motor control

• Spinal cord  coordinated muscle contraction

• Brain  activate motor programs in spinal cord

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The Somatic Motor System

• Types of Muscles

– Smooth: digestive tract, arteries, related structures

– Striated: Cardiac

(heart) and skeletal

(bulk of body muscle mass)

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Lower Motor Neurons

Lower motor neuron: in ventral horn of spinal cord

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Lower Motor Neurons

• Distribution of lower motor neurons in the ventral horn

– Motor neurons controlling flexors lie dorsal to extensors

– Motor neurons controlling axial muscles lie medial to those controlling distal muscles

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Lower Motor Neurons

• Alpha Motor Neurons

– Motor unit: Motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates

– Motor neuron pool: All the motor neurons that innervate a single muscle

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Lower Motor Neurons

• Graded Control of Muscle Contraction by Alpha Motor Neurons

– Varying firing rate of motor neurons

– Recruit additional synergistic motor units

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Lower Motor Neurons

• Inputs to Alpha Motor Neurons

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Lower Motor Neurons

• Types of Motor Units

– Red muscle fibers: Large number of mitochondria and enzymes, slow to contract, can sustain contraction

– White muscle fibers: Few mitochondria, anaerobic metabolism, contract and fatigue rapidly

– Fast motor units: Rapidly fatiguing white fibers

– Slow motor units: Slowly fatiguing red fibers

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Lower Motor Neurons

• Neuromuscular Matchmaking

– Crossed Innervation Experiment: John Eccles

• Switch nerve input - switch in muscle phenotype

(physical characteristics)

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Excitation-Contraction Coupling

• Muscle Contraction

– Alpha motor neurons release ACh

– ACh produces large

EPSP in muscle fiber

– EPSP evokes muscle action potential

– Action potential triggers

Ca 2+ release

– Fiber contracts

– Ca 2+ reuptake

– Fiber relaxes

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Sensory feedback from muscle spindles - stretch receptor

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• The Myotatic Reflex

– Stretch reflex: Muscle pulled  tendency to pull back

– Feedback loop

– Discharge rate of sensory axons: Related to muscle length

– Monosynaptic

– e.g., Knee-jerk reflex

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• The Myotatic Reflex (Cont’d)

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Two Types of Muscle Fiber

– Extrafusal fibers:

Innervated by alpha motor neurons

– Intrafusal fibers:

Innervated by gamma motor neurons

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Gamma Loop

– Keeps spindle “on air”

– Changes set point of the myotatic feedback loop

– Additional control of alpha motor neurons and muscle contraction

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

Golgi Tendon Organs

Additional proprioceptive input - acts like strain gauge - monitors muscle tension

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

Golgi Tendon Organs

Spindles in parallel with fibers; Golgi tendon organs in series with fibers

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Golgi Tendon Organs

– Reverse myotatic reflex function: Regulate muscle tension within optimal range

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Proprioception from the joints

– Proprioceptive axons in joint tissues

– Respond to angle, direction and velocity of movement in a joint

– Information from joint receptors: Combined with muscle spindle, Golgi tendon organs, skin receptors

– Most receptors are rapidly adapting, bring information about a moving joint

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Spinal Interneurons

– Synaptic inputs to spinal interneurons:

• Primary sensory axons

• Descending axons from brain

• Collaterals of lower motor neuron axons

• Other interneurons

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Inhibitory Input

– Reciprocal inhibition: Contraction of one muscle set accompanied by relaxation of antagonist muscle

• Example: Myotatic reflex

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Excitatory Input

– Flexor reflex:

Complex reflex arc used to withdraw limb from aversive stimulus

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Excitatory Input

– Crossed-extensor reflex:

Activation of extensor muscles and inhibition of flexors on opposite side

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Generating Spinal Motor Programs for Walking

– Circuitry for walking resides in spinal cord

– Requires central pattern generators

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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Rhythmic Activity in a Spinal Interneuron via NMDA


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Spinal Control of Motor Units

• Possible Circuit for Rhythmic Alternating Activity

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Central Pattern Generators: Pyloric Rhythm & Endogenous burster (Pacemaker) Neurons

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Dogfish Swimming: Reafferent modulation of CPG Rhythm.

Tail movement

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Concluding Remarks

• Spinal control of movement

– Different levels of analysis

– Sensation and movement linked

• Direct feedback

– Intricate network of circuits

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End of Presentation

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Lower Motor Neurons

• Somatic Musculature and distribution of lower motor neurons in spinal cord

– Axial muscles: Trunk movement

– Proximal muscles:

Shoulder, elbow, pelvis, knee movement

– Distal muscles: Hands, feet, digits (fingers and toes) movement

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Excitation-Contraction Coupling

• The Molecular Basis of Muscle Contraction

– Z lines: Division of myofibril into segments by disks

– Sarcomere: Two Z lines and myofibril

– Thin filaments: Series of bristles

– Thick filaments: Between and among thin filaments

– Sliding-filament model:

• Binding of Ca 2+ to troponin causes myosin to bind to action

• Myosin heads pivot, cause filaments to slide

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Excitation-Contraction Coupling

Sliding-filament Model of Muscle Contraction

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Excitation-Contraction Coupling

Steps in Excitation-Contraction Coupling

• Ca+ binding to troponin allows myosin heads to bind to actin. Then myosin heads pivot, causing filaments to slide

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