Joint Research Centre The European Commission’s in-house science service European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) Institute for Transuranium Elements Operational Issues in Radioactive Waste Management and Nuclear Decommissioning 6th International Summer School 2014 Via Enrico Fermi 2749 I-21027 – Ispra (VA) – Italy International Summer School 2014 Secretariat Ms Silvia FASANI: Mr Marco CEREGATTI: As the Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre's mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle. Working in close cooperation with policy DirectoratesGeneral, the JRC addresses key societal challenges while stimulating innovation through developing new methods, tools and standards, and sharing its knowhow with the Member States, the scientific community and international partners. © European Union, 2014 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Auditorium, Room 58c JRC-ISPRA, Italy 8-12 September International Summer School 2014: Operational Issues in Radioactive Waste Management and Nuclear Decommissioning 8 September 2014 08:30-09:30 Registration of participants 09:30-10:00 Welcome address Willem Janssens, EC-JRC SESSION 1: Legal framework, regulation and guidelines 10:00-10:45 Radioactive waste and spent fuel management activities in the IAEA - Gérard Bruno, IAEA 10:45-11:15 Coffee Break and Group Picture 11:15-12:00 Decommissioning ongoing and planned at Joint Research Centre Ispra Site of the European Commission - Gianfranco Brunetti, EC-JRC 13:30-13:45 13:45-15:15 15:15-15:45 15:45-16:15 Bus transfer to four Laboratories Laboratory visits Bus transfer to Auditorium and coffee break Operational radiation protection in D&WM Daniele Giuffrida, FANR 16:15-16:45 Nucleonica Nuclear Science Portal: An innovative professional and technical resource for knowledge creation and competence building in nuclear filed Joseph Magill, Nucleonica 16:45-17:15 Record keeping for decommissioning and waste management Michele Laraia, Nuclear Consultant 17:15-17:30 Discussion and day wrap up 12:00-13:30 Buffet Lunch 13:30-13:45 13:45-15:15 15:15-15:45 15:45-16:15 Bus transfer to four Laboratories Laboratory visits Bus transfer to Auditorium and coffee break Operation to Decommissioning Transition Michele Laraia, Nuclear Consultant 16:15-16:45 Preparation of safety assessment report for D&WM Jeroen Welbergen, COVRA 16:45-17:15 The European Waste Directive: Structure, Content and Implementation Guidance Gunnar Buckau, EC-JRC 17:15-17:30 Discussion and day wrap up 9 September 2014 SESSION 2: Radiation Protection 09:00-09:45 Effects of low radiation doses Philip Metcalf, IRPA 09:45-10:30 Stakeholder's Engagement Marie Claire Cantone, UNIMI 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-11:30 Communication in D&WM Tanja Perko, SCK-CEN 11:30-12:15 Biological research on low doses Anna Giovanetti, ENEA 12:15-13:30 Buffet Lunch 10 September 2014 SESSION 3: Characterization and Clearance 09:00-09:45 Clearance and Exemption Pete Burgess, Nuclear Consultant 09:45-10:30 Overview of radioactive Waste Characterization at SCK-CEN Pierre Van Iseghem, SCK-CEN 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break 10:45-11:30 Nuclear Waste Characterization and Quality Control Holger Tietze-Jaensch, FZ Julich 11:30-12:15 Data Quality Objectives in the release of radiological facilities Denis Buckley, Nuclear Consultant 12:15-13:30 Buffet Lunch 13:30-13:45 13:45-15:15 15:15-15:45 15:45-16:15 Bus transfer to four Laboratories Laboratory visits Bus transfer to Auditorium and coffee break Methods for radiological characterization Petr Kovarik, ENVINET 16:15-16:45 Destructive and non-destructive controls of radioactive waste at CEA Lionel Boucher, CEA Cadarache 16:45-17:15 Assessment of alpha emitter's content in radioactive waste Bent Pedersen, EC-JRC 17:15-17:30 Discussion and day wrap up 11 September 2014 SESSION 4: Operational Decommissioning 09:00-09:45 Cutting & dismantling techniques Bernard Rottner, ONET Technologies 09:45-10:30 Radiation Protection in Nuclear Power Plants Celso Osimani, Nuclear Consultant 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break 10:45-11:30 Experience Feedback of Decommissioning and Waste Management within the Joint Research Centre Pierre Kockerols, EC-JRC Operational Decommissioning experience in selected European Countries: 11:30-12:00 Germany - Przemyslaw Imielski, GRS 12:00-13:30 Buffet Lunch 13:30-13:45 13:45-15:15 15:15-15:45 15:45-16:15 16:15-16:45 16:45-17:15 17:15-17:30 18:30-20:00 Bus transfer to four Laboratories Laboratory visits Bus transfer to Auditorium and coffee break France - Ludovic Vaillant, CEPN Netherlands - Jeroen Welbergen, COVRA U.K. - Denis Buckley, Nuclear Consultant Discussion and day wrap up Reception with Lecture 12 September 2014 SESSION 5: Waste Management 09:00-09:30 EU Legislation in the Field of Decommissioning Thomas Kirchner, EC-JRC 09:30-10:00 Disposal of Radioactive waste Piero Risoluti, Nuclear Consultant 10:00-10:30 Final waste packaging for disposal Angelo Paratore, SOGIN 10:30-10:45 Long Coffee Break 10:45-11:15 Waste and materials’ characterization systems Pete Burgess, Nuclear Consultant 11:15-11:45 Geological disposal of long-lived radioactive waste Jan Marivoet, Nuclear Consultant 11:45-13:15 Anonymous Questionnaire 13:15-13:30 Closing statement Celso Osimani, Nuclear Consultant 13:30-14:30 Buffet Lunch