BORDER-LOCK FIRST SEMI CUSTOM DISPOSABLE TRAY TRAY RESEARCH • Impression materials have almost reached perfection. • Yet ,statistical research shows that 40%50% of the impressions made still fail to meet minimum requirements • The RIM-LOCK tray has barely changed its shape since the 1930’s. TRAY RESEARCH • The Border-Lock tray has been developed especially to develop dynamic pressure when highly fluid materials are used. • The Border-Lock tray has excellent mechanical retention. • AS a result of the grooves,the development of dynamic pressure is not affected. TRAY RESEARCH • RESULTS: • Optimal dynamic pressure due to semi custom shape. • A post dam is unnecessary. • An immediate final impression, in most situations. • 14 impressions instead of 8 from a standard pack. DISPOSABLE TRAYS • • • • • EASE OF USE: Not necessary to clean trays. Not necessary to remove adhesive. Clear range of trays. Always the right tray within easy reach. Worldwide reputation as the best set of trays in the prosthodontic field Already 40 years the no 1 impression tray for the complete denture. ADVANTAGES: •The axis-direction of the implant is visible. •Drill holes can be made immediately at chair side. •Border Lock trays remain rigid. •Always a fitting tray available. •40% saving on impression material. •Excellent control of cost and stock. •Perfect development of dynamic pressure in the impression material. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME CLAN