A Community –based Aboriginal
Ethics Review Process
A Presentation By:
Niki Naponse
Manitoulin Anishinabek Research Review Committee
Noojmowin Teg Health Centre
Manitoulin Island: large freshwater island in Northern Ontario, Canada and is 2766 square kilometres.
Manitoulin has an approximate population of 12,000 people and 4,700 are Aboriginal.
There are 7 First Nation communities made up of the
Ojibway, Odawa and Pottawatomi nations. These nations are part of a social, cultural, spiritual and political alliance known as the
Three Fires Confederacy.
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First Nation communities are often contacted by academic researchers to participate in health research projects
Many First Nations conduct their own research to gather reliable data to support community-based initiatives
Many First Nations communities today face high rates of chronic illnesses, particularly diabetes, heart disease and obesity
Health services are now being delivered by First Nation communities who need data on health status and program effectiveness
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Numerous research activities cause community members to experience ‘research fatigue’
Research results not shared with the participating First Nation communities.
Research did not lead to any changes or actions and has not led to improved community health
The ethical conduct of some researchers has been questionable.
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Proactive Approach to Research
A community-based health research conference was held on Manitoulin Island in March 2001.
Brought together health care professionals, community members, Elders as well as local and university-based researchers
Participants created a vision for ethical health research on Manitoulin. A working committee was formed to make that vision into a reality and the
Guidelines for Ethical Aboriginal Research
(GEAR) were developed.
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Community Concerns about
Research in local First Nations
Research activities often causes community members to feel that they have been
“researched to death”, without benefit to their community resulting in research fatigue
Generally, research has not lead to improved community health
The ethical conduct of some researchers has been questionable (from a First Nation’s perspective).
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To contribute to community empowerment through research and to ensure proposed research projects focus on ethical and respectful partnerships with Aboriginal communities within the Manitoulin
Island District.
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Summer and fall of 2001 – working group sought support for the development of ethical research guidelines from 4 health boards and the tribal council
In 2002, discussion groups were held with community members who were knowledgeable in local Aboriginal culture and community health issues
In 2003/2004 draft guidelines were presented to the health boards and the 7 band councils for approval.
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Research designed to directly benefit the community and produce documents which are useful for communities and agencies
Respect the Aboriginal ethics, diversity between communities, and Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge and
Respect and build local capacity for research and evaluation
Respect the diversity between and within First Nations communities
Research must be done in collaboration with the community and should have the guidance of a local steering committee.
Research methodologies must be culturally acceptable at the community level.
OCAP – Ownership, Control, Access and Possession:
Respect that the collected data, results and publications are owned by local communities and/or agencies (or joint ownership).
Respect Traditional Aboriginal knowledge, culture an intellectual property and incorporate traditional values into the research approach.
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The Aboriginal Ethical Guidelines were developed in collaboration with an
Elders Group
Based on seven grandfather teachings:
Respect, Bravery, Truth, Humility, Honesty,
Love and Wisdom
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Some quotes of what people said:
“Respect the diversity in spirituality, beliefs and values of First
Nation people within each of their communities.”
“Researchers have to become aware of wisdom of elders and children.”
“Be aware that meaning of off-beat remarks by research participants are easily misinterpreted. The same can also be true for humor in general. Make an effort to appreciate peoples humor!”
Research should ask themselves:
How will the research benefit the community?
How will it benefit future generations?
Are participants and the community approached in a respectful way?
Is the information obtained in a kind and respectful manner?
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GEAR components:
Our Vision for Culturally appropriate Aboriginal
Research on Manitoulin
Aboriginal Ethical Guidelines for research
Ethical guidelines: Tri-Council Policy Statement
Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR)
Social Science and Humanities Research council (SSHRC)
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council for Canada (NSERC)
Ethics and Research Review process
Background information on the research committee
Sample forms and contracts
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The main function of the committee was to develop the Guidelines for Ethical Aboriginal
Research; to evaluate research proposals; and build capacity for ethical
Aboriginal research in the
Manitoulin area.
Agencies, Chiefs
& Councils,
Health Staff and
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Review process for research projects
Medicine wheel
: Applicant/
Completion of Project
Journey—Research Project is in place
Birth of Project/Idea
Research Review
• The East represents the birth of a research project which is shared with the Community / Organization
• Referred to Manitoulin Anishinabek Research Review Committee for
Ethics Review
• Research Applicant either receives approval or receives recommendations for changes to enhance the project
• The project begins it’s journey from the Eastern to the Western
Doorway (signifying the project from beginning to end)
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Local Committee:
• Committee members are knowledgeable about community’s politics, culture, language, beliefs and values
• Community representation on committee allows for local input
• Builds capacity in the communities
• Communities decide what type of research is appropriate and will benefit the community
• More likely to represent the views of the community
• Local process can be very helpful to connect with the community people
• Opportunities for collaborative research
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Local Committee:
• Can be time consuming for committee members
• Not a big pool of people to draw on for membership
• Everyone knows everyone so there is potential for real or perceived conflicts of interest.
• Need financial and administrative support to function
• Need to maintain independence yet remain linked to the community
• Who is the “community” – who represents them?
• Committee views may be in conflict with community vies – need a process to resolve differences
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Centralized REB:
A centralized REB is more generic and more standardized which makes it more predictable
(know what will go through and what ill not from a researcher’s perspective
Detached from the community which can be a positive and a negative aspect
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MARRC members have made 19 presentations to various organizations and conferences.
MARRC has reviewed 14 research proposals since August 2005
Terms of Reference and Work Book have recently been revised. A Strategic Planning session was held in July 2009 and a consultation with Elders was held in August
Planning a research conference for 2011 to celebrate 10 years
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Committee Members:
Lorrilee McGregor , M.A. Research Director, Community-Based Research,
Lenore Mayers , Administrative Program Support , Noojmowin Teg Health Centre
Marjory Shawande , Traditional Coordinator, Noojmowin Teg Health Centre
Cheri Corbiere , Sheshegwaning First Nation
Steven Fox-Radulovich , IT Consultant
Susan Manitowabi , Professor/Coordinator, Native Human Services, Laurentian University
Niki Naponse , Executive Director, Za-geh-do-win Information Clearinghouse
Phyllis Kinoshameg, Consultant, Wikwemikong
Resource Members:
Joyce Helmer , Chair, Wabnode Institute, Cambrian College
For more information, please contact Lenore Mayers at 706-368-2182 or email at lenore.mayers@noojmowin-teg.ca
Or visit our website at www.noojmowin-teg.ca
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