Joint ATAF – EC – URA Technical Conference on Exchange of Information & tax Treaties Kampala, Uganda 19 - 20 April 2012 African Tax Administration Forum (“ATAF”) Presenter: Mr Ali Ssekatawa (Chairman ATAF Information and Tax Treaties Working Group AND Assistant Commissioner Litigation – URA) “Deliverables and Products developed by the Exchange of Information & Tax Treaties Working Group” 1 ATAF EOI PROJECT Challenges faced by African Countries: Lack of treaties as instruments for exchange of information in several African countries. Lack of communication as to who are designated Competent Authorities as only point of contact for requests for exchange of information between countries and / or regular updates on any changes. Inadequate legislation and regulatory framework to ensure availability of information for exchange purposes. Ineffective legislation to ensure access to information for exchange purposes. Lack of capacity and capability in some tax administrations to deal with requests for exchange of information. Limited participation by ATAF member countries in the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for tax purposes. 2 ATAF EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION PROJECT (Cont.) Role of EoI Working Group: To develop strategies and products for, and give direction to, the work of the Exchange of Information Project with regard to: • assisting ATAF members with developing their domestic legal and regulatory frameworks for transparency and exchange of information on tax matters; • assisting ATAF members with developing legal mechanisms to allow for effective cross-border exchange of information; and • enabling tax officials of member countries to build technical capacity to effectively exchange information with partner countries. ATAF members requested to nominate relevant senior officials in their respective administrations to serve as members of the ATAF Exchange of Information Working Group. 3 Composition of the Working Group R. C. Terblanche – SOUTH AFRICA Ali Ssekatawa – UGANDA Samuel Aboge – KENYA Adekunle Ogundare – NIGERIA Ehshan Jannoo – MAURITIUS Moussa Ndoye – SENEGAL TECHNICAL ADVISORS Ron Van Der Merwe – Member of UN Advisory Group Yanga Mputa – Assessor on Global Forum for Transparency and Exchange of Information COORDINATORS Femi Edgal – Nigerian official seconded to the ATAF Secretariat Elizabeth Storbeck – ATAF Secretariat Meetings held 20TH – 21ST April 2011 • Secretariat Offices 18th – 19th October 2011 • Secretariat Offices 18th April 2012 • KAMPALA UGANDA Work Methodology FACE TO FACE INTERACTI ON EMAIL EXCHANGE OF MATERIALS Work Methodology (cont.) The Working Group has identified eleven (11) key deliverables as target priority areas for the next 2 years with set timelines. At least 2 members are allocated 2 deliverables to manage as a lead team and report their findings to the Working Group in consultation with the Technical Advisors. The Working Group reviews the work of the lead team, in consultation with the Technical Advisors, and comes up with a joint paper for presentation to the ATAF Council. Approved recommendations are then implemented by the Secretariat. Work Plan No 1. 2. DELIVERABLES PROGRESS Recommendation to Council re adoption of Internationally Accepted Standards of Transparency and Exchange of Information by ATAF members Recommendation approved by Council in April 2012 Document will be forwarded to Investigate possibility of facilitating a Multilateral Treaty on Exchange of Information for ATAF members Recommendation approved by Council in April 2012 Secretariat will facilitate a 3-day meeting, mid-year, to be attended all members for implementation – supported by Practical Guide by each members’ tax treaties expert as well as their lawyers. Work Plan No DELIVERABLES PROGRESS 3. Recommendation to Council re participation by ATAF member countries in the OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information Recommendation approved by Council in April 2012 ATAF Members of GF: South Africa Ghana Mauritius Botswana Seychelles Morocco Kenya Liberia Nigeria Secretariat will forward letter to all members re Council’s approval, supporting membership of GF 4. Draft recommendations to Council of facilitating multiparty negotiations for ATAF members Recommendation approved by Council in April 2012 Model TIEA Agreement will be forwarded to members for consideration Global Forum Meeting on 17-21 October 2012 will be a good opportunity for Guernsey, Jersey and Isle of Man to conduct negotiations with members. Work Plan No DELIVERABLES PROGRESS 5. Circulate questionnaire to ATAF members for purposes of conducting a country survey on EoI Questionnaires sent to all ATAF member Thereafter, WG to develop appropriate programmes for each country ito: • Technical assistance • Training • Recommendations for domestic legislative/policy changes Kenya Madagascar Seychelles Zambia Establish data base on tax treaties and tax information exchange treaties Secretariat is consulting with an IT developer to upload the database of tax treaties 6. Countries in November 2011. Only 8 responses received from: Lesotho Mauritius Uganda Zimbabwe Questionnaire is an abridged version of Peer Review Process. Completion will enable ATAF to assist the member prior to review. Members can request technical assistance from ATAF Technical Assistance Unit (TAU) Work Plan No DELIVERABLES PROGRESS 7. Establish database on Competent Authorities (Delegated authorised representatives) of ATAF members Letters of request sent to all ATAF countries. 11 have responded so far : Kenya Malawi Zambia Namibia Liberia Madagascar Mauritius Sierra Leone Uganda Seychelles South Africa Secretariat will send out reminders to each member to update their details of Competent Authority (Delegated authorised representatives) 8. Formation of ATAF Tax Information Exchange Panel and formulation of process for receipt and process of enquiries 31 May – draft Roadmap and Terms of Reference for the panel to be submitted; 15 June – responses received from WG; 30 June – final document submitted to Secretariat Work Plan N o DELIVERABLES PROGRESS 7. Regular contribution to ATAF newsletter Ongoing as articles regularly submitted to the Secretariat Contributions welcomed from all members 8. WG to agree on the tax treaty/tax information exchange programme for 2012 Technical conference for April 2012 Development of model DTA: By end August, final model will be forwarded to Council for approval Challenges All Working Group members have office assignments with a busy schedule which compromises the work output. Slow response to questionnaires and / or requests for information from member countries. GOOD NEWS The time lines undertaken in the Work Plan have been met and all deliverables are on course. The Working Group members and Secretariat are committed. ASANTE Thank you Enjoy your stay in Kampala