Community Capacity Building

Community Capacity Building
Sharon Haughey
Presentation Clár
1. What is Community Capacity Building?
2. Why does the GAA get involved?
3. How does Ulster GAA build capacity?
4. How Ulster GAA and Local Government can work
together to promote Community Capacity Building?
Community Capacity Building
Capacity Building is recognised by Government
as an essential component in the process of
community development – and in ensuring
that communities fully engage with local and
regional regeneration initiatives.
• DSD: ‘the process of supporting individuals
and community organisations to help them
better identify and meet the needs of their
areas. It involves building on the existing
skills, providing opportunities for people to
learn through experience and increasing
people’s awareness and confidence to enable
them to participate more fully in society.’
• DARD: “Programmes or projects which…
provide people with the skills, knowledge and
experience needed to help them contribute
to their changing community”
• Tourism Ireland: “Community capacity
building is a necessary ingredient for success
of community development….They encourage
community involvement, and provide the
tools that enable them to do so.”
Why GAA involved?
• Best placed - GAA is centre of many communities
across Ulster
• Available resources - Ulster GAA has resources,
infrastructure and expertise to support volunteers
• Leadership – Ulster GAA has become forceful
community anchor & creator of social capital
• Mutual benefits – Good for Ulster GAA to build
capacity of its own volunteers for the advancement
of the Association
Ulster GAA Building Capacity
• Promoting Volunteerism
– GoldMark Dungannon
– GAA’s Social Initiative
• Delivering Volunteer Training Programmes
– Volunteer Development Programme
– Club Officer Training Programme
Club Maith
Encouraging Peace Building and Good Relations
Advising on key funding opportunities
Lobbying Government on community issues
Promoting Volunteerism
Promoting Volunteerism
“The GAA is a community based
volunteer organisation promoting
Gaelic Games, culture and
lifelong participation”
• 250,000 volunteers in Ulster
• Volunteers of all ages
• Sometime for everyone!
Promoting Volunteerism
• The Association is based on choice
• Believes in cherishing its volunteers and supporting them to
reach their full potential
• Reinvests resources back into schools, clubs and counties
• No player or official receives payment for their involvement
Promoting Volunteerism
• Ulster Council GAA is currently bidding
for Investing in Volunteers Standard
• Developed a Volunteer Policy,
Volunteer Pack and Volunteer
Handbook to ensure best practice in
volunteering is adhere to
• If successful in getting this award
Ulster Council GAA will be the first
governing sports body to be
conferred this award across Ireland,
England, Scotland and Wales
Volunteer Programme:
Dungannnon Gold Mark
• Working with 4 clubs in
Dungannon and in partnership
with IFA, Ulster Rugby and
Volunteer Now
• Targeted at local young people
between 16-24 yrs who are
• Aim is to enhance employability through sports volunteering
• Young Volunteers receive recognition from the Department of
Education which can use on CVs/ UCAS applications etc...
Volunteer Programme:
Social Initiative
• Backed by Áras an
Uachtaráin and Martin
• Provide a social outlet for
older male members of
society and particularly
those in rural areas
• Community-based project aimed at older men who would benefit
from an enhanced engagement within the local community
• Ensure their many talents are not lost to their communities
Volunteer Development Programme
Annual Calendar:
Duty of Care
Health & Wellbeing
– Irish Language
Volunteer Development Programme
• Club Officers receive
free annual training for
specific roles e.g
Chairperson, Secretary,
Treasurer and PRO
• Over 1700 people
trained in 2010-2011
• Skills and Knowledge are transferable
• Receive certificate – useful for CVs and University and
job applications
Volunteer Development Programme
• DENI Sports in School
Programme – helps build
capacity of younger
generation: improving physical
literacy and fundamental
movement skills
• Ulster GAA’s Health Schools
Booklets: promotes healthy
living for younger generation
Peace Building & Good Relations
Ulster GAA aims to promote good relations and peace building and
encourages its membership to embrace peace building and welcome
people from non- GAA backgrounds:
• Cúchulainn Cup
• Cúchulainn USA
• Game of Three Halves
• Have a Go Blitz
• Schools Coaching
Club Maith
• Club Maith is a Club accreditation
scheme which is unique to the GAA.
It allows Clubs to be benchmarked
against best practice standards
across the full range of GAA Club
• A Club Maith award makes a clear,
proven statement about the quality
of a Club, right across the board.
Advice on Funding Opportunities
• Provide workshops across nine counties promoting
various funding opportunities – including government
funding & fundraising initiatives
• Prepare clubs for
funding applications
• Advice on planning and
statutory requirements
*** GAA Facilities are community
Facilities ***
Lobbying Government
• Ulster GAA lobbies on
behalf of communities on
an array of issues:
• Planning, Community
Volunteering etc..
• NI Assembly, Westminster,
Dáil Éireann, Seanad
Éireann and Irish
President’s Office
We lobby in the interests of local
communities to ensure
Government listen to local people
and local needs
Working with Local Government
Ulster GAA
Local Government
• Participate in any Councilled community capacity
• Continue to build capacity
among its volunteers
throughout nine counties
• Work with councils to
compile programmes in
areas of identified need
• Share use of facilities for
capacity building training
• Send through notice of
financial assistance to
Ulster GAA for
• Recognise GAA volunteers
through Mayors Awards and
Mayoral Receptions
Go Raibh Maith Agaibh
Thank you
Sharon Haughey
Ulster GAA Volunteer Development Officer
Tel: 028 37517180