Cross border Nursing - Department of Health, Social Services and

CAWT Cross Border
Health And Social Care
All-Ireland Chief Nursing
Officers’ Conference
1 Dec 2014
Brigid Clarke, General Manager, Cavan &
Monaghan Hospital
CAWT – Who We Are
Co-operation and Working Together
(CAWT) is a cross border health partnership,
comprised of the statutory health and social
care services in both jurisdictions in the
border region of Ireland/Northern Ireland.
CAWT was established in 1992
CAWT - What we do
Enable health services to be more accessible
within border areas
 Attract EU funding to support the development
of ‘additional’ services, based on local need
 Innovate – pioneer new ways of delivering
health services and improving health and social
care on a cross border basis
CAWT partners
Republic of Ireland
Health Service Executive West and Dublin North East border counties
Northern Ireland
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Western Health and Social Care Trust
Health and Social Care Board
Public Health Agency
EU funding for cross border activity
Secure EU funding to add value to Health and Social Care:
2009 – 2014/15: EU INTERREG IVA (€30 million)
12 cross border of health and social care services
50,000 + beneficiaries (patent and clients)
Ongoing: Other EU funded activities
Collaborative transnational projects (funded by EU via
NPP/Erasmus/Leonardo da Vinci)
1996 to 2000: EU Special Support Programme for Peace and
Reconciliation (€6 million)
7 project areas inc. acute hospital services, ambulance services,
primary care, health promotion etc.
2002 to 2008/9: EU INTERREG IIIA and PEACE II (€12.02 million)
• 44 projects across spectrum of health and social care
‘Putting Patients, Clients
& Families First’ projects
Acute Hospital Services (ENT,
urology, vascular, ophth.)
Diabetes: Pre-pregnancy Care
and ‘CHOICE’ education
programme for young people
Development of Eating
Disorder Services
Sexual Health services / GUM
Social Support and assistive
technology for Older People
‘UP4IT!’ – Childhood Obesity
Tackling Social Exclusion
and Health Inequalities
‘Turning the Curve’ –
Autism Support Project
Improving Outcomes for
Children and Families
Citizenship’ - Support for
People with Disabilities
‘Time IVA Change’ – Border
Region Alcohol Project
Workforce Mobility
Supported by the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme managed by the Special EU
Programmes Body and delivered by Co-operation and Working Together
Other cross border work
North/South Alcohol Policy Advisory Group
(through NSMC)
 Republic of Ireland patients accessing
radiotherapy in Northern Ireland
 Cross Border Professional Practice in Nursing
and Midwifery
 Patient Safety Programme – 52 participants to
 Cross Border Emergency Planning annual events
Cross border health: impact and reach of
Disability /
Outcomes for
Social Inclusion
GUM services
Acute Services
Older People
Eating Disorders
Cross border
Cross Border Professional Practice in Nursing
and Midwifery
Nursing at the core of Putting Patients Clients and Families
First (EU INTERREG IVA projects)
Nurse-led services – GUM/Sexual Health, Diabetes, Eating
Disorders, Acute Hospital Services
Two cross border nursing groups: HSE West / WHSCT and
Established in 2014
Facilitated by Directors of Nursing in the CAWT partner
organisations (WHSCT, SHSCT, HSE DNE, HSE W)
Aims of cross border nursing groups is to engage in joint working
which will result in practical benefits to nursing and midwifery
services and enhance the patient/client experience
Cross Border Professional Practice in
Nursing and Midwifery
Common themes
Sharing of Best Practice
Research and Development
Workforce Planning, Training, Registration, CPD,
Supporting Supervision and Regulation
E-Nursing Records
Cross border task and finish groups
Award - cross border nursing
Idea for Award
Criteria for Award
Selection process
Award Bursary
Award Winner!
Further information on CAWT