RESOLVE Statement Gathering Project: Partnering With the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Community Cheryl Fraehlich, RESOLVE Manitoba RESOLVE Research and Education for Solutions To Violence and Abuse RESOLVE Prairie-based research network that coordinates and supports research aimed at ending violence, especially violence aimed at girls and women Centres at University of Manitoba, University of Saskatchewan and University of Calgary Our Mission Work with community groups to identify areas where additional research needs to be done Work in interdisciplinary teams in partnership with community groups and other universities and centres in Canada Train students and members of community organizations in research methods The Alliance of Canadian Research Centres on Violence RESOLVE (Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Alberta) Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women Against Women and Children – University of Western Ontario Freda Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children – Vancouver Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research – University of New Brunswick Le center de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence familiale et la violence faite aux femmes (CRI-VIFF) – University of Montreal RESOLVE Projects: The Healing Journey A longitudinal, tri-provincial study examining women’s experiences of intimate partner violence Funded by SSHRC (CURA) Over 200 women from each of the Prairie Provinces have participated in semi-structured interviews Relied on partnerships with community agencies and organizations Statement Gathering Project: Phase I Prepare a submission for ethics approval to the University of Manitoba Research Ethics Board Recruit, hire and train 12 statement gatherers Explore ways of identifying and recruiting individuals who want to provide statements about their residential school experience Explore and identify safe spaces for statement gathering Begin to gather statements in the community Ethics Detailed submission to Research Ethics Board Not “typical” research Required negotiation with TRC Certificate of ethical approval received Statement Gatherers 12 trained statement gatherers: 11 Aboriginal 10 females/ 2 males 6 students/6 community English, Cree and Ojibway Teams of 1 academic facilitator and 4 statement gatherers Training Two day in-house training Introduction to TRC Process and procedures for statement gathering Role of health support workers Compassion fatigue/self care Team building Two day training organized by TRC TRC National Event: Winnipeg June 16 -19 14 RESOLVE statement gatherers worked at National Event (plus 6 RESOLVE Sask.) 275 private statements Some participated in youth sharing circle More Training! Reviewing process and procedures Training on audio/video equipment Statement Gathering Sites William Norrie Centre Aboriginal Education Centre 2 rooms 2 rooms “Centralized” system to obtain information about the project and schedule statements Recruitment Presentations agencies: Osborne House Wolseley Family Place Ma Mawi Urban Circle Mothers of Red Nation Ikwe-Widdjiitiwin Ka Ni Kanichihk at community West Broadway Women’s Centre Nine Circles Community Health Centre Kekinan Centre North End Women’s Centre Native Women’s Transition Centre Andrews Street Family Centre Recruitment Recruitment process will be ongoing: Revisiting agencies Consultation with agency staff, elders, community members The Future: Phase 2 Continue statement gathering within community (Winnipeg) Possible expansion to other Manitoba sites Possibilities for Research Examination of strength and resilience Thank you! Questions?