THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION HORIZON 2020 Science with and for Society (SWAFS) Public Consultation on the 2016-17 Work Programme Philippe Galiay DG RTD B7 – Science with and for Society 1 Summary I. H2020 – Science with and for Society (SWAFS) • Rationale / Structure / Budget II. H2020 Work Programme 2014-15 – SWAFS Part • Calls / Budget / Deadlines III. Public Consultation on 2016-17 SWAFS Work Programme • Questionnaire / Reference documents / Expectations 2 Science in Society WHY? 3 Science in Society WHAT? 4 Science in Society HOW? 5 Science in Society • • • • • • • - WHO? Universities, higher education establishments R&I funding and performing organisations Civil Society Organisations (NGO's) Business Policy-makers (all levels) Professors, teachers, students and pupils Science museums and science centres,… 6 7 2014 Political Context Europe 2020 Innovation Union Horizon 2020 SWAFS European Research Area RRI 8 What is Responsible Research and Innovation? RRI is a process where all societal actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, business) work together during RRIwhole is a Cross-Cutting Issue in R&I Horizon 2020 the R&I process in order to align outcomes to the values, needs and expectations of European society 9 RRI across Horizon 2020 Gender Equality Engagement Science Education Ethics Open Access 10 What is Science with and for Society? Main objective: 'The aim is to build effective cooperation between science and society, to recruit new talent for science and to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility.' 11 What is Science with and for Society ? 12 Summary I. H2020 – Science with and for Society (SWAFS) • Rationale / Structure / Budget II. H2020 Work Programme 2014-15 – SWAFS Part • Calls / Budget / Deadlines III. Public Consultation on 2016-17 SWAFS Work Programme • Questionnaire / Reference documents / Expectations 13 Calls SWAFS Work Programme 2014-2015 • • • • 4 calls for proposals: Making science education and careers attractive for young people (SEAC) Promoting gender equality in research and innovation (GERI) Integrating society in science and innovation (ISSI) Developing governance for the advancement of responsible research and innovation (GARRI) 14 Calls SWAFS Work Programme 2014-2015 • Call deadlines: • 2014 calls 2 October 2014 at 17:00 • 2015 calls 16 September 2015 at 17:00 *) • *) indicative deadline – subject to a separate financing decision 15 Calls SWAFS WP 2014 - 15 topics Funding € € scheme min/max Budget SEAC.1.2014.2015 - Innovative ways to make science education and scientific RIA, 1/1,8 5,6 careers attractive to young people CSA SEAC.2.2014 - Responsible Research and Innovation in Higher Education CSA 1/1,5 3 Curricula SEAC.3.2014 – Trans-national operation of the EURAXESS Service network CSA 3,6 3,6 GERI.1.2014- Innovative approach to communication encouraging girls to study CSA 0,75/1 1,5 science Topic GERI.2.2014 - Impact of gender diversity on Research & Innovation RIA 1 1 GERI.4.2014-2015 - Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans CSA 2,3 7 RIA= Research and Innovation Action; CSA= Coordination and Support Action EC contribution suggested by the Commission, not precluding submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts Topics highlighted in blue are excluded from the delegation to REA and will be managed by the Commission services. 16 Calls SWAFS WP 2014 - 15 topics Topic ISSI.1.2014.2015 - Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafés engaging citizens in science ISSI.2.2014 - Citizens and multi-actor engagement for scenario building ISSI.5.2014.2015 - Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible Research and Innovation GARRI.1.2014 - Fostering RRI uptake in current research and innovations systems GARRI.3.2014 - Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Text and Data Mining (TDM) GARRI.5.2014 - Ethics in Research: Promoting Integrity GARRI.6.2014 - Reducing the risk of exporting non ethical practices to third countries GARRI.7.2014 - Science with and for Society National Contact Points (NCPs) in H2020 GARRI.8.2014 - National Contact Points for quality standards and horizontal issues Funding € € scheme min/max Budget CSA 3/3,5 3 CSA 3,3 3,3 CSA 2/4 4 RIA 1/1,5 2,5 CSA 1,5 1,5 CSA 2 2 CSA 2,3 2,3 CSA 2 2 CSA 2 2 RIA= Research and Innovation Action; CSA= Coordination and Support Action EC contribution suggested by the Commission, not precluding submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts Topics highlighted in blue are excluded from the delegation to REA and will be managed by the Commission services. 17 Calls SWAFS WP 2015 - 11 topics Topic Funding € € scheme min/max Budget SEAC.1.2014.2015 - Innovative ways to make science education and scientific RIA, CSA careers attractive to young people SEAC.4.2015 - EURAXESS outreach activities CSA GERI.3.2015 - Evaluation of initiatives to promote gender equality in research RIA policy and research organisations GERI.4.2014-2015 - Support to research organisations to implement gender CSA equality plans 1/1,8 7,4 0,5/1 1,5 2 2 2,3 7 RIA= Research and Innovation Action; CSA= Coordination and Support Action EC contribution suggested by the Commission, not precluding submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts Topics highlighted in blue are excluded from the delegation to REA and will be managed by the Commission services. 18 Calls SWAFS WP 2015 - 11 topics Topic ISSI.1.2014.2015 - Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafés engaging citizens in science ISSI.3.2015 – Knowledge Sharing Platform ISSI.4.2015 - On-line mechanisms for knowledge-based policy advice ISSI.5.2014.2015 - Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible Research and Innovation GARRI.2.2015 - Responsible Research and Innovation in industrial context GARRI.4.2015 - Innovative approach to release and disseminate research results and measure their impact GARRI.9.2015 – Estimating the cost of research misconduct and the socioeconomic benefit of research integrity Funding € € scheme min/max Budget CSA 3/3,5 7 CSA 3 3 RIA 3 4 CSA 2 8 CSA 1/1,5 3 CSA 2,3 2,3 CSA 1 1 RIA= Research and Innovation Action; CSA= Coordination and Support Action EC contribution suggested by the Commission, not precluding submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts Topics highlighted in blue are excluded from the delegation to REA and will be managed by the Commission services. 19 Calls SWAFS 2014-2015 Planned evaluation dates: Remote In-situ 2014 calls 1-16 November 2014 1-12 December 2014 Remote In-situ 2015 calls 10-25 October 2015 9-20 November 2015 20 Calls SWAFS WP 2014-2015 Budget Calls 2014 budget M € 2015 budget M € Total SEAC 12,2 8,9 21,1 GERI 9,5 9,0 18,5 ISSI 10,3 22,0 32,3 GARRI 12,3 5,5 17,8 TOTAL 44,3 45,4 89,7 21 SWAFS WP 2014 Other actions: 9 topics Funding scheme € Budget GIB 0,8 GIB 0,8 EG 0,1 EC 1,735 PP 1,2 PP 2,95 9.2014- EURAXESS LINKS 3rd phase of implementation PP 1 10.2014 - EURAXESS LINKS Framework Service Contract [Framework Contract] 11.2014 - Fostering public outreach by researchers – identifying expectations and challenges PP [6] PP 0,85 Topic 1.2014 - Conference on Stock Taking Science in Society projects throughout Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes 2.2014 - European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) 2014 5.2014 - Expert Group: For a constructive assessment of Public Engagement in Horizon 2020 6.2014.2015 – External expertise 7.2014 – Data Collection and analysis on researchers in the European Union and abroad in the context of ERA and RRI 8.2014 - EURAXESS Services, Links, Rights, Jobs and cross-cutting activities GIB = Grant to Identified Beneficiary; EG = Expert Group; EC = Expert Contracts; PP = Public Procurement; P = Prizes Topics highlighted in blue are excluded from the delegation to REA and will be managed by the Commission services. 22 SWAFS WP 2015 Other actions: 7 topics Funding scheme € Budget 3.2015 - European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) 2015 GIB 0,8 4.2015 - The Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) 2016 GIB 1 6.2014.2015 – External expertise 12.2015 - EURAXESS Services, Links, Rights, Jobs and cross-cutting activities EC PP 1,25 0,3 13.2015 - EURAXESS LINKS Implementation 2016-2018 PP 6 14.2015 – Human Resources Strategy for Researchers Coordination and Implementation PP 1,5 P 0,2 Topic 15.2015 – EU Prize for Women Innovators 2016 GIB = Grant to Identified Beneficiary; EG = Expert Group; EC = Expert Contracts; PP = Public Procurement; P = Prizes Topics highlighted in blue are excluded from the delegation to REA and will be managed by the Commission services. 23 Summary I. H2020 – Science with and for Society (SWAFS) • Rationale / Structure / Budget II. H2020 Work Programme 2014-15 – SWAFS Part • Calls / Budget / Deadlines III. Public Consultation on 2016-17 SWAFS Work Programme • Questionnaire / Reference documents / Expectations 24 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation 25 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation Aim: 'The aim of this consultation is to obtain views and contributions from a broad constituency on the potential priorities for the 'Science with and For Society' work programme part covering the period 2016-2017.' 26 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation 7 questions: 1. What should be the main priorities needed to shape the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme 2016-2017 to build an effective cooperation between science and society? E.g. 'involve civil society at every level', 'deepen the understanding of the role of democratically created knowledge', 'develop accessibility and (re)use of scientific results,… E.g. 'impacts of NTIC', 'biosciences and the meaning and boundaries of forms of life',… 27 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation 7 questions: 2. Which are the main barriers preventing effective cooperation between science and society? E.g. mindsets, culture, poor education, political pressures, austerity, scientific rewards, lack of communication,… 28 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation 7 questions: 3. Which topics could be supported by the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme 2016-2017 with regard to "Science with and for Society"? E.g. ageeing, participatory foresight, regional growth, demonstration centers, chaos and complexity, need for new forms of governance for life sciences, inequalities,… 29 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation 7 questions: 4. What would you like to see as outcomes from the projects funded through the "Science with and for Society" calls for proposals 2016-2017? E.g. new metrics, science type games, more companies, better use of social sciences, healthy food, less dependence on fossil fuels, easily approachable scientists,… 30 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation 7 questions: 5. How do you see international cooperation (beyond EU borders) being addressed in "Science with and for Society"? E.g. Global initiative, 'should be encouraged', 'must be increased dramatically', 'real problems are international', 'we live in a global world', 'already relatively well covered', 'digital media is global',… 31 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation 7 questions: 6. In which priorities of "Horizon 2020" and how should science and society issues be integrated (e.g. in Excellent Science, in Industrial Leadership, in Societal Challenges)? E.g. food and health security for all, ecological freight and passenger rail transport, 'in all priorities', 'societal challenges and excellent science',… 32 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation 7 questions: 7. Do you have further comments? E.g. 'ensure the contribution of social sciences', 'citizen science', 'use the science for peace', 'the world needs the Science and Society programme!', 'Good luck in making the world better!',… 33 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation Reference documents: Consultation paper: it gives the rationale of the consultation and references to official documents Strategic Report of the SWAFS External Advisory Group: upDetail&groupID=3093 34 SWAFS WP 2016-2017 Public Consultation Expectations: Support to SWAFS thrust: SWAFS is defined by the Horizon 2020 Regulation and the Specific Programme. It is further defined through the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2014-15; New ideas for implementing SWAFS: SWAFS is a living programme likely to evolve during the 7 years of the Horizon 2020; Preparing the future: Life will not stop after Horizon 2020… 35 Science with and for Society (SWAFS) Public Consultation on the 2016-17 Work Programme Thank you for your attention! 36