KVN RAS in KOREA Current status Final Goals for Freedom • Challenge and Change - Domestic and International Activities (Technical studies and Political Actions) - Needs for a Good Relationship with - Government Peoples and Active Services Modify International Radio Regulations Modify Domestic radio Law Registration RA sites RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 What can WE do for Protection & Sharing Activities • Technical Studies - Domestic Activities (Korea ITU-R) - International Activities : ITU-R (SG7, WP7D), CPM • Political Activities - Domestic Activities (Korea WRC-12 WG4) - International Activities : WRC (/3-4 year) : regional meetings(APG, RAFCAP, IUCAF)-/year RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 Protection & Sharing Activities • Major Domestic Activities Related WP Related issues Korea ITU-R SG7 ○ Science service ○ ITU-R WP7A, 7B, 7C, 7D<-> WP1A, 3, 4 Korea WRC-07 WG4 ○ APG-12, CPM-12, WRC-12 ○ WRC-12 Agenda Items 1.6, 11, 12, 16, 24 Other Study Group In KCC ○ sharing with 57-64 GHz ○ mainly focusing with ~ 25, 75-79 GHz Korea ITU-R SG1 Korea WRC-07 WG1,2,3 ○ other ITU-R issues and WRC-12 issues RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 Protection & Sharing Activities • Major International Activities Related WP Related issues ITU-R Study Groups ○ Questions, Recommendations for RAS ○ ITU-R SG7, WP7D, WP1A ○ June, Oct. 2010/WP7D/Geneva APG meeting ○ WRC-12 Agenda Items for RAS ○ 3rd meeting/Bangkok, 4th meeting/Hongkong IUCAF/RAFCAP meeting ○ 3rd SS, Tokyo, May 31-June 4, 2010 ○ 7th meeting, Tokyo, June 5, 2010 RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 Structure of Korea ITU-R RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 (before 2008) Structure of WRC-12 Korea PG WRC-12 Preparatory Group (KCC) Steering Committee WG1A WG2 WG3A WG4 WG5A AMS RNSS FS, MS Science Satellite WG1B WG3B WG5B Maritime BS Satellite RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 WG6 Future Plan WRC-11 Related Issues AI 1.6 1.11 1.12 to review No. 5.565 of the Radio Regulations in order to update the spectrum use by the passive services between 275 GHz and 3,000 GHz, in accordance with Resolution 950 (Rev.WRC-07), and to consider possible procedures for free-space optical-links, taking into account the results of ITU-R studies, in accordance with Resolution 955 (WRC-07) to consider a primary allocation to the space research service (Earth-to-space) within the band 22.55-23.15 GHz taking into account the results of ITU-R studies, in accordance with Resolution 735 (WRC-07) to protect the primary services in the band 37-38 GHz from interference resulting from aeronautical mobile service operations, taking into account the results of ITU-R studies, in accordance with Resolution 754 (WRC-07) RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 WP1A WP7B WP7B WRC-11 Related Issues 1.16 1.24 to consider the needs of passive systems for lightning detection in the meteorological aids service, including the possibility of an allocation in the frequency range below 20 kHz, and to take appropriate action, in accordance with Resolution 671 (WRC-07) to consider the existing allocation to the meteorologicalsatellite service in the band 7750-7850 MHz with a view to extending this allocation to the band 7850-7900MHz, limited to non-geostationary meteorological satellites in the space-to-Earth direction, in accordance with Resolution 672 (WRC-07) RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 WP7C WP7B WRC-11 Related Issues CG : contributing Issues 1.8 to consider the progress of ITU-R studies concerning the technical and regulatory issues relative to the fixed service in the bands between 71GHz and 238GHz, taking into account Resolutions 731(WRC-2000) and 732(WRC-2000) WG5C 1.13 to consider the results of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution 551 and decide the spectrum usage of the 21.4-22 GHz band and the associated feeder-link bands in Regions 1 and 3(planning methodologies, coordination procedures or other procedures) WG4A RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 본원(대덕연구단지) RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 국내 전파망원경 현황 RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 13 Observatory Longitude ( o ' ") Latitude ( ' ") Ant (m) Operating Bands Remarks TRAO (KASI) 127 22 18 36 23 54 13.7 86-116, 127-175 GHz S, C, VLBI 2.2-2.8, 8-9, 22-24, 42-44, 86-116, 127- S, C, VLBI 150 GHz Yonsei Univ. (KVN) 126 56 35 37 33 44 21 Ulsan Univ (KVN) 129 15 04 35 32 33 21 " S, C, VLBI Tamna Univ. (KVN) 126 27 43 33 17 18 21 " S, C, VLBI 2x2 410 MHz, 610 MHz, 500 MHz-18 GHz (연속파) S, C C S K-SRBL (KASI) 127 22 18 36 23 54 IRS (MIC) 127 32 58 37 09 01 6, 10 30-100 MHz, 100-500 MHz, 500-2500 MHz SRAO (Seoul Natl. Univ.) 126 57 19 37 27 15 6 85-115 GHz, 200-270 GHz SRT 127 00 07 37 18 48 2 1400-1427 MHz (Geongi High School) * (S : single dish, C : Continuum, VLBI : Very Long Baseine Interferometry) RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 S THE MOST POWERFUL mm-VLBI NETWORK SYSTEM ON OUR PLANET! TOP Brand Multi Frequency & Simultaneous Obs. mm-VLBI system high speed Correllator system east Asia VLBI center Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory, 14m RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 KVN : Korean VLBI Network (21m 3 dishes) Seoul – Yonsei Univ. Ulsan – Ulsan Univ. Jeju – Tamna Univ. Operating Frequency Bands 21.5-23.5 GHz 42-44 GHz 86-129 GHz RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 The 2nd Radio Facility of Korea KVN (Korean VLBI Network) 3 × 21m Antennas 4 Channels (22, 43, 86, 129 GHz) Simultaneous Observing System Multi-Channel Phase Correction System Korea & Japan Correlator - 16 Recorders for EAVN VERA 22/43GHz phase ref. test (Jung et al.) r 0.99 RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 KVN-Recent State and Future System System States Telescopes Installed in 2008 22/43 GHz Installed in 2009 86/129 GHz Install one set in 2010 Install all set in 2011 Rx Correlator Install in 2010 RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 KVN-Recent State and Future Observations Frequency States Single Beam - Started from 2009 - Open from 2010 VLBI - On Test Observation - Start from 2011 Single Beam - Start from 2011 VLBI - Start from 2012 22/43 GHz 86/129 GHz RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 22/43 GHz Test Observations Orion-KL, H2O and SiO Maser Line Simultaneous Observation Results !!!!! on October 28th 2008 RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 VLBI Test Observations RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 VLBI Test Observations Ulsan-Tamna Yonsei-Tamna Yonsei-Ulsan - Source : NRAO150 - Date : Oct. 12, 2009 - Freq. : 42.809 GHz (Continuum) RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 Correlator - Korea-Japan Joint VLBI Correlator - 16 Recorders (8 Mark5B, 4 VERA2000+DMS-24, 4 K5) - 16 RVDB (Raw VLBI Data Buffer) - Data Archive (100TB, 1PB in future) - Serve of VLBI data analysis - Backup system - e-VLBI RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 KJJVC(Korea-Japan Joint VLBI Correrlator) RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 Future Plan of KVN 2008 TEST of KVN+VERA VLBI OBS. Ulsan RAO KVN Yonsei RAO Tamna RAO 2009 2010 2011 VLBI with 3stations of KVN <VLBI TEST with VERA> Operating with J-K Correlator Lunch with 86/129 GHz RAFCAP 7th meeting, Tokyo, 5 June, 2010 East-ASIA VLBI Center