UNIUNEA EUROPEANÃ GUVERNUL ROMÂNIEI INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE 2007 – 2013 Icpe Solar Energy Infrastructure Development/INFRASOLAR Contract no: 78/29.09.2009 PROJECT MANAGER PhD Phys Dan I. Teodoreanu / Eng Viorel Ursu ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Project Overview Title: Icpe Solar Energy Infrastructure Development/INFRASOLAR Sectoral Operational Programme “Increase of Economic Competitiveness “ Priority Axis 2: Research, Technological Development and Innovation Area of Intervention D3 - "Access of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in research and development and innovation“ 2.3.2 Operation - "Development of the research & development infrastructure for enterprises and creating new jobs for research and development". Project Manager : PhD Phys Dan I. Teodoreanu / Eng Viorel Ursu Project Period : 2009 – 2011 Budget: 3614863 lei Icpe final contribution to the project = 2.263.144,47 lei ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Objectives Icpe is part of Photovoltaic EU Technology Platform (Platform PV) and The European Technology Platform for Electricity Networks of the Future Smart Grids as a recognition of scientific expertise at the European level. Therefore, the project aims mainly the development of Icpe by improving the infrastructure and increasing the quality of research by adapting to the European requirements and alignment to the competitiveness (the most important centers in the solar field in Europe). ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Upgraded services • Use of modern equipment to improve resolution and parameters: 12-bit precision, meteorological parameters using referential and superior sensors. • Testing inverters and power converters. Dynamic checking on stands. • Testing storage systems based on lead acid batteries and Li-Ion used in photovoltaic systems. • Monitoring operating parameters of autonomous photovoltaic systems on the Romanian market and developing countries. • Testing of "thermosyphon" solar thermal collectors for hot water type. • Testing of solar thermal collectors with vacuum tubes and storage systems. • Testing tracking systems after one axis and two axes on the apparent movement of the Sun. The purchased equipment will create modular configurations for simulating all major PV systems for autonomous micro-grid systems, autonomous systems and micro-independent networks connected to the central network. ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Anticipated results • Development of the activities and areas covered by Icpe • Application development in the renewable energy field • Developing the information center at Icpe (library, electronic information, access to databases available for students, researchers, PhD) will lead to the increase of the competence level of renewable energy field professional personnel. • Icpe participation in EU programs ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Project results Developing R&D infrastructure for: Laboratory 06.1-Research of photovoltaic energy conversion and quality FLUKE 190-062 series II ScopeMeter AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES - N8762A - POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM Fluke 435 Series II Power Quality and Energy Analyzer Chauvin Arnoux GREENTEST FTV100 Sat Control Solar Tracker SM44M1V3P DEGERtraker 5000NT Solar Tracking System Laboratory 06.2-Research for solar thermal systems and energy storage Caranda Power Battery Lead-Acid Winston Power Battery Lithium-Ion BK Precision 8514 Series DC electronic loads Hydrogen storage system for fuel cells Solar collector with „thermosyphon” system Solar collectors with vacuum tubes and storage systems (monitoring system) Software MATLAB & SIMULINK Special system monocrystalline silicon cells (monitoring included) Special system polycrystalline silicon cells (monitoring included) Special system with amorphous silicon cells (monitoring included) Special system of CIS solar cells with thin layer ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Equipment for research ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Solar collector with „thermosyphon” system ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Solar collectors with vacuum tubes and storage systems (monitoring system) ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti SOFTWARE Name Description TRANSYS A transient systems simulation program with a modular structure. It recognizes system description language in which the user specifies the components that constitute the system and the manner in which they are connected. PVSYS Quick estimation of energy production for a preliminary study of photovoltaic systems. Also allows advanced studies and simulations. PVSOL A 2D & 3D design tool for simulating photovoltaic systems. T-SOL A fully-featured dynamic simulation program for the design and simulation of solar thermal system performance. METEONORM Contains a database with climatic data from 8,300 stations around the world and is a data source for engineering design programs in passive, active and photovoltaic application of solar energy. AID COREL DRAW Versatile and powerful graphic design software MATLAB & SIMULINK MATLAB is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numerical computation. Simulink is an environment for multidomain simulation and Model-Based design for dynamic and embedded systems. ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Elements of PV Systems Efficiency: 18% Efficiency: 14,6% Efficiency: 7 % Efficiency: 12,13 % ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Facade Zone IX Zone V Zone III Zone I Zone II Zone IV Zone VII Zone VI Zone VIII Zone X Green groups: amorphous silicon Yellow groups: polycrystalline silicon Red groups: monocrystalline silicon Purple groups: CIS ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Installed power Installed power on technologies Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone amorphous silicon: 26,4 kW (Z I, III, VII, VIII) I: 6 kW II: 11,52 kW III: 7,2 kW IV: 12 kW V: 6,75 kW VI: 11,52 kW VII: 6 kW VIII: 7,2 kW IX: 3,37 kW X: 5,62 kW polycrystalline silicon: 23,04 kW (Z II, VI) monocrystalline silicon: 12 kW (Z IV) CIS: 15,75 kW (Z V, IX, X) TOTAL POWER: 77,19 kW Z IX ZI Z VII Z III Z II Z VIII ZX ZV Z VI Z IV ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 1st Zone – A-Si - 6 000W Equipment list: A-Si PV modules: SUNone SA100 Quantity: 60 pieces Inverter: Sunny Mini Central 7000 HV Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the A-Si PV modules on the façade 1st Zone – 6 000W 10 panels 6 modules/panel Total: 60 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 2nd Zone – Polycrystalline - 10 000W Equipment list Polycrystaline PV modules: Kyocera KD 240GH-2PB Quantity: 48 pieces Inverter: Sunny Tripower 10000 TL Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the Polycristalline PV modules on the façade 2nd Zone – 10 000W 8 panels 6 modules/panel Total: 48 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 3d Zone – A-Si - 7 200W Equipment list: A-Si PV modules: SUNone SA100 Quantity: 72 pieces Inverter: Sunny Mini Central 7000 HV Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the A-Si PV modules on the façade 3rd Zone –7 200W 12 panels 6 modules/panel Total: 72 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 4th Zone – Monocrystalline - 12 000W Equipment list: Monocrystalline PV modules: SUNSet AS100HPC Quantity: 120 pieces Inverter: SUNString 4 000 W Quantity: 3 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the Monocrystalline PV modules on the façade 4th Zone –12 000W 6 panels 16 modules/panel 2 panels 12 modules/panel Total: 120 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 5th Zone – CIS - 6 750W Equipment list: CIS PV modules: AVANCIS Power MAX 125 Quantity: 54 pieces Inverter: Sunny Mini Central SMC 6 000A Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the CIS PV modules on the façade 5th Zone –6 750 W 6 panels 9 modules/panel Total: 54 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 6th Zone – Polycrystalline - 10 000W Equipment list Polycrystaline PV modules: Kyocera KD 240GH-2PB Quantity: 48 pieces Inverter: Sunny Mini Central 10 000TL Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the Polycristalline PV modules on the façade 6th Zone – 10 000W 8 panels 6 modules/panel Total: 48 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 7th Zone – A-Si - 6 000W Equipment list: A-Si PV modules: SUNone SA100 Quantity: 60 pieces Inverter: Sunny Mini Central 7000 HV Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the A-Si PV modules on the façade 7th Zone – 6 000W 10 panels 6 modules/panel Total: 60 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 8th Zone – A-Si - 7 200W Equipment list: A-Si PV modules: SUNone SA100 Quantity: 72 pieces Inverter: Sunny Mini Central 7000 HV Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the A-Si PV modules on the façade 8th Zone – 7 200W 12 panels 6 modules/panel Total: 72 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 9th Zone – CIS - 3 375W Equipment list: CIS PV modules: AVANCIS Power MAX 125 Quantity: 27 pieces Inverter: Sunny Boy SB 3 000 Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the CIS PV modules on the façade 9th Zone – 3 375 W 3 panels 9 modules/panel Total: 27 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Disposition of PV modules on the ICPE building Façade 10th Zone – CIS - 5 625W Equipment list: CIS PV modules: AVANCIS Power MAX 125 Quantity: 45 pieces Inverter: Sunny Mini Central SMC 5 000A Quantity: 1 piece ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti Position of the CIS PV modules on the façade 10th Zone – 5 625W 5 panels 9 modules/panel Total: 45 modules ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti ACQUISTEM, Ediţia a IX-a - 30-31 august 2012 - Parcul Solar Icpe - Bucureşti