Institute for Research and Development

Institute for Research and
Development- IRD
IRD, like CNRS, is an EPST (Public institution for science
and technology).
Its activities (research, expertise and education) aim to
contribute to the economical, social and cultural
development of the countries of the South
in 6 prior. areas :
Fight against poverty
Emergent diseases
Access to water
Climatic change and natural risks
Main research topics in
Natural risks
Climate changes
Ecosystems and natural ressources
Health and cultural / social dynamics
IRD “Offices / Representations”
in Latinamerica
» Bolivia
» Brasil
» Chile
» Ecuador
» México
» Perú
And scientif. collabo. with Argentina, Colombia,
Uruguay, and Venezuela
IRD collaborations in Chile (1)
'' Climate, variability and impacts / Andes''
• Glaciology / Paleo-hydro.-climato / Andes
B. Pouyaud, B. Francou. P- Ginot, F. Vimeux
CECS – U. Valdivia / CEAZA – U. La Serena
• Hydrology & Water ressources (4th Region)
Hydrosciences Montpellier (H. Jourdes)
CEAZA – U. La Serena
• NB : LMI “Paleoclimatology, markers and
U. de Antofagasta (L. Ortlieb, A. Siffedine)
Brasil (U. F. Fluminense Niteroi)
IRD collaborations in Chile (2)
'' Climate, variability and impacts / Andes''
• JEAI '' Society, agriculture & environment
in arid zones (/ water ressources)”
U. de La Serena & CEAZA (M. Pouget, P.
NB : Desertification (C. Prat / UE - DESIRE)
• Future PPR “RIVIA”
- Geosciences (sismo, volcano, erosion)
- Hydro. Climato. Paleo.
- Use of ressources - Impacts
IRD collaborations in Argentina
'' Climate, variability and impacts''
• CLARIS LPB / 2008-2012
Sci. Coord. JP. Boulanger (Arg.)
Europe-South America Network for Climate Change
Assessment and Impact Studies (ex. : how to
manage - agriculture, hydrology) in La Plata Basin.
• ANR PICREVAT / 2009-2012
V. Moron - V. Hernandez (Arg.)
Impacts of climate changes on agriculture (strategies
of adaptation) – Africa / Argentina (tropical / subtropical)
• NB : Future PPR « RIVIA »
IRD et al.
Chile / Andes
• Glaciology / Paleo-hydro.-climato / Andes
• Hydrology & Water ressources (4th Region)
• Society, agriculture & environment in arid zones
(/ water ressources / Desertification)
• NB : LMI “Paleoclimatology, markers and
Argentina / Climate - Impacts
• CLARIS LPB after mid 2012?
IRD et al.
• Geosciences / erosion
• Hydro. Climato. Paleo.
• Use of ressources – Impacts
CNRS et al.
• GDRI for international links of the UMI?
• Future “Argentine-France Modelisation
Simulation Center” – How to cooperate?
Financial support… Cf. Alexis Hannart :
ANR calls
EU calls ?
ECOS calls