Seminar: Research Project Problem Definition Deland Trucking Has a “Recruitment” Problem “Why are our recruiting costs so high?” Costs for driver selection and recruitment have not gone up. The company has to do so many orientation and hiring sessions. 6-2 Decision Statement A written expression of the key question(s) that the research user wishes to answer. Good Decisions Start with a Good Problem Definition Problem Definition Process involved in translating decision statement into more precise research terminology, including a set of research objectives. 6–3 The Problem-Definition Process current conditions DIFFERENCE preferable set of conditions Business performance is worse than expected business performance. Actual business performance is less than possible business performance. Expected business performance is greater than possible business performance. 6–4 A French yogurt manufacturer noted that the Japanese were becoming more Westernized. A survey supported this and appeared to offer a strong market potential for yogurt. Poor Questions Result in Poor Research! 6-5 The Problem-Definition Process 6–6 Determine the Unit of Analysis Indicates what or who should provide the data and at what level of aggregation. • Individuals (such as customers, employees, and owners) • Households (families, extended families, and so forth) • Organizations (businesses and business units) • Departments (sales, finance, and so forth) • Geographical areas • Objects (products, advertisements, and so forth). 6–7 Types of Variables • Continuous variable • Dependent variable – Can take on a range of quantitative values. – A process outcome or a variable that is predicted and/or explained by other variables. • Categorical variable • Independent variable – Indicates membership in some group. – A variable that is expected to influence the dependent variable in some way. – Also called classificatory variable. 6–8 Writing Research Objectives and Questions 6–9 Pricing Turbulence Source: Smith, Sinha & Forman (1999); Peters (2005). 6-10 Clarity in Research Questions and Hypotheses Research Questions The researcher’s translation of the problem into a specific inquiry. Hypotheses Statements that can be empirically tested. Managerial Action Standard A specific performance criterion upon which a decision can be based. 6–11 Influence of Decision Statement of Marketing Problem on Research Objectives and Research Designs 6–12 The Research Proposal A written statement of the research design. As a planning tool & a contract The best researchers are prepared to rethink and rewrite their proposals 6–13 R & R: LOs 1. Explain why proper “problem definition” is essential to useful business research 2. Translate managerial decision statements into relevant research objectives 3. Translate research objectives into research questions and/or research hypotheses 4. Outline the components of a research proposal 6-14