Introduction When a person has more money than he requires for current consumption, he would be coined as a potential investor. The investor who is having extra cash could invest it in securities or in any other assets like gold or real estate or could simply deposit it in his bank account. The companies that have extra income may like to invest their money in expansion of existing firm or undertake new venture. All of these activities in broader sense means investment. Investment Investment is the employment of funds on assets with the aim of earning income or capital appreciation. Investment has two attributes namely time and risk. Present consumption is sacrificed to get a return in the future. It is for the long term Or we can say if a person buys a stock for dividend it may be called investment. Speculation Speculation means taking up the business risk in the hope of getting short term profits. Speculation essentially involves buying and selling activities with the expectation of getting profits from the price fluctuation. Gambling If person buys stock for intra day profit we can say that he is gambling. Gambling is for short period of time that is few hours or few mins or few seconds. Person tries to take advantage of fluctuations which happen daily in split second of time. Investment objective The main objective are increasing rate of return and reducing the risk. We can say that the objectives of investments are: 1. Return 2. Risk 3. Liquidity 4. Hedge against inflation 5. safety The investment process The investment process involves a series of activities leading to the purchase of securities or other investment alternatives. The investment process can be divided into five stages 1. Framing of investment policy 2. Investment analysis 3. Valuation 4. Portfolio construction 5. Portfolio evaluation Framing of investment policy Investible funds Objectives knowledge Security analysis Market analysis Industry analysis Company analysis Valuation Future value Construction of portfolio • Debt and equity diversification Diversification • Industry diversification • Company diversification • selection Evaluation Appraisal Revision securities Various types of securities are traded in the market. Security provides a claim on an asset and any future cash flows the assets may generate. The securities can be fixed and variable income securities. • Equity shares • Sweat equity shares • Non-voting shares • Right shares • Bonus shares Preference stock Cumulative preference shares Non-cumulative preference shares Convertible preference shares Redeemable preference shares Irredeemable preference shares Cumulative convertible preference shares Debentures Characteristics of debentures • Form : in form of certificate • Interest • Redemption • Indenture: trust deed Types of debentures Secured or unsecured Fully convertible Partly convertible debenture Non-convertible debenture Bond Secured and unsecured bonds Perpetual bonds and redeemable bonds Fixed interest rate bonds and floating interest rate bonds Zero coupon bonds Deep discount bonds Capital indexed bonds Investment information International affairs National affairs Industry information Company information Stock market information