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Data Citation and DOIs: back to basics
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Data Citation and DOIs: back to basics
Gerry Ryder
1 May 2014
Today’s presenters
Gerry Ryder
Research Data Analyst
Adelaide, CSIRO
Liz Woods
Web Applications Project Officer
•What is data citation?
•What is a DOI?
•Do DOIs = data citation?
•Why do we care about data citation?
Image: http://andrew-johnson.org
Available for download at: ands.org.au/cite-data/index.html
What is data citation?
Yang, S., Lui, K., Mayo, S., Tullon, A. (2012) CIPS
Sandstone Microstructure. CSIRO Data Collection.
20th century data sharing
The evolution of data citation
PatL; Ross.
Pat Laughren, Ross Woodrow.
(2011?, 2012? N.D.):
Qld films.
Queensland Films 1930-1960:
from Talkies to Television.
Griffith. Lots of Misc Files
Red USB, bottom RH
drawer, my office.
Griffith Film School, Griffith
Pat Laughren, Ross Woodrow ( 2011 ): Queensland Films 1930-1960: from Talkies to
Television. Griffith Film School, Griffith University.
DOIs for data
Woodrow, Ross, Laughren, Patrick ( 2011 ): Queensland Films 19301960: from Talkies to Television. Griffith Film School, Griffith
University. http://dx.doi.org/10.4225/01/4F8E1426244BD
Digital Object Identifiers 101
Globally unique identifier;
Easy and persistent access to research data
(and other resource types);
DOIs are “minted” and are “resolvable”;
Minting implies a long term commitment to maintain the resource;
DOIs support automated tracking of reuse aka data citation metrics.
More about DOIs
DOI Styles
• doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.745927
• 10.4225/13/50BBFCFE08A12
• http://dx.doi.org/10.4225/13/50BBFCFE08A12
• http://doi.org/10.4225/13/50BBFCFE08A12
ANDS Cite My Data Service – more on that shortly …
ANDS DOIs are for research data, software, workflows
Why do we care?
» Data citation is becoming accepted
scholarly practice.
» Traditional journals are embracing data citation;
Many new journals assume data citation.
» Research funding will have more emphasis on
data access + reuse = citation (note ARC Funding Rules)
» In the future, scholarly metrics are likely to include citations to data.
Image: http://xkcd.com/285/
» DOIs – best practice for persistent access to data products.
Image: http://xkcd.com/285/
Data citation readiness checklist
Do we have a metadata catalogue?
Do we have a store of publicly available data?
Do our researchers regularly archive data?
Are our researchers interested in data citation?
Do our policy makers support data citation?
Are our datasets stable?
Do we have access to a developer to implement the tools?
Source: Dave Connell, Australian Antarctic Data Centre
Overview of ANDS Cite My Data Service
Liz Woods
1 May 2014
ANDS Cite My Data Service
• Enables research organisations to assign DOIs to research datasets or collections
• Machine to machine service
• Clients embed the service within their data management workflows
• No accessibility for individual researchers
• User interface for clients to list and update DOIs
More detailed information at:
DataCite, ANDS and Data Centres
The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) System provides a framework for persistent identification.
The DOI System is an ISO International Standard which is based on the Handle System.
In order to provide DOI minting services that integrate with the global DOI System an organisation must be
registered as an authorised Registration Agency (RA). ANDS is a member of an established International
Registration Agency called DataCite.
As a member of DataCite, ANDS can register ‘Data Centers’ with DataCite. These Data Centres are then
authorised to mint DOIs . A Data Center, for our purposes, roughly equates to an organisation or
The ANDS Cite My Data M2M service utilises the DOI services offered through our membership with
DataCite while also adding a layer of administration and business logic.
More information on DataCite can be found at https://www.datacite.org
How to register for CMD Services
Client details required to register for an ANDS CMD account
• DOI Account Name - A name for the Cite My Data account. Usually an organisation.
• IP Address or Range - An IP address or a range IP addresses of client machines that will be minting DOIs.
• Account Contact Full Name - The name of a contact at your site ANDS should contact to discuss DOI
related issues.
• Account Contact Email Address - Email address for the primary contact. Group mailboxes are preferred
over personal email addresses as they ensure ANDS has an ongoing contact point if a client's staff
member changes role or leaves.
• Top Level Domains - Comma separated list of top level domains that DOI URLs will be resolved under.
Remember DOI URLs must resolve to a public landing page that contains information about the
associated dataset.
Once registered the client will have access to minting DOIs with a test prefix.
Client Implementation
Clients will use their ANDS provided authentication details to access the CMD service.
Access will be via calls to the endpoint service Urls.
eg: https://services.ands.org.au/doi/1.1/mint.{response_type}/?app_id={app_id}&url={url}
The service point example above is requesting a new DOI (mint). The client must also provide their ANDS provided
app_id and the url that the DOI will resolve to. As part of the call the client must also pass the Datacite XML which
describes the citation.
Initially clients will be allocated with the DataCite test DOI prefix (10.5072) for their testing/implementation.
When clients are ready to start minting production DOIs:
1. Have the Cite My Data Participant Agreement form signed by a representative of your institution.
2. Send the signed participant agreement to ANDS.
3. You will receive a notification from ANDS when you're ready to mint production DOIs.
Detailed technical documentation can be found at http://www.ands.org.au/services/cmd-technical-document.pdf
DataCite XML
The mandatory set of information that needs to be passed through to mint a DOI as
DataCite XML
URL - The URL for the landing page of the dataset. (Passed as a parameter and not part
of the XML metadata)
Title - A name or title by which a resource is known.
Creators - The main researchers involved in producing the data, or the authors of the
publication, in priority order.
Publisher - The holder of the data (including archives as appropriate) or institution that
submitted the work.
Publication Year - The year when the data was or will be made publicly available.
DataCite XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resource xmlns="http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemainstance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3
<identifier identifierType="DOI">10.5072/00/bcndhj78437hjk</identifier>
<creatorName>Woods, Liz</creatorName>
<title>Data Test Example</title>
Client Implementation Summary
Client User Interface
To assist Cite My Data clients in administering their DOIs ANDS have developed an application which
will allow clients to:
List DOIs minted by the client
Ensure a DOI is resolvable
Output a DOI’s DataCite XML
Update a DOIs URL (the resolvable landing page)
Check that all DOIs minted by the client are resolvable
View client registration details
View the activity log
ANDS DOI Statistics
As of 30/04/2014
• 27 clients(organisations) are registered as Data Centres with DataCite via
• 2343 Production DOIs minted through ANDS CMD
The recording from todays webinar will be available from our
media publications resource page
and from our YouTube channel
All ANDS media recordings are released under a CC BY license
with the exception of the coat of arms and logos.
ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure
Strategy (NCRIS) and the Super Science Initiative.