Leadership Development and Outreach for ATE Mentoring System, Phase I Opportunity for NSF ATE Grant Preparation Assistance (Updated April 2013) + Two-thirds of community colleges have never had NSF funding + NSF ATE no longer accepts preliminary proposals + Complexity of “grantsmanship” + Need for highly skilled technicians + ATE Community sharing characteristics + Wealth of ATE resources + Experienced PIs willing to assist first-time applicants To help you compete for NSF ATE $ to: + Strengthen technician education to meet STEM workforce needs + Develop STEM faculty leadership in technician education Mentor-Connect initially offers: Proposal development assistance for Small Grants for Institutions New to ATE Mentor-Connect will also offer: Guidance and resources for funded PIs. Eligible Institutions and Faculty + Two-year technical or community colleges that have not received NSF ATE grant funding in the past 10 years + STEM faculty who prepare technicians for the American workforce Especially encouraged to participate: + Rural colleges + Faculty from populations underrepresented in STEM + Increase the number and diversity of successful first-time grant applicants to the NSF ATE program + Enable new applicants to benefit from mentoring by experienced ATE principal investigators + Strengthen leadership skills among faculty in advanced technological education Teams of 2 STEM faculty members from 20 selected colleges will receive the following support to develop ATE proposals for the October 2014 submission: + A three-day workshop in January 2014 (with $ support for travel) + An ATE-experienced mentor works with each team during the workshop and for an additional ~36 hours of consulting thereafter And… Participating colleges may send a grant writer or other supporting administrator to the January 2014 workshop with a faculty team (by paying registration fee and travel expenses for the additional participant) Mentors will: + Assist potential grantees during the three-day workshop + Provide additional ~36 hrs. customized mentoring/consulting + Provide feedback on grant proposal topics + Help proposal team refine ideas and strategies + Provide links to ATE resources + Work with potential grantees to ensure that proposals address NSF and ATE requirements Mentor-Connect support includes… + A wide range of online resources designed specifically to support proposal development and grant management + www.Mentor-Connect.org website coming soon! Leadership Development for the Improvement of Technician Education: Mentoring System for the ATE Program Mentor assigned and provides proposal feedback** Application for Mentor Potential Grantees* MentorLinks faculty Outreach workshops Targeted recruitment Self referral NSF Program Officer referrals Mentors* Experienced PIs Former PIs MentorLinks Mentors Intro to ATE workshops Referral to on-line resources Mentoring Intro Opportunities Responsibilities Guidelines Self Assessment: Do you understand ATE program solicitation? New "how to" lessons & ATE resources for proposal development Recruitment & Selection for assigned mentoring Mentor Preparation Mentor Assigned Facilitated Volunteer Service for online & one-to-many mentoring ATE Proposal Submitted Community of Practice Best practices Program improvement Mentor/PIs Expand leadership skills Control work load Refine online resources Intro to ATE Mentoring ATE Grantees* New to ATE New Center PIs Challenged PIs Referred PIs Mentoring need addressed Resource referral—online, phone, FAQ’s Application & needs assessment for 1-1 mentoring Mentor Assigned Customized, "as-needed" PI support provided Mentors/PIs gain experience build leadership skills mentor pool expanded *iterative evaluation feedback loops throughout **with required level of "buy in" and preparation + Send email to Mentor-Connect@fdtc.edu to receive an invitation + First event: webinar in September 2013 + Orientation to the NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program + Orientation to the Mentor-Connect Opportunity + How to access application + Selection criteria and process + + And check out the Resources at www.TeachingTechnicians.org for “Help for New ATE PIs” Leadership Development and Outreach for ATE NSF DUE # 1204463 Elaine Craft, Principal Investigator Charlotte Forrest, Project Manager SC ATE Center of Excellence Florence-Darlington Technical College Florence, SC 29501-0548