University of Ibadan, Nigeria


National Council of University Research Administrators






Spring Meeting

April 27 – 30, 2014

© 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators

Thomas E. Wilson

Assistant Vice President

University College of Health Sciences

Rush University Medical Center

David E. Lynch

Executive Director

Office for Sponsored Research, Chicago Campus

Northwestern University

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

University of Ibadan, Nigeria

 a leading Medical University

45% of Sweden’s academic medical research

22 departments, clinical and basic sciences

◦ 1600 Senior Researchers

◦ 2165 active PdD students

◦ 5885 undergraduate students

The Nobel Prize

In Physiology or Medicine

KI Grants Office History

1998 - 99 Advisor international funding

1999 Administrator/financial manager






Independent unit (Grants Office)

Advisor international funding (became an US specialist)


Budget advisor

Science writer (became an EU specialist )

Financial manager

Financial manager

Advisor EU-funding

Advisor National and Nordic funding



Compliance Coordinator

Five (5) financial managers


Tatjana Nilsson, PhD

Team leader

EU Grants Specialist

+ 3 colleagues (all PhDs):

1 EU specialists

1 Nordic/National specialist

1 US specialist

Björn Kull, PhD

Head of Unit


Eva Björndal

Team leader

Compliance Coordinator

+ 9 colleagues

+2 under recruitment

8 financial managers

1 US grants specialist

Team Facilitating


Anna-Carin Christoffersson

Team leader

Administrator F&F

+4 colleagues

2 funds and foundations specialists

1 internal grants specialist

1 Electronic lab books specialist (PhD)

Main objectives

• Maximize external research funding


• Researchers

• Administrators

• Heads of departments

• Heads of administration

• Internal Boards at Karolinska Institutet

Number of applications completed by Grants Office 2012

• EU - 120

• US – 120

• National - 190



• Authorized Representative



• Authorized Organizational Representative AOR


• Signing Official ( NIH eRA Commons)

• Financial Representative (NSF Research.Gov)

• Certifications

• OHRP Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) – human trials

• OLAW Animal Welfare Assurance – animal trials

• ORI Annual Report on Research Misconduct


Pre-contract negotiations start

Post-contract takes over from the moment

Application Negotiatons

Signing of agreements

Financial management


The oldest and one of the most prestigious

Nigerian Universities

Besides the College of Medicine, there are now ten other faculties: Arts, Science,

Agriculture and Forestry, Social Sciences,

Education, Veterinary Medicine, Technology,

Law, Public Health and Dentistry

Research Management Office

Dr. Eme T. Owoaje, Director


◦ To consolidate the position of the University of

Ibadan as a centre of excellence for research activities

◦ To increase innovative and cutting-edge research activities among staff and students; facilitate continuous research capacity building among staff and students

◦ To encourage the mainstreaming of research outcomes into teaching and community service

Research Management Office (RMO)

The RMO is structured into five units under the Office of the Director

Research Development & Policy Unit

◦ Collaboration, training, identification of funding opportunities, proposal review & submission

Finance Unit

◦ Financial management of grants

Research Ethics & Integrity Unit

◦ Human subjects, Research integrity, Research safety

Research Links Unit

◦ Liaises with private sector sponsors

Legal Unit

◦ Ensure that the legal interest of the University is adequately protected in all research contracts/MOUs


Eva Björndal, Team Leader Post-Contract and

Financial Compliance, Grants Office,

Karolinska Institutet

Olumuyiwa Moses Desmennu, Research

Management Office, University of Ibadan,


Lori Palfalvi and Dan Young, Northwestern


NCURA Region IV Spring


April 27 – 30, 2014

Thomas E. Wilson, MBA

Senior Research Administrator

Assistant Vice President

Rush University Medical Center

@ 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators

NCURA Region IV Spring


April 27 – 30, 2014

National Science Foundation (NSF) Program objectives:

The NSF does not make awards directly to international institutions or organizations, but encourages investigators to collaborate with international investigators

Grant funds can be shared with international institutions through subawards or memos of understanding

@ 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators

NCURA Region IV Spring


April 27 – 30, 2014

Partnership for International Research and Education Grants (PIRE)

PIRE is designed to enable U.S. scientists and engineers to build strong, long-lasting international research collaborations

PIRE awards are focused research projects that can only be successful with the collaboration of international partners

Initial PIRE grants were made to Brigham Young University,

Johns Hopkins University, Michigan State University,

Michigan Technological University, Pennsylvania State

University, Princeton University, Rice University, the

University of Alaska at Fairbanks, the University of

California at Santa Barbara, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, the State University of New York at Albany, and the University of Rhode Island

@ 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators

NCURA Region IV Spring


April 27 – 30, 2014

National Institutes of Health

In general, international organizations and institutions are eligible to apply for grants

Eligible for “R” series (R01, R21, R03) mechanisms

Also, eligible to be project director on a

Program Project (P01)

@ 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators

NCURA Region IV Spring


April 27 – 30, 2014

NIH Peer Review

The following as part of the peer review process and award decision:

◦ Whether the project presents special opportunities for furthering research programs through the use of unusual talent, resources, populations, or environmental conditions in other countries that are not readily available in the United

States or that augment existing U.S. resources.

◦ Whether the proposed project has specific relevance to the mission and objectives of the Institute or Center and has the potential for significantly advancing the health sciences in the United States.

@ 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators

NCURA Region IV Spring


April 27 – 30, 2014

Fogarty International Center (FIC)

Fogarty International Center, the international component of the NIH, addresses the global health challenges through innovative and collaborative research and training programs and supports and advances the NIH mission through international partnerships.

All FIC grants are in response to program announcements posted on

, and are searchable using the NIH Guide for Grants and


@ 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators

Subrecipient monitoring and managing risk

Terms and terminology

Turnaround time and setting expectations

Cash management

Other factors
